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Help - my system is messed up and I have two different keychains I think [Answered]

Ok, I think I have two keychains on the go - one is located on dropbox and is being used by the 1Password app. The other is who knows where and is being used by the safari extension.

The problem is that the extension has all the new passwords in it that i need to keep but I don't know where to find it.

How did I get in this situation? I have no idea. All I can think is that this was the way that I got things installed:


[*]I had dropbox in a non-standard location. I had been using dropbox before I started using 1password.

[*]I then installed 1Password.

[*]I installed the safari extension

[*]I then figured out through these forums that the dropbox integration doesn't work unless dropbox is in the default location

[*]I moved dropbox to the default location

[*]I then was able to say use dropbox and it copied my keychain to dropbox.

[*]I have been able to go to another computer and open the shared key chain.

[*]but when I go back to safari on the original mac, I see that there is a different set of websites in the keychain and it has the initial master password I used, where as 1Password uses the new master password I used when moving to dropbox


How do I find the keychain used by the extension so I can copy it to dropbox and start using it instead of the one stored on dropbox?

how do I get the extension to start using the dropbox keychain instead of wherever it is located now?




  • I just noticed that the safari extension says version 3.8.2 Is that the correct version for the MAS version? My 1Password is version 3.9.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='gveres' timestamp='1316217533' post='49749']

    I just noticed that the safari extension says version 3.8.2 Is that the correct version for the MAS version? My 1Password is version 3.9.


    Yes, that is the latest non-beta version. If you would like to try the beta you can do so here: (check the box for "allow betas")

    Now, let me get to your issue:

    [quote name='gveres' timestamp='1316216435' post='49743']

    Ok, I think I have two keychains on the go - one is located on dropbox and is being used by the 1Password app. The other is who knows where and is being used by the safari extension.

    The problem is that the extension has all the new passwords in it that i need to keep but I don't know where to find it.

    How did I get in this situation? I have no idea. All I can think is that this was the way that I got things installed:[list]

    [*]I had dropbox in a non-standard location. I had been using dropbox before I started using 1password.

    [*]I then installed 1Password.

    [*]I installed the safari extension

    [*]I then figured out through these forums that the dropbox integration doesn't work unless dropbox is in the default location

    [*]I moved dropbox to the default location

    [*]I then was able to say use dropbox and it copied my keychain to dropbox.

    [*]I have been able to go to another computer and open the shared key chain.

    [*]but when I go back to safari on the original mac, I see that there is a different set of websites in the keychain and it has the initial master password I used, where as 1Password uses the new master password I used when moving to dropbox


    How do I find the keychain used by the extension so I can copy it to dropbox and start using it instead of the one stored on dropbox?

    how do I get the extension to start using the dropbox keychain instead of wherever it is located now?




    I'm very sorry to hear you are having this problem. This is quite a complex situation. Lets backup for a second.

    And by that I mean, let's first backup your data. If you don't have a known good working Time Machine backup, make one now. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Are there logins that are not in the keychain that is on Dropbox? If there are, select them, and then do a File > Export Selected > 1Password Interchange File. Save this file somewhere memorable (not in Dropbox).

    Now, lets get everything working off the Dropbox keychain.

    If 1Password itself is not using Dropbox.... delete the following items (you did make a good backup, right?!):

    ~/Library/Application Support/1Password


    /Applications/1Password (folder)



    Reinstall 1Password from the Mac App Store. When/if prompted, point it towards your keychain in Dropbox.

    Great, 1Password should now be using the keychain you had stored in Dropbox.

    The Safari extension may still be off. If it is, please follow these directions:

    [url=""]Extension Data Does Not Match the Main Application[/url]

    Now, remember that 1Password Interchange File (1PIF) we made earlier (if applicable)? Lets import that. In 1Password... File > Import and follow the wizard to import the 1PIF. Once imported, move the 1PIF file from wherever you saved it to the trash. Securely empty the trash (Finder > File > Secure Empty Trash). This is important because the confidential information stored in the 1PIF file is NOT encrypted, so if it falls into the wrong hands, that'd be a "Bad Thing(TM)." That's why I said not to save it in Dropbox. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    At this point everything should be using the keychain in Dropbox, and Dropbox should have the most up to date data.

    Please let me know how it goes!

  • Hi Ben

    Thanks for trying to help. I think I didn't explain the problem properly.

    The problem I had was that the safari extension had all the new sites I had entered (including generating more secure passwords) but the 1Password app had none of them. The 1Password app was configured to use dropbox and had a newer master password.

    It was the change in master password that allowed me to realize that there were two different keychains in play.

    I have not seen any sort of export feature from the safari extension UI. Nor could I figure out where the keychain was that it was using.

    So my solution was to manually copy the user names and passwords out of the safari extension and then uninstall the extension and re-install the extension. This got the extension to use the same keychain as 1Password again (the one now stored on dropbox) and then I went through adding the sites again from my manual notes. Not the best solution in terms of effort but it got the job done.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Okay, great! Thanks for the update Greg! I'm sorry that the process wasn't smoother but am glad to hear that you were able to get it resolved. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
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