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3.9.0 Menubar icon: bug and enhancement requests

Hi Agile folks. Obviously 3.9 going to the MAS required significant changes under the hood; nevertheless it is working out well overall for me so far. However I have noticed what appears to be a minor bug with the menubar icon, and have some enhancement requests for the icon as well.

Bug: If I click and hold on the menubar icon, the icon becomes selected but the menu does not open; all other menubar icons open the menu so you can click-and-drag to choose a menu item. This issue is minor in that I can get the menu to open if I click-and-release on the menubar item (all other menubar items also do this). (I was not in a fullscreen app when testing this, in case you are wondering.)

Icon enhancement requests:

- It would be nice if the menubar icon could indicate if 1Password is currently locked or unlocked. Currently I have to open the menu itself to see whether it's locked or not. For the sake of unobtrusiveness, I suggest not using colour to show this (please!) but switching between gray and black (like Caffeine does).

- I also think you should move to the same icon in the OS X menubar and everywhere else (e.g. Windows system tray, browser extension buttons, etc.). Right now, in some places you use the circle-and-key icon, in other places you use "1P"; in OS X, the menubar icon key is pointing SW while the application icon key is pointing NNW. This may seem like a cosmetic nitpick, but the overall effect is jarring and makes 1Password seem slightly amateurish--not the impression you want to give in a security app. I don't care which icon you use as long as it's consistent (though I note that a key is pretty generic whereas most people know what "1P" means). The upcoming major version change seems to me like a good opportunity...

Thanks for listening. :–)


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the feedback froderick!

    The issue with having to release the mouse to activate the menu bar icon is a known one and one we hope to have fixed soon.

    I agree it would be nice if it could be easily indicated if 1P was locked or not from the menu bar.

    I also agree that some icon consistency could cut down on any potential confusion. It isn't abnormal for dock icons to be full color, while menu bar icons are typically greyscale (and so are Safari extension icons), but the actual icon itself is generally pretty consistent amongst other apps.

    Thanks again for the input!
