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Manage Tags

DCT Junior Member
Is there a way to manage tags? Add, delete, and modify tags.


  • Hey there, DCT! Thanks for bringing this up. Tags are actually just metadata, rather than a filing method (although they can be used with Smart Folders with great results!)

    A tag only exists or doesn't based on whether or not one or more of your items is [i]Tagged[/i] as such, i.e. the only way to add/change/remove a Tag is to add/change/remove it from any items.

    You can do a search for a specific tag, click the [b]+[/b] and set [b]Tag contains[/b] to find all of the items, and then save the Smart Folder to update them. Right now you can only edit one item at a time, but we may be able to support editing multiple items at once in a future version.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />