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Changing master password on multiple devices

I tried posting this as a reply to a previous post, but apparently it hasn't been seen, so I'll try it as a new topic.


I think I'll just add to this rather than start another thread with the same topic. As noted, I changed the master password on my Mac, and I finally got that working okay. But then I went to open 1Password on my iPhone and the password wouldn't work. Since my new password has upper and lower case letters as well as numbers, I typed it VERY carefully, but it still would not work. I'm not sure how many failed attempts one gets before something terrible happens, but I was getting a bit nervous. Finally, I used my old password and it worked! I just assumed that changing the master password in one location and syncing would change it on each device. Guess I was wrong. Based on my experience I am assuming that I must change the master password on each device individually...iPhone, iPad, other Macs. Is this true, or am I doing something wrong? [/size][/color]

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  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi there. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Sorry for any confusion.

    iPhone and iPad need Dropbox syncing re-setup after unlocking with the previous Master Password.

    Other Macs will pick up the change automatically once Dropbox syncs it over, however you may need to reinstall the browser extensions:

    [url=""]Extension Data Does Not Match the Main Application[/url]
  • How about when the browser extension does not pickup the fact that you have changed the Master Password? I have tried uninstalling the Add On in Firefox and reinstalling the extension but that did not work.
  • [quote name='fireworksfx' timestamp='1316862791' post='51252']

    How about when the browser extension does not pickup the fact that you have changed the Master Password? I have tried uninstalling the Add On in Firefox and reinstalling the extension but that did not work.


    Please [url=""]see the following post[/url] for instructions on how to reinstall the Firefox extension completely in order to update the Master Password. Unfortunately, Firefox does not remove the database along with the extension, so the ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/OnePassword.sqlite file needs to be removed manually for this to work. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    [quote name='janbergeron' timestamp='1316444301' post='50324']

    I just assumed that changing the master password in one location and syncing would change it on each device. Guess I was wrong. Based on my experience I am assuming that I must change the master password on each device individually...iPhone, iPad, other Macs. Is this true, or am I doing something wrong?


    I am sorry for the confusion. Just to clarify, each device has its own Master Password. While you can set these all to the same thing, changing one does not change the rest. This is so that it is possible to both use unique passwords for each for greater security, and also since passwords that are trivial to type on a keyboard are sometimes problematic on mobile devices. You can tailor each to suit the application this way.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />