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1Password app icon disappeared from iPhone 3GS

The 1Password app icon just randomly disappeared from my iPhone 3GS. There is an empty spot on the phone's home screen where it used to be. I have NO idea where it went, but this has happened with other iPhone apps. Powering the phone off and back on did not bring it back. Generally, I'll go back to the iphone app store and re-download and re-install the missing app, but the app store wants to charge me another $9.99 for 1Password. I already purchased the app...and maybe this is an app store issue, but aren't they supposed to remember what you've purchased and let you re-download apps you've already paid for?

I am clueless as to why apps randomly disappear from my phone, but a Google search shows lots of folks with the same issue and no real resolution to the problem.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the AgileBits forums, webdoyenne. That sounds like a very strange problem. I don't know that there is much we can do about it since the App Store and app installation on iOS devices is completely controlled by Apple. One thing that comes to mind is that switching between multiple iTunes accounts on the same device [i]might[/i] show some similar symptoms. Please be sure you are logged into the App Store on your device with the correct iTunes account. The "Purchased" items in the App Store app should show all your previously purchased apps. As far as apps being removed without any user interaction, this is something with which I have no familiarity. I would suggest heading to the Apple store to see if you can find a resolution for this.

    I'm sorry if I couldn't be more helpful, but please be sure you are [url=""]syncing with Dropbox[/url] or otherwise [url=""]backing up your 1Password data[/url]. It is a good practice all the time and may prove especially helpful to you at this time.
  • I have exactly the same problem. I am able to re-download and reinstall the app without the iTunes store charging me again, but the following day it has disappeared again from my iPhone. I have now tried this 5 times. I have not experienced this with other apps. I haven't switched iTunes accounts
  • Hey there, morrispool! Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    This is really strange. I hadn't heard of this at all until just now, and I do support for iOS devices! I am sorry you are having this problem. First, I have to ask: Is your device jailbroken or running an older version of iOS? Please try restarting it by holding the Home and Sleep/Wake buttons until the  logo appears.

    Keep in mind that the easiest way to redownload any purchased apps to ensure that you won't be charged again (we actually have 3 flavours of 1Password in the iTunes App Store!) is by launching the App Store on your device and going to Updates > Purchased and downloading it from there (pulling down will reveal a search field). Also, in iTunes on the desktop you can click the (v) arrow next to the price and choose "Add to Wishlist" to verify, since iTunes won't let you add an app you have already purchased.

    Please let me know how it turns out. I look forward to hearing back from you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />