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Thank You (long time coming)...

randyh Junior Member
I just happened to read a few threads dealing with frustrated users who are upset that there is a delay in getting out some fixes. The tone of the post disturbed me a bit.

I have been a Mac user since I first got my Mac Plus (still in garage). I remember how excited I was when we finally got System 7 (still have my system 5 and 6 floppies--and no, I'm not a hoarder). For my whole professional life, I have been password-challenged. In my current position, I have 8 pw that I need to change every 90 days; they cannot be derivatives of old ones, and all have different requirements. I used to keep a card in my wallet, and then just put a post it on my computers.

Back in late 2006, I heard about 1PW, and emailed Dave and Roustem for info. They emailed me back immediately, and answered my questions and described their new product. It was pricey, as I recall, but filled a need.

Jump ahead 5 years or so...this is my all time favorite app. Unlike most of my apps, 1PW truly makes my life easier. It fills a need, is easy to use, and has unparalleled support.

In the midst of all the complaints that I read, I wanted you all to know that there is a silent majority that appreciates all of your hard work, and consider you to be a model in terms of continued development of meaningful products.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, randyh!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story and kind words. I have shared this with the rest of the team as positive reinforcement. It means the world to us. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    All the best,
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Thank you!
  • +1 and well said.

    I have seen little to no issues or outages through the OS upgrades, 1PW upgrades, and extension changes over the past several months. I believe that this here speaks for the silent majority.

    [img] Shot 2011-09-19 at 10.24.34 PM.png[/img]
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    As Khad likes to say, a hospital is no place to judge the health of a city. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    Thanks so much for your comments!

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