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Password History for Individual Logins

Please add support to view password history of individual logins, similar to that of Password Safe.


  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    When you replace an existing login item in your web browser (either via auto-save, or via the "Save Login" button), then we do record a history of your passwords for that particular item.

    Go into our stand-alone 1Password application, find your login item, and select it. Then scroll the details area down. At the very bottom, you should see a section named "password history" (provided you have replaced this login item in your web browser at least once).
  • kurtd
    kurtd Junior Member
    I see the password history but I see no way to restore it or copy it. Am I missing something?
  • It's just a history, Kurt. There's no function for "going back" to a previous password.

    To copy a password from the history list for a given Login item:


    [*]In 1Password for Windows (with [b]View[/b] > [b]Conceal Passwords[/b] disabled, select the password, and press Ctrl+C (or right click on the password, and choose [b]Copy[/b]).

    [*]In 1Password for Mac, move the pointer over the password, and click when the word [color=grey]COPY[/color] appears.
