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Hot Keys stopped working

krgraham Member
edited September 2011 in Mac
1PW Extension 3.8.5 in Safari 5.1 with auto extension updated turned on. 1PW 3.8.6 running.

All of a sudden hot keys no longer work. Restarted Safari with no success.

Updated Safari extension to 3.8.6.b1 and hot keys still do NOT work!!

Is anyone else having this problem or might there be some kind of new conflict on my Mac?

Hot Keys working with Chrome so it appears to be something with Safari.

More clues -- I cannot reset hot keys in 1PW to Command-\. Hitting this keyboard combination does nothing, although hitting the arrow reverts to the default.

This is interesting as default hot keys work just fine in Firefox and Chrome, just not Safari 5.1!


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please try restarting your Mac and let me know if that helps. Also, have you installed 1Password 3.9 on your machine at any point?