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An Apology

Have been acting a bit of a fool in these forums recently so just wanted to apologise if I caused any upset. I must admit that that was my intention but the Mods have had a word and are being quite sweet and I didn't intend for them to get involved in my posts when their time would be better spent helping those with real support issues.

So sorry for the sniping - at my age I really should know better.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hey Catcher,

    Thanks for posting this. It is easy for things to get heated, especially when dealing with polarized opinions on an (essentially) anonymous forum like this.

    To everyone,

    It'd be great if everyone could adopt the policy of being excellent to each other.

    There is a lot going on with 1Password and AgileBits right now, and a lot of people have a lot of different opinions. We try to give everyone an opportunity to share those opinions without criticism. Please keep all posts G rated. I understand that there will be issues that frustrate you, and possibly even other users who frustrate you. Please remember that everyone on this forum is a living breathing human being behind that avatar, and deserves the same respect as the next person.

    Thank you!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I am reminded of a video a friend recently shared with me:

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