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Unable to create new software license entries in MAS version

rhej Junior Member
Today I went to add a software license and the moment I began to type the list refreshed and my new entry disappeared. I have now tried multiple times to enter a new license with the exact same results. I am using Dropbox to host my keychain and noticed the following entries in the log whenever this would occur:

9/23/11 5:30:33.143 PM 1Password Helper: [39001] dataFolderChanged, in less than 10 seconds, will wait 20 seconds before reloading

9/23/11 5:30:33.143 PM 1Password Helper: Bookmark failed to issue extension for item /Users/revans/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain (depth=1): Operation not permitted

I have tried switching from Dropbox mode to non-Dropbox mode (using the preference in 1Password to do so) and it makes no difference.


  • brenty
    edited September 2011
    Hey there, rhej! Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    It is hard to say for certain from just two lines, but it sounds like there may be something preventing 1Password from working here. Could you please send us a Diagnostics Report? You can generate one using our standalone 1Password Troubleshooting tool:


    Just save the file and attach it to an email (support at agilebits dot com), and be sure to include any other details or screenshots you can as it will help us understand the problem better.

    We will get to the bottom of this. I look forward to hearing back from you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />