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Old password will not STAY GONE [Answered; bug: fixed in next update]

terryzx Senior Member
When I delete old or messed up passwords they go to the trash and I empty it but they keep coming back since I am using DropBox as a backup on my other computers. HOW do I get these to STAY GONE and NOW return on ANY of my other computers?


  • Hey there, terryzx! I am sorry for the trouble. Could you tell me what OS, browser, 1Password, and extension versions you are using? It sounds like Dropbox may be sync'ing the data back from your other systems, but I want to make sure there isn't something else going on here.

    Please let me know. I look forward to hearing back from you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • terryzx
    terryzx Senior Member
    Using one computer with Lion and 2 with Snow Leopard and all with the most current OS. I have also added the new extensions on the SL computers while the Lion one only says they are “Installed”.....It just seems to me that when I delete something, it only deletes off the one and then DropBox sync’s it back to the others as if it was missing something and was recovering it.
  • terryzx
    terryzx Senior Member
    Still waiting fr fix as it is still doing this
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi there,

    I'm sorry to report that we do not have a fix available at this time. This is a known bug which we have tracked down, and will hopefully be able to push the fix in the next update.

    We appreciate your patience.


  • terryzx
    terryzx Senior Member
    OK...Ican wait. At least i know that it is not just my problem. Thanx
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