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Unsupported URL's

bpwhistler Member
There used to be a thread with a list of URL's that didn't behave "well" with 1Password. I had it bookmarked, but my bookmark seems to point to the old forums. I've searched in these forums and in the Knowledge Base but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Perhaps inadequate search terms?

One way or another, I used to be able to fill this ( Web site's login from 1Password, but now the top field is no longer controlled. I've tried deleting my 1Password entry and re-saving it, but get the same behavior. When I attempt to login, the bottom 2 fields (User ID and PIN) are filled, but the top field (User Identification Type) is not changed.

I know that it's not possible for AWS to get an account here...but just wondering if you could troubleshoot by looking at the fields. As I said, before the update to the 1PW extension, all 3 field filled correctly.



  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Verified as a problem. The new extension does not seem to play well with all drop down selectors. Thanks for the report!