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Issues since Lion

Hello, since I installed Lion things still are not working right. Yes, I installed all updates...

1) After opening with master password 1P shuts down suddenly after a few seconds, very annoying, I'm typing in tons of times my master password. (advantage: you get very handy and quick in typing)

2) 1P doesn't offer the save login after login in a new site. This doesn't happen always.

3) When saving logins works proper however I cannot give in a map name anymore.

4) I have to restart Safari many times, 1P extension gives error telling it cannot open database.

5) Many logins don't work anymore. I see a flash that its trying to fill in, but it clears the password field and login fails. When I delete the item and remake it (hoping that works... see issue #2) things work well again.

Hope you can solve the issues soon, like working 1P very much, but like this its much pain....



  • Hey there, Hans! Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I am sorry you are having trouble. I think I can help you with this. To go in order:[list=1]

    [*]This sounds like a [url=""]sudden locking issue that some folks have reported[/url], which seems to be related to screen sharing software such as AirDisplay and VNC. Are you using something like this?

    [*]This sounds like a site specific issue, if it is working on some sites. Could you give us the URLs for the sites you are having trouble with so we can try to improve this in an update?

    [*]I am not sure what you mean by 'map name'. Could you please clarify?

    [*]This sounds like a problem with 1PasswordAgent not being able to connect reliably to the extension. Are you running firewall, proxy, or security software that may be preventing the Agent from communicating?

    [*]Sometimes sites change their login forms and how they work, and it is necessary to save the login again so that 1Password has all the information it needs to Fill & Submit properly. You did the right thing! If after resaving it is still not working, please let us know the URL so we can test it.


    Please let me know your thoughts, and what OS, browser, 1Password, and extension versions you are using, and I will do whatever I can to help! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />