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Login Keyboard Shortcut Using Windows Key

I'm trying to set my 1Password shortcut key to Win+. I'm having problems doing this. 1Password always 'registers' it as Ctrl+. I have a few weird things going on though...

1) I'm on a MacBook Pro, so the Win key is the Command key.

2) I'm running Parallels software to run Windows image. It has some keyboard mappings built in (i.e. Command -> Win key). I've tried setting 1Password setting in Windows with keyboard mappings enabled and disabled without success.

In addition to the physical keyboard, I pulled open the 'On-Screen Keyboard' in Windows 7 and clicked Win+. and it still registered at Ctrl+.

Is it possible to have Win+. ? If I continue to have problems getting the key to register properly in the 1Password Preferences dialog, could you just send me the registry setting for ShortCut1 value in the registry?

Thanks in advance.


  • Welcome to the forum, Terry!

    I expect Parallels (like VMware, which is how I run VMs) captures the Command key and translates it to Control. For many people running Windows on their Macs, that's a convenience, because they're used to pressing Command to do things for which you press Control in Windows.

    In 1Password for Windows, choose [b]Help[/b] > [b]Diagnostic Report[/b] > [b]Export to File[/b], open the resulting Zip file, and use a plain-text editor to view the contents of [i]1Password.reg[/i], where you'll see a line like this:


    16604 is the key combination designator for Control+\ (Control+backslash). I don't know the other designators, but that information should be available on the Internet. I'll ask the developer whether he has the information available.
  • I've attached my Keyboard mapping preferences from Parallels. As you can see, Cmd is mapped to Win. Even so, the fact that On Screen Keyboard (using the mouse to enter) in Win7 still triggered the Ctrl+. combination was strange don't you think?
  • Sorry I was unclear. I meant that the Command key [i]in conjunction with another key[/i] is translated as Control. You can see that in your screen capture.

    I can't tell from your first post what shortcut key you're wanting to use as your 1Password for Windows shortcut, but I assume it's not the Command key [i]alone[/i].

    Regardless, though, it looks like you actually define the specific combination (Command+[i]whatever[/i]) to Control+[i]whatever[/i] in that same Parallels preferences window.

    Try that, and let us know how it turns out.
  • I want Command + Period. That's what I have mapped on my Mac side. Unfortunately, I can't set the 'period' as part of a keyboard mapping in Parallels preferences <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />. Plus the keyboard viewer on Mac wouldn't let me use mouse to click it either. Very strange (and frustrating). I think the only way I'll be able to pull this off is if I figure out what value to put in the registry since Parallels Preferences (both virtual and physical keyboards) prevent Command + Period and 1Password Preferences in Windows (both virtual and physical keyboards) prevent it as well.

    If you do find out what that code should be in ShortCut1 in the registry I'd greatly appreciate it.
  • Even if we could figure out what the code for Command+period or Control+period or Windows+period should be, there's no guarantee Parallels would actually generate that code when you press the Command and period keys together.

    I'm not sure how to advise you to proceed, other than picking a different shortcut. Sorry not to have a more satisfying answer for you, Terry. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />