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Note Does Not Sync to iPad

With 1PW 3.8.x and earlier I had syncing between my Mac and iPad. Since then I have installed 1PW3.9 and have it working between two Macs and my wife's Windows PC. Yesterday I installed iOS5 on my iPad and the associated things with 10.7.2

I created an additional Secure Note on my Mac. The item did not sync to my iPad. I did a Reset. I asked the system to sync and it did a count through about the correct number of Logins -- some said something about conflicts and others did not.

I tried to make a Backup on my Mac and there was an error message saying Reveal Service could not be used.

Not sure if any of the above information points to the issue - but I really would like to be able to sync secure notes via the Dropbox.


  • Just tried and same situation on iPhone with iOS5. After Reseting, the system is "Creating new conflict on Dropbox" for (many all ??) logins.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please run 1Password on your Mac and see if the Sync Conflict Resolver pops up. If there are any conflicts it should give you a chance to resolve them. (There may be no actual conflicts.)

    I would recommend resetting Dropbox syncing once you have resolved the conflicts (if any exist).

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • Khad the problem resolved itself last night. There was an update on my iOS Dropbox App and as soon as that installed syncing began and now all is well. Thank you for your attention to my question.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    That's really strange, Gordon. I'm glad it is working, but the Dropbox app is completely unrelated to the Dropbox sync code we have in 1Password. All iOS apps are sandboxed and do not interact with each other at all. If you reset Dropbox syncing as described in the link I posted above, that is likely what actually did the trick.

    Regardless, thanks for the update! I'm just happy that you are happy. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />