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Old data

I'm having an issue where 1Password is using data that I have previously deleted to complete forms.

For example, it uses a telephone number that I've not used for a good couple of years instead of my current number. The old number is not saved anywhere in the application and if you do a search for it; it does not appear as a result. But it's coming from somewhere!

It is also doing this for select logins. In the screenshot below, you can see I have a single login, but the Safari extension is presenting me with two log-ins.

It's making the app really frustrating to use, as with the time I spend re-editing the auto-complete forms etc, I may as well have written them manually in the first place.

Does anyone know how I can stop this?



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey nezza,

    I'm sorry that you are having this problem. Please be sure you are [url=""]up to date with 1Password[/url] as well as [url=""]the Safari extension[/url].

    It sounds like the background process is not able to keep the data in sync between the sandboxed extension and the application. Can you confirm for me your version numbers for 1Password and the Safari extension?

    Try selecting this from the menu bar in 1Password:

    [b]Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Helper[/b]