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Trouble getting 1Password to work in OmniWeb in Snow Leopard

jwthomas Junior Member
Yes, I know "nobody" uses OmniWeb , but I'm him. Your Preferences still state that OmniWeb is supported, but not on my OS 10.6.8. Better not tell me you've abandoned OmniWeb like you did Camino.


  • nachalnik
    nachalnik Junior Member
    Works fine for me: 10.6.8 running 1PW 3.8.9. In 1PW prefs, make sure that under browsers, 'enable additional browser extensions' is checked. In OmniWeb prefs, make sure that 1PasswdIM.bundle is enabled under browser prefs. At least, this is how things are set up on my system .... and 1PW is still chugging along on OmniWeb. The 1PasswdIM.bundle is a leftover file from 1PW 2. Not sure if it is why OmniWeb still works. I left it there rather than getting rid of it because it didn't cause problems with other apps. Maybe Agile has a better explanation for why its working for me and not for you.
  • jwthomas
    jwthomas Junior Member
    Thanks for your reply, nachalnik. I've already looked to make sure 'enable additional browsers' is

    checked in 1P prefs. But I don't understand what you mean by "In OmniWeb prefs, make sure that 1PasswdIM.bundle is enabled under browser prefs." I will look at OmniWeb prefs now, but could you give me a more specific path to the preference you're referencing? Thanks!

    BTW, OmniWeb is definitely not "chugging along." It's faster than Chrome <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • nachalnik
    nachalnik Junior Member
    [quote name='jwthomas' timestamp='1318774778' post='52909']

    I don't understand what you mean by "In OmniWeb prefs, make sure that 1PasswdIM.bundle is enabled under browser prefs."


    Should be easy to find. Open OmniWeb Prefs, under Application prefs, you will see Plug-ins. Within this pref, you (hopefully) will see the 1PasswdIM.bundle. If you do, you should make sure it is checked "enabled." If you don't see it, it is likely not there. The path to this file should be:


    As I said ... not sure that this is the exact reason OmniWeb is working for me (I don't use it as my primary browser). And .... should reiterate that this file is a leftover from 1PW 2. However, OmniWeb has never stopped working with 1PW. I've tried not to disable/delete any older 1PW files (except for the actual older applications) unless they seem to be causing problems. Maybe that has helped. For instance, with WebKit (which I use instead of Safari), I kept the older 1PW extension (I guess it was called that) as well as the newer Safari extension. As a result, when I launch WebKit I get the best of both worlds ... I get the old 1PW icon (the 1P) as well as the new extension (the one with the key) loaded in the menu bar. I prefer to use the old one to access 1PW, since it is faster, gives me more options, and is less cluttered. Naturally, if I launch Safari, rather than WebKit .... I only get the new extension loaded ... not both.
  • jwthomas
    jwthomas Junior Member
    There's no 1Password bundle showing in OmniWeb's plugins list and only two plugins - neither of them 1Password - in the Input Manager. Since 1Password continues to work well on Safari and Firefox without any sign of the bundle I don't know what to think. But I'm pretty sure that even in the many months in the past when 1Password did work on OmniWeb there was no 1Password bundle in the plugins list even then.
  • nachalnik
    nachalnik Junior Member
    [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Frankly - I am at a loss, since I don't believe that OmniWeb uses any of the new type 1PW extensions. It has, however, been a pain trying to keep tabs on what works and what doesn't. I am using the most current version of 1PW for SL (3.8.9). I use the most current (beta where available) version of the extension for FF and Safari. I don't use Chrome .... but use Iron. For that, I use an older Chrome extension - I also use an older Chrome extension for Flock - For these two browsers, I had issues with newer extensions but the older ones .... well, just work. For OmniWeb .... it just always worked with whatever the older versions of 1PW installed. Same for WebKit (except that the newest Safari extension also works). iCab still works with whatever the older versions of 1PW installed. [/size][/font]I guess Agile will have to chime in to figure out why you are having problems with OmniWeb.
  • jwthomas
    jwthomas Junior Member
    My experience has been much like yours, and I see now that OmniWeb is working for you because you are also (if I understood you) running 1P 3.5 alongside 3.8. I'm going to download 3.5.15, which I've used for Camino in the past, to see if I can run both on my MacBook. Things were much simpler in the days bafore Firefox, Safari and Chrome got into a race to the top and if the conflict turns out to be irreconcilable I may just abandon 3.8 to the racers.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    OmniWeb is supported in 1Password 3.8. Just quit OmniWeb and then uncheck the box for OmniWeb in 1Password's preferences. Re-check the box and then re-launch OmniWeb.

    Please let me know if you are still having trouble. I'd love to get you squared away.