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Strange out-of-sync behavior

skitch Junior Member
I've been happily (and successfully) using 1Password for several years now. Recently I've been seeing behavior that worries me. I have 1Password 3.8.9 (build 31178, the latest version as of this writing) installed on my home iMac (Lion) and my work Mini (Snow Leopard). I sync the agile keychain through my MobileMe iDisk account (and have done so for years). My iDisk sync seems to work fine, i.e. all documents are apparently in sync across both machines (iDisk is configured to maintain a local copy in addition to the cloud copy).

The issue is that new logins created in 1Password on one machine don't reliably show up on the other. But here's the weird part: I'm on my work computer right now and I can open up the agile keychain folder on iDisk and then open the 1Password.html web app version of the repository and verify that [i]all new logins created at home are present here at work[/i] (in the web app and therefore in the locally synced keychain). But when I check in the actual 1Password app itself the new logins don't show up. I have killed and restarted the 1Password app (and Safari with the 1Password extension for good measure). I have verified in 1Password -> Preferences -> General that the app is pointed at volumes/[iDisk]/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain_folder, the same folder from which I open 1Password.html to verify that the new logins are locally present.

Please advise (and thanks in advance!)


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Many customers have asked how to sync their 1Password data with iDisk. 1Password’s data file is actively manipulated and the speed constraints of the iDisk can cause issues in this area. In the past we tried to help and explained how iDisk could be configured, but after many problem reports and much experience in this area we cannot currently recommend it. Unfortunately, iDisk and 1Password do not work well together at this time.

    We’re excited about Apple’s iCloud announcements and are investigating adding iCloud support to 1Password. Until this is completed, we recommend using [url=""]another syncing option[/url] instead. All of us at AgileBits use [url=""]Dropbox syncing[/url] between multiple Macs, PCs, iOS, and Android devices.

    If we can be further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!