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1Password Helper Troubleshooting specifics

Hi guys,

As posted in other threads some of us have been getting warning that the Password Helper is not or in process of connecting.

This post is more for you folks at Agile to review and rewrite troubleshooting instructions specific to the MAS version of 1PW.

So firing up Safari after a cold boot we see the red icon and a link to troubleshoot:


That link gives me this (in part, the rest is my system info):

[i]1Password Troubleshooting Report[/i]

[i]When experiencing problems this page can help you diagnose the cause. Common configuration issues detected on your system will be highlighted below, along with troubleshooting tips to resolve them.[/i]

[i]If the support team requests this report, you send it to them by saving this page (select File > Save As) and then attaching the saved file to your email response.[/i]

[i]Configuration Issues Detected[/i]

[i]The following configuration issues were detected.[/i]

[i]1Password Helper is Not Connected[/i]

[i]The 1Password Extension is not connected to the 1Password Helper. When disconnected, many things will not work, such as Universal Unlock, Keyboard Shortcuts, Autosubmit, and synchronization of data with the main 1Password application.[/i]

[i]To solve this issue, please follow these steps:[/i]

[i]Ensure that you have the latest version of 1Password by opening the 1Password application and selecting the 1Password > Check For Updates menu as shown below. If there is an update available, install it before trying these more advanced steps.[/i]

[i]1-If you're already running the latest versions of 1Password and the 1Password Extension, restart Safari.[/i]

[i]2-If a normal restart of Safari did not solve the issue, try using the Quit and Discard Windows command. This will quit Safari, close all your open windows, and reset the extension cache files. Please note that this will discard all your open windows, so be sure to save all your data and bookmark any pages you need. You can do this by holding the Option key while selecting the Safari > Quit menu, or, by using the CMD-Option-Q keyboard shortcut.[/i]

[i]3-If you're gotten this far, it is possible the 1Password Helper did not properly update itself. To fix this, open the main 1Password application and select the Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Helper menu. Wait 10 seconds and then restart Safari again.[/i]

[i]4-If you are using Fast User Switching, it is important that the latest version of 1Password is installed on each account. Switch to each account and check for 1Password updates. After they are all updated, switch back to this account and restart Safari.[/i]

[i]5-If the 1Password Helper is still not connecting, it is likely the process is not even running. This is most often caused by incorrect folder permissions. To fix this, select the Help > Troubleshooting > Reset Folder Permissions menu. Restart 1Password afterwards and then restart Safari.[/i]

[i]6-If all else fails, use the Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report menu to generate a report and review any configuration issues listed there.[/i][center][i]====[/i]

Now with #2, try as I may I do not get Quit and Discard but Quit and Keep Windows. (Safari Version 5.1.1 (7534.51.22))

#3: In the MAS version there is no Troubleshooting submenu under Help thus #3, 5, and 6 can't be done (unless I am *really* missing something here <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />


So perhaps in the near future instructions for TS'ing can be made specific to the MAS version of 1PassWord <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]Now with #2, try as I may I do not get Quit and Discard but Quit and Keep Windows. (Safari Version 5.1.1 (7534.51.22))[/quote]

    You must have disabled Lion's restore windows feature, so this will be reversed for you. In that case a regular "Quit" will be the same as "Quit and Discard Windows".

    [quote]#3: In the MAS version there is no Troubleshooting submenu under Help thus #3, 5, and 6 can't be done (unless I am *really* missing something here <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' /> [/quote]

    Thanks for mentioning this! I'll nudge the devs about updating the Troubleshooting Report, and some of the menu items which were removed in 3.9.0 will be restored in 3.9.1.

    Are you still having any trouble getting things working smoothly? I'd love to help if you are! Otherwise, enjoy your weekend and know that we appreciate the feedback. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • khad, thanx for the offer <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    At this point, the blip in connection between Helper and..umm..whatever it's connectting with <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> intermittent and it's not causing any major annoyances as it eventually resolves itself. Thus I'd rather you help other fellow users with more pressing probs.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Just let me know if there is ever anything else I can help with.
