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Login issues since update to Version 3.8.9 (build 31178)

cornelius Junior Member
• Click on menubar icon and login ID and password fills in. However, no automatic login. Password disappears. Click on icon and select again and same thing happens. I must click, select and try to move down to login button quickly before password disappears again. How can I fix this?

• Click on menubar 1P icon and login ID and new page opens for log in. I don't need to log in on an new page. I want to open a new tab as previously. How can I fix this?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]Click on menubar icon and login ID and password fills in. However, no automatic login. Password disappears. Click on icon and select again and same thing happens. I must click, select and try to move down to login button quickly before password disappears again. How can I fix this?[/quote]

    Please try disabling autosubmit for the Login where you are having this trouble. We are working to improve autosubmit, and if you could provide the URL where you are seeing this behavior, that would be helpful. Thanks in advance! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]Click on menubar 1P icon and login ID and new page opens for log in. I don't need to log in on an new page. I want to open a new tab as previously. How can I fix this? [/quote]

    Click on the "Open Login in…" heading in the list of Logins in the extension to toggle between "…New Tab", "…New Window", and "Current Tab".
  • cornelius
    cornelius Junior Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1319318610' post='53279'] Please try disabling autosubmit for the Login where you are having this trouble. We are working to improve autosubmit, and if you could provide the URL where you are seeing this behavior, that would be helpful.[/quote]

    Here's one:

    Thanks, Khad. I found the New Tab setting.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks! I will pass that URL along to the developers.
