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Generated password not saved in generated password section

edited October 2011 in Windows
If you generate a password in the following manner...

Open the Windows application, edit an existing Login, edit the password Login Field, click the generate button. (attached image)

That generated password will not be saved in the [b]Generated Passwords[/b] section of the app. Assuming that it would, I locked myself out of an account this morning.


  • Shaun, did you look at the individual Login item's password history?

    I don't recall whether it's supposed to be saved there in this scenario, but it's worth a look.

    Please let us know what you find.
  • No, it does not appear as a password history item.
  • Thanks for checking, Shaun.

    I would expect the Generated Passwords vault to show only items that are generated using the [b]File[/b] > [b]New Item[/b] > [b]Password[/b] command.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding the intent, I would expect the password history to reflect a generated password change, so I'll check with the developer.

    Thanks for bringing this up!
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    Fixed in 1.0.9.BETA-240