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Progress with http auth

Gandalf Junior Member
I'm not sure what http auth is, but I believe it's what is preventing the current extension from submitting logins to secure sites like banks. I have gone back to Fx 5 to get that functionality as well as the toolbar. Can you give us an idea of when this will be resolved? Are we talking days, weeks or decades? I'd really like to get current with Fx but don't want to give up using 1P on secure sites.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Gandalf,

    This page illustrates what HTTP Basic Authentication is:

    Note that if your bank is still using this method, I'd be very wary, personally, of banking with them. They don't call it "basic" authentication for nothing.

    Our answer can be found here:

    Long story short: it's a bit out of our hands. We are waiting on the browser creators (Mozilla, Apple, Google).
  • Gandalf
    Gandalf Junior Member

    [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Thanks for the clarification and examples. I misunderstood what the problem was. I checked and I can log in to my web site,bank & some of the other sties I use regularly w/1P. [/size][/font]

    Thanks again,

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Great! Thanks for the update Joel. Glad to hear things are working better.