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Item not synced from iPhone to Dropbox

Hello. I am having an intermittent problem with DropBox syncing when I add an item on my iPhone. It may be that it occurs when my 3G connection is weak. After I add the item, 1Password seems to try to sync but apparently fails. Then ever after, the item exists on my iPhone but does not participate in DropBox syncing.

DropBox syncing in general is working, and I can subsequently test adding items on my iPhone when I have strong 3G or Wi-Fi or on my Mac and see them sync to the other device; and then test deleting the items and see them go to the trash on the other device.

I've also tried editing the stubborn item on my iPhone (to add a note, for example), and I see the network indicator subsequently activate (perhaps indicating that 1Password is doing a DropBox sync?), but no change is alerted via Growl on my Mac.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please try resetting Dropbox syncing on your iOS device:

    [b]1Password > Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Account > Reset[/b]