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Feature Suggestions - folders expanded by default; larger notes field


I just purchased 1Password for Windows and am liking it so far. I particularly like the seamless browser integration. I used KeePass before and the large pricetag was hard to swallow, but some of the extra features (better browser integration, native iOS support), as well as a more refined application overall, made it worth it to me.

At any rate, I do have 2 suggestions that are fairly minor but would give a better experience:

1. The folder expanding / collapsing methodology could use some work. For example, if I have all my folders expanded and create a new folder, it collapses all the other folders. Even worse, if I have them all expanded and exit the program, they are all collapsed when I open the program back up. It would be nice if it remembered my last view state and kept it how it was. I rely on folders heavily so this would be quite useful.

2. I wish there were a way to expand the height of the "Notes" field for logins. I use Notes a lot and having to click the up/down arrow to scan through notes is cumbersome.

Just a couple minor suggestions. Overall a great product I'm quite happy with so far!

