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Sudden encryption key change?

Just did a sync to my Android phone,and got a message saying that new or changed encryption keys were found, and it appears to have downloaded pretty much every entry again. I didn't count but it was several hundred updates. Any idea what might have prompted that? We have not changed our master password.


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi MZ123,

    Yes, I did notice this issue in the past. By unknown reason Dropbox sometimes updates timestamps on stored records. I assume it happens during system maintenance

    and I see timestamps on all records as being updated. When 1Password Reader sees that the timestamp on the secure item stored locally is older than the one stored in Dropbox

    and gets the newer version. As a results, synchronization starts from scratch.

    To confirm this, please open your Dropbox page, login and navigate to the place where your secure keychain is stored. Goto the data/default folder inside of your keychain and review the timestamps on the records.

    You will see that all of them were updated. Please notice that in order to see that you need to look at the records list i[b]n the browser window[/b]. What you see locally in your Dropbox folder [b]using file manager[/b]

    will have old (correct) date stamps.

    This is a serious Dropbox issue, I am going to report it to the Dropbox development team.

    The good news is that the issue doesn't happen too often and it doesn't cause any data discrepancy.

    Will keep you posted on that.

    Bests regards,
