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Clear the copy/paste memory?

I've been using 1Pass OS X for ages (with Dropbox)

I just got an iPhone and installed 1PassPro straight up.

I'm a bit bummed out by the process of copy and pasting for logins with mobile safari but I'd imagine there are technical issues stopping a tighter integration.

The phone's memory holds the last password that you just copied when logging in.

Is there a quick way to clear the memory after you have pasted a password into a site via mobile safari?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]I've been using 1Pass OS X for ages (with Dropbox). I just got an iPhone and installed 1PassPro straight up.[/quote]

    Awesome! And congrats on your new iPhone. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    [quote]I'm a bit bummed out by the process of copy and pasting for logins with mobile safari but I'd imagine there are technical issues stopping a tighter integration.[/quote]

    This is correct. Apple does not allow any third-party apps to interact with any other apps on the system. [b]Mobile Safari cannot be extended[/b] like Safari on the Mac can. For this reason, we are not able to integrate 1Password right into the browser on iOS. [i]You will not see a 1Password button in the Mobile Safari toolbar.[/i][color=#333333]

    To optimize your 1Password experience, therefore, [b]we have built a web browser into 1Password for iPhone[/b]. When you tap a login item’s URL, 1Password will open the site in the browser and fill the login form.[/color][color=#333333]

    [url=""]Learn more about logging into websites with 1Password on your iPhone or iPod touch[/url].[/color]

    [quote]The phone's memory holds the last password that you just copied when logging in. Is there a quick way to clear the memory after you have pasted a password into a site via mobile safari? [/quote]

    Here again we run into a slight limitation in iOS security. 1Password cannot perform any action on the clipboard unless it is the currently running app. 1Password for Mac and Windows have constant access to the clipboard so it is possible to clear it after a set period of time in the desktop operating systems. Unfortunately, even if we added a feature to clear the clipboard in iOS, you would still need to switch back to 1Password in order to use the feature. So far, I think the best solution is to simply copy a character or two from the page in Mobile Safari, thus overwriting the existing clipboard data.

    It would be pretty cool if there was a better way to do this, but I'm not sure how it would be possible while maintaining the security settings Apple has put in place (for good reason) in iOS.