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Can't connect to DropBox

Problem: I cannot get the program to open in Dropbox.

I have copied 1Password.agilekeychain into my Dropbox folder.

When I click it one gets an error message (using FireFox)

A problem occurred when loading the "" file

One also gets a message A ‘key data file’ could not be loaded and IPasswordAnywhere cannot continue without it.

When one clicks on the ‘key data file’ link one gets this message:

"Error (403) It seems you don't belong here! You should probably try loggingin?

You can also check out our FAQ or forums and maybe you'll find what you were looking for. Or maybe you should try heading home."

Somewhere in the 1Password help files it says one can transfer the data file to DropBox by

“Click the [b]Preferences[/b] tool. On the General tab, click the [b]Move to Dropbox[/b] button.”

But there is no such button on my 1Password.

Doing similar with Internet Explorer I just get a blank page.

I would appreciate any solutions. I have only just installed 1Password. Without being able to access DropBox it will not be of any use to me.


  • Thanks - I have just sorted it. I was trying to use the web DropBox folder. I have now installed the DropBox application on my PC and set up a local file data base. When 1Password.agilekeychain i scopied into the local DropBox older it works OK.
  • Welcome to the forum, PCoode, and thanks for the follow-up!

    For general reference, you share and sync your 1Password data among PCs, Macs, and mobile devices (iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7) by setting up Dropbox and 1Password as described in the following documents.

    The "big picture":


    [*][url=""][i]Automatic Sync'ing Using Dropbox[/i][/url]


    Windows-specific instructions:


    [*][url=""][i]Getting Started[/i][/url]

    [*][i]Tutorials[/i] - [url=""][i]Setting up Dropbox sync[/i][/url]

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