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Two Thumbs Up!

Actually I'll give you ten thumbs up on this!

I received the email today about the sale, and decided to go ahead and upgrade from 3.8.10 to 3.9.2.

It seems that the vast majority on people coming here have a sole purpose of posting about a problem they are having, which is the primary purpose of this support area. It's probably high time that you get one that isn't a problem, instead high fives to the entire crew there.

I can state that it was one of the easiest upgrades that I have ever been through, and the result was a product "that just works".

Thank you for sending out an email on this offer, and listening to the feedback. Also, I haven't found anything that doesn't work yet. I can only hope (knock on wood) that it remains that way. Looking forward to the 4.0 product some day, and can only wonder what new things that you have in store for this one. It's been an absolute must for me in my operations, and I can't imagine not having something like this. And the ease of use is commendable. Again, thanks for listening to the feedback and taking action. I can only imagine that the road to the MAS has been a bit painful for all of you. It looks like you made it with this release.

Cheers - and Thank You


  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Glad to see someone else got that email, i addition to myself. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I also used the lower price point to purchase a copy for a relative. I remember last year there was a thanksgiving special and had been hoping for one this year. Glad it happened.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for taking the time to post this, farcaster! I really appreciate it and have shared it with the rest of the team here. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!