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Not all entries sync via dropbox from iPhone to Windows

I have just purchased 1Password Windows and I am having a problem. All of my current passwords are saved on my iPhone and iPad (via 1Password app) and when I try to sync from my iPhone via dropbox not all of the logins/wallet/etc appear in the windows program. I have reset and tried syncing again from my iPhone to dropbox to no avail - I have also permanently deleted 1password folder in dropbox and uninstalled/reinstalled 1password on windows with no joy - what am i doing wrong - It looks so simple but I've managed to mess it up! (Sorry this query has already been raised please could you point me to the right location).


  • Welcome to the forum, samedgar!

    Can I ask whether you started by following the instructions in this article?

    [indent=1][i][url=""]What if all my 1Password data is already on my iOS device?[/url][/i][/indent]

  • Hi Dan

    Yes I followed the instructions 1-4.

    I did not lose any of the entries from my iPhone, they are all there. Dropbox sync said it was complete, but not all of the entries appear in 1Password for Windows.

    At this point I reset Dropbox on iPhone and synced again and it still did not add any of the missing entries it was then that I uninstalled and deleted from Dropbox to start afresh.

    Exactly the same reduced number of entries synced to windows.

    Strangely enough I had exactly the same problem last year but with the trial versions on my Mac?! I did contact 1Password support who were trying to be helpful but I gave up trying to resolve the problem.

    I really like this program so will try and persevere this time - and hope you will too!

  • Hi sorry David!

    I'm going to try and sort my problem out via email. I'm not sure if/how I should remove this topic.

    Please let me know if I need me to do anything.

    Thank you for your time.
  • When we get things sorted out, perhaps you can come back here and post a recap for anyone else who encounters a similar problem.
