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"Backup failed" error

I get the following error when i try to enable the dropbox sync. This is on a version of dropbox purchased through the apple app store on my mac.

Backup failed: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=13 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 13.)" UserInfo=0x7fc2fbd08980 {NSFilePath=/Users/myusername/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Documents/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/contents.js}


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Gregory. I'm sorry that you are having this problem. That error is actually unrelated to Dropbox. 1Password creates daily backups of your data file and stores them in the sandboxed container folder.

    To help us track down the issue more quickly, could you please produce a 1Password Diagnostics Report? To generate the report you'll need to download an item using this link:

    This is the 1Password Troubleshooting application. It's in zip format, so after downloading it your browser may have expanded it for you, or you may need to do so by double-clicking on it using the Finder. You should end up with the 1Password Troubleshooting application -- ready to run. You can move it to any location you normally keep software, or leave it where it is for a quick run.

    Launch the 1Password Troubleshooting application and you should see some tabs near the top of the window. Please click on the Diagnostics Report tab heading, and then click on the "Create Report" button. Within a few seconds, a pretty blue image should appear -- indicating the report is ready (this is just like the Diagnostics Report option in prior versions of 1Password for Mac). There's now an Export button you can use to save the report and then attach it to an email to support AT

    Once we see the report we should be able to help more. Thank you in advance!
  • Hello Gregory,

    I responded to you via e-mail with some additional information regarding the next troubleshooting step(s). Please respond to that message, rather than in the Forums. Once we've determined/corrected the issue, we will post a summary of the resolution in this thread for others who may have the same problem you are experiencing.


  • the diagnostic/repair software you had me run seems to have deleted my 1password.agilekeychain file and all of my passwords along with it. So far, all 1password has done is cost me money and time and caused me agrivation.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    As Mike mentioned via email: "Please note that the permissions reset tool does not delete or modify any of your files, it only set the correct permissions on the folders. You can look at the script if you want, there are no deletion code in it. In fact, we had over hundreds of customers who ran that and no issues resulted of it."

    In a followup email you stated that you ended up finding your data file and getting it to work.

    Please do continue to be in touch via email as that provides a way for us to receive the sensitive Diagnostics Reports and other information about your system in a private channel to protect your privacy. The community forums are not ideal for that sort of privacy.