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1Password for Mac 3.8.11 released

1Password for Mac 3.8.11 is a free update for all 1Password 3 for Mac license holders.

This update includes several improvements and bug fixes.

[b]Full Changelog[/b]


[*]Improving defence against brute force attacks by increasing PBKDF2 iterations from 1000 to 10000. Currently this applies only to newly created data files. For more information on PBKDF2, please see [url=""]our blog[/url].

[*]Removed deprecated "New Logins Bookmarklet" feature. Users of this feature are encouraged to use the iOS edition of 1Password or 1PasswordAnywhere.

[*]Removed Export to Encrypted Web Page feature. Users of this feature are encouraged to use 1PasswordAnywhere or the iOS edition of 1Password.

[*]Improved defence against data harvesters by not including the password strength indicator. This only applies to new and edited items; to update all your old items, the Help > Troubleshooting > Rebuild Data File menu can be used.

[*]Several updates and improvements to the Diagnostics Report.

[*]Updated to latest Growl framework.

[*]When downloading website previews 1Password now correctly downloads Apple touch icons from non-standard locations.



[*]Fixed issue where empty items and deleted folders would appear in the 1PasswordAnywhere Trash.

[*]Now clearing caches after rebuilding data file.

[*]Fixed the problem where 1Password could freeze when deleting a Smart Folder.


Feedback and questions are welcome in the [url=""]1Password 3 forum[/url].
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