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1Password for Mac 3.8.12 released

1Password for Mac 3.8.12 is a free update for all 1Password 3 for Mac license holders.

This update includes several improvements and bug fixes.

[b]Full Changelog[/b]


[*]Now verifying 1PasswordAgent files exist within the package before removing and upgrading existing agent.

[*]Improved 1PasswordAgent communication with Google Chrome to avoid timeouts.

[*]Improved logging in 1PasswordAgent when communicating with web browsers.

[*]Reduced download size by just over 1 MB.



[*]Now opening the correct url when using the Help > Release Notes menu.

[*]Fixed crash of helper when attempting to unlock browser extension with a blank master password.

[*]Fixed problem preserving aspect ratio of software license icon images.

[*]Fixed problem deleting software item icon with the keyboard Delete key.


Feedback and questions are welcome in the [url=""]1Password 3 forum[/url].
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