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Google update installation failed with error 0x80070057

I am trying to install the Chrome Extension. I have the latest version of Chrome and of 1Password. I keep getting an error on instalation:

"Google update installation failed with error 0x80070057"

I have deleted the downloaded file to try and redownload the extension. That has not worked. I have replaced the file from the trashcan.

How can I get 1Password to install on Chrome

Laptop configuration is as follows:

Intel based Macbook pro

256Gb SSD

8Gb ram

Running Windows 7 64bit

Instralled the following internet clients:




Safari and IE9 extensions are working fine.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, pcuritz. I'm sorry that you are having this problem.

    The error you mention sounds like a problem that Google Chrome is having updating itself. In that case, the problem is in Chrome rather than anything to do with 1Password. That said, what version of 1Password for Windows are you using? What version of Google Chrome?

    Please try downloading and reinstalling Chrome from Google's website:
