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Feature Request: Font choice in iOS

I changed several log-in passwords yesterday -- again -- for my US federal govt. desktop, including Windows log-in -- security settings do not allow pasting into these fields, so I have to type in 12-20 character passwords, which I keep on my iPod Touch. Our various passwords at this workplace must by policy (misguided) be changed every 30 to 90 days.

The problem is that if there is any way to choose fonts for 1PW on the iPT, I have not discovered it, and worse, there seems to be a random mix* of serif and sans serif fonts resident in the software. With no contextual clues in a pseudo random string, how can I possibly distinguish l from 1 from L, and sometimes i? Perhaps many people can, but I beg of you, give me a serif font throughout the app, even if it's ugly and un-Maclike. There is a critical difference between actual legibility and page aesthetics. For 1Password, let's choose the former.

Thank you.

*not random I'm sure, but the password generator, the notes, and the log-in display fields are all different, I think.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hi kolonelpanik,

    The password generator in the iOS apps is using a monospaced font specifically designed for disambiguation. The rest of the app uses Helvetica, the iOS system font. I'll pass your request for more widespread use of a monospaced font along to the developers!

    in the meantime, if we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!