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Knox vault opens without requiring password

stephen-m Junior Member
Today I opened one of my Knox vaults simply by clicking on it in the Knox menu. Knox didn’t ask for my password, and the vault opened as if it was a regular Finder folder. Ejecting the vault closed the volume, but didn’t secure it; it opened right back up again.

I restarted the computer and changed that vault’s password (actually I changed it to the same password again,) but that didn’t fix the problem.

Doesn’t matter how I open the offending vault—clicking in Knox menu, double-clicking in Finder, opening via LaunchBar.

My other Knox vaults continue to act as expected, with a password required to open them.

Knox is the current non-beta version: 2.1.13 (172), and my Apple system software is up-to-date.

It’s a little unnerving to open an encrypted vault that doesn’t ask for a password. Thanks in advance for any help.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Stephen,

    It sounds like you have saved the vault password to the OS X keychain. Please see the related section of the User Guide, and let me know if you have any further questions:
