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1.0.259-265 Auto-locking problem (again)


I again have problem with [url=""]auto-locking with 1Pass for Win[/url] (from 1.0.259 and it's happened in 265 too). I use extension for Firefox 9.0.1.

1Pass is auto-locked randomly. Sometimes I can work with unlocked extension for 12 hours. But another time extension is auto-locked. I not to close browser, not to hibernate PC. I can't repeat this problem (it's happens randomly), may be it's related to some logins (for example may be when I use auto-complete in some site it's break extension).


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Try unchecking all three Auto-Lock options and see if the issue persists. If not, try checking one at a time to see if you can narrow it down. It can be very hard to resolve an unreproducible issue, so the more we can narrow it down the better.

    So far, I don't think I have seen any reports of this anywhere else, so I am also wondering if things are working as expected but your expectations are different from 1Password's behavior. What [i]exact[/i] Auto-Lock settings do you normally use?
  • All auto-lock options are unchecked. I except auto-lock never been activated if I not to off PC.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    I'm guessing our extension somehow unloads from memory (as the result of a Firefox crash, maybe?). Whenever Firefox is closed, then our extension is closed, too. Re-starting Firefox results in you having to re-enter your master password, unless... "keep extensions unlocked" is turned on here: [i]File > Preferences (Ctrl+P) > Browsers[/i]
  • Stefan, it's happened when I don't close browser too.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    Have you tried to enable this setting? [i]File > Preferences (Ctrl+P) > Browsers[/i] > "keep extensions unlocked"
  • Yes, I don't change this option after first install of 1Pass.


  • I think I understand what happened.

    I have installed 1Pass for IE 9, Firefox 9, Chrome 16. Some time ago IE9 was closed with Application Error. I don't understand what the problem, but yesterday I looking to error log and saw a problem with 1Pass extension for IE. I disable extension for IE and after this I have no problems with auto-locking.

    I think 1Pass is lock when I close IE9 with this error.
  • Denys, does that mean you're no longer seeing the problem, or is there still something we need to look into?
  • DBrown, yes, I haven't this problem
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Fantastic! Thanks for the update. I'm going to close this thread as resolved now. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
This discussion has been closed.