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Firefox 9.0.1 missing 1Password Plugin

I am unable to get my Firefox plugin back after numerous uninstall/reinstall sessions. Could someone kindly give me some instruction on how to get the 1Password integration to function on my PC again. Thanks in advance for your time! I love 1Pass and am sad that I cannot get it to work as intended.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, sherparob. I'm sorry that you are having this problem.

    You you tried the very unscientific restarting of your PC?

    What version of 1Password are you running? Please be sure you are up to date.

    While Firefox is not open, uncheck the box in 1Password's preferences for Firefox, then recheck it.


    Please let me know how it goes.
  • DBrown
    edited January 2012
    Rob, please see the following articles for tips on setting up the 1Password extensions:[list]

    [*][url=""][i]Getting Started[/i][/url] (see "Setting Up Browser Extensions")

    [*][i]FAQ[/i] - [url=""][i]Where is the 1P button in my browser?[/i][/url]

    [*][i]FAQ[/i] - [url=""][i]Why doesn't Ctrl+\ work in my browser?[/i][/url]

  • Thanks for all the advice. I will be sure to try this when I get home tonight, and will advise what happens. I know for sure that I have the latest Mozilla (non-Beta) and 1Password installs. Ands in between uninstall/install, I most definitely restarted my computer. I did not however know of the "Browsers" section of the preferences. I never thought to look there. Hopefully it is a simple as checking the box!
  • DBrown
    edited January 2012
    <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Do let us know how it goes, Rob!
  • My goodness. Everything worked perfectly. Makes me think that I didn't even need to uninstall/reinstall. Thanks for all the support with such a great program!
  • That's great news, Rob! Thanks for updating the thread.
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