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iPad, iPhone, the need for a better browser and more

h00ligan Junior Member
edited January 2012 in iOS
I understand the constraints faced creating one password for ios, and I think you have all done a great job with the application on OS x and windows, probably even the iPhone ...but, to be honest, I think the iPad version is lacking. Maybe I'm missing some things...

First, since we are forced to use a browser built in, the browser should be fleshed out. No tabs, no search field, no bookmark bar. These are things that should be added IMO, and we should be able to launch 1p in a browser mode. If you can contain a secure browsing session and the link to encrypted data file...all in one app, less trips and more convenient. Many of us, I would think, generate passwords on a Mac or pc for every site we I've never memorized my login info to say, macrumors...nor do I plan on it. Given that those who care about security often also clear cookies...that's a lot of trips back and forth every day for simple site login. It's just not conenient. Creating a more feature rich browser and allowing us to treat 1p on the iPad particularly as our go to browser would save tons of time. Of course, the ability to surf in a private mode should be included.

Second issue is a nit picker I guess. 1p on the iPad is just.....ugly. I don't find the ui intuitive. I wasn't a huge fan when you switched to this style on Mac, but acclimated, it's flat out ugly on the iPad. Tiny icons on the left, big blank areas of wasted space in the middle, big font without folders on the doesn't work IMO.

Third, The missing folder organization is a huge minus too. Typing on the iPad touch board is less convenient than clicking a folder and drilling down. For those who meticulously maintain a folder structure on OS x or windows, this missing structure means a lot of searching or hunting around. Again, inconvenient.

Creating a browser first based environment (preference toggle) and a pull out gesture to site info would be a great addtition IMO.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the feedback. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I can't say any more than this at the moment, but we've got some great things planned. I think you will be pleased.