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Quick Noob Q - Help!

Just purchased this and am using it with Chrome. I've got the password generator set to 22 characters, almost full strength. When I save a login that is let's say 5 characters, then use 1Password to log into the site, instead of seeing a 22 character password entered, I see a 5 character password entered. Does this mean it isn't working? How do I know it is generating a long, encrypted password?

Thanks in advance for someone's help. I would have just called Agile tech support........but they don't give me that option.


  • Welcome to the forum, jvalha, from AgileBits tech support. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Can you explain where and how you're saving "a login that is...5 characters"?

    If you're at a site that requires a password with exactly five characters, you should set the password generator to create a 5-character password. (If five characters is the [i]minimum[/i], then you can use all 22 (assuming the site's login form will let you enter that many).

    If you mean the site's login form [i]displays[/i] only five characters, no matter how many you type in, you can check the number of characters in the same way you would if you had typed in the 22 characters by hand: let 1Password fill but not submit the form, then press the left arrow key to see the ones that have scrolled off the left end of the five-character field.

    If you mean something else, could you give us a bit more detail, so we can help?
