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Problem with chrome preference file after update to



  • [quote name='Stefan van As' timestamp='1290371200' post='15608']

    This is not going to work on Windows, because the Mac and Windows versions of our Chrome extension are currently separated (not bundled). Please do not click on Stu's link.


    Thanks for the heads up Stefan, I wrongly assumed that you were using the identical extension to the one we're using on the Mac. My mistake!
  • DBrown
    edited November 2010

    [quote name='DBrown' timestamp='1290279157' post='15540']

    ChromePlus currently is not supported, which does not indicate a bug or problem with the software.


    When did I say otherwise?[/quote]

    You wrote, ".[url=""]..I'm not able to install 1P extension [in ChromePlus][/url]" and then "[url=""]should I wait a week before reporting this?[/url]"

    That sounded to me like you thought it was a bug that 1Password doesn't support ChromePlus. I was merely pointing out that it's not a bug. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your intent.

    You can see the list of browsers currently supported by 1Password for Windows on the "Requirements" page of our user's guide. As soon as we support additional browsers, they'll be added to that page. We welcome requests for support for additional browsers, whether posted here in the forum or sent by e-mail to [url=""][i]support AT agile DOT ws[/i][/url].

    Thanks again for your patience!
  • Havok
    edited November 2010

    I've installed 1Password for windows and in preferences checked "Google Chrome". No extension were installed

    So i've manually installed Google chrome extension "1Password Extension - Version :" from this page : [EDIT: URL removed]

    And that don't work, when i click on the 1password icon on chrome toolbar a windows seems to show but immediately hide.

    May be someone can help me ? Thanks
  • RE: ChromePlus... FWIW, it looks like you guys may be close, if you manually install it with the link from (I won't post the whole link), the key icon shows up, but when you click it the box that you'd normally login just flashes open and closed. While not a priority for the dev team, I'd personally love to see support added... all the other Chrome extensions I've tried also work in ChromePlus.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='dmbfan36_23' timestamp='1290439640' post='15660']

    RE: ChromePlus... FWIW, it looks like you guys may be close, if you manually install it with the link from (I won't post the whole link), the key icon shows up, but when you click it the box that you'd normally login just flashes open and closed.


    This is why I said not to install this on Windows
  • Havok
    edited November 2010
    [quote name='Havok' timestamp='1290415397' post='15657']


    I've installed 1Password for windows and in preferences checked "Google Chrome". No extension were installed

    So i've manually installed Google chrome extension "1Password Extension - Version :" from this page : [s][EDIT: URL removed][/s]

    And that don't work, when i click on the 1password icon on chrome toolbar a windows seems to show but immediately hide.

    May be someone can help me ? Thanks


    hoho me it's chrome 7.0.517.44 and the popup just flash an dissapear immediately
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='Havok' timestamp='1290415397' post='15657']

    i've manually installed Google chrome extension "1Password Extension - Version :" from this page : [EDIT: URL removed]

    And that don't work, when i click on the 1password icon on chrome toolbar a windows seems to show but immediately hide.


    You can install Google Chrome extension for 1Password for Windows here: File > Preferences > Browsers

    Do not start looking for it anywhere else.
  • DBrown
    edited November 2010
    Havok, welcome to the forum.

    I'm not sure why you would've expected that 1Password for Mac extension for the Mac version of Chrome (labeled "Version :") to work with 1Password for Windows and the Windows version of Chrome.

    As you discovered, it will not. You need the 1Password for Windows extension for the Windows version of Chrome (labeled "Version:").

    As Stefan wrote, you obtain the extension installing 1Password for Windows and enabling Chrome on the Browsers tab of 1Password preferences.
  • [quote name='DBrown' timestamp='1290499982' post='15706']

    Havok, welcome to the forum.

    I'm not sure why you would've expected that 1Password for Mac extension for the Mac version of Chrome (labeled "Version :") to work with 1Password for Windows and the Windows version of Chrome.

    As you discovered, it will not. You need the 1Password for Windows extension for the Windows version of Chrome (labeled "Version:").

    As Stefan wrote, you obtain the extension installing 1Password for Windows and enabling Chrome on the Browsers tab of 1Password preferences.



    Thanks for your answers but nothing happen in chrome when i do that ( you can see here <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


    no extension installed in chrome...
  • Ok, i know why that don't work.

    I call chrome with this shortcut : D:\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --user-data-dir="D:\Chrome\User Data\Default"

    As you can see i need to store chrome preferences in an other directory than the default one (\profiles\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome).

    So the automatic installation of the plugin don't work for me.

    Can i have a link for installing the extension ?

  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='Havok' timestamp='1290522290' post='15719']

    Ok, i know why that don't work.

    I call chrome with this shortcut : D:\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --user-data-dir="D:\Chrome\User Data\Default"

    As you can see i need to store chrome preferences in an other directory than the default one (\profiles\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome).

    So the automatic installation of the plugin don't work for me.

    Can i have a link for installing the extension ?



    Starting with version, you can tell 1Password where the so-called "user data directory" is, and have it install the extension there.
  • [quote name='Stefan van As' timestamp='1290530198' post='15724']

    Starting with version, you can tell 1Password where the so-called "user data directory" is, and have it install the extension there.


    I can confirm that, working perfectly with ChromePlus 1.5, amazing extension!

    Thanks Stefan!
  • [quote name='Cimpr' timestamp='1290544122' post='15745']

    I can confirm that, working perfectly with ChromePlus 1.5


    Thanks for letting us know, Cimpr!
  • Sorry but for me that don't work.

    No plugin installed on chrome even if i choose my defaut profile on the options box....
  • DBrown
    edited November 2010
    [quote name='Havok' timestamp='1290608726' post='15826']

    Sorry but for me that don't work.

    No plugin installed on chrome even if i choose my defaut profile on the options box....


    Havok, what version of 1Password for Windows do you have installed?


    [*]In 1Password, choose [b]Help[/b] > [b]About 1Password[/b].

    [*]In Chrome, type [b]chrome://extensions[/b] in the address field.

  • Thought I'd ping this thread again.... seeing as the Mac version now has Chromium support, when can we expect the same on the Windows side? I *REALLY* want to use it with ChromePlus
  • Pinging an old thread here... the Mac version recently got Chromium support. When we can expect the same on the Windows side? I *REALLY* want to use this with ChromePlus....

    [color=#ff0000][b][size=5]PRETTY PLEASE![/size][/b][/color]
  • Well, thanks for your enthusiasm, dmbfan <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> but I know of no current activity on extending the list of supported browsers to include ChromePlus.

    Please see the "issues and features" topic (always shown at the top of these forums) to see where we're headed next, in that category.