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Firefox 5 support replaces Firefox 3 in 1Password 3.6

GPW Junior Member
edited June 2011 in Mac
<div class="IPBDescription">Please use 1Password 3.5 if you require support for older browsers</div>1PW alerted me to an update, which I installed, bringing the version up to 3.6.0. Now my 1PW toolbar is gone from Firefox 3.6.17. I tried:

quitting FF,

removing all browser extensions,

restarting FF,

quitting FF again,

installing all browser extensions,

restarting FF.

It did not work. Under View > Toolbars, the 1PW toolbar is missing. I have FF set to clear all data except cookies every time it quits.

Browser preferences are in the attached screenshot.

I forgot to attach the screenshot.

The forum does not like the attachment, apparently.

Here it is.


  • Buck_H
    Buck_H Junior Member
    Same problem for me, 1P stopped working for Firefox

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17

    1P: 3Version 3.6.0 (build 31043)
  • Buck Helm and GPW,

    Firefox 3 is not supported in 1Password 3.6.0.

    The following comment is from the 3.6.0 release notes found here: [url=""]Version 3.6.0[/url]

    [quote]1Password 3.6 adds support for OS X 10.7 (Lion) and Firefox 5, replacing OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Firefox 3 support. Users wishing to use Leopard, Firefox 3, Camino 2, or Flock are encouraged to stick with 1Password 3.5.9.[/quote]

    I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer for you, but if you want to continue to use Firefox 3, you will be able to by installing 3.5.9.


  • GPW
    GPW Junior Member
    Okay. How do I install the old version over the new one?
  • [quote name='GPW' timestamp='1308714774' post='29877']

    Okay. How do I install the old version over the new one?



    Download 3.5.9 [url=""]here[/url].

    Once you've unzipped the file, drag the icon to your Applications folder, or wherever you installed 3.6.0.

    This action will overwrite 3.6.0 and you're ready to go. Your 1Password data file is separate from the 1P application, so you don't have to worry about losing your data.

    Let me know if you have any problems.

  • GPW
    GPW Junior Member
    Everything went as described. I am back in business. Thanks for the support.
  • Excellent!

    You've had enough surprises for one day! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Buck_H
    Buck_H Junior Member
    Thank you for this concise reply. I've been experimenting w/ Fluid Apps and grabbed the 1P beta which works great. Unfortunately I have a work Java site that will not run on FF5, so I have to make a decision between FF and Fluid.

    Thanks to your response I have a clear picture on my options.

    Keep up the great work.



    [quote name='bswins' timestamp='1308700244' post='29853']

    Buck Helm and GPW,

    Firefox 3 is not supported in 1Password 3.6.0.

    The following comment is from the 3.6.0 release notes found here: [url=""]Version 3.6.0[/url]

    I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer for you, but if you want to continue to use Firefox 3, you will be able to by installing 3.5.9.



  • Buck,

    Thanks for the update! I'm very happy to hear you are up and running!

    Also, thank you for the kind words. We try our best, but it would all be for naught without great users like you.


  • lhotka
    lhotka Junior Member
    This is NOT cool. Mozilla's new release approach is BS: 5 is 4.1. For those of us who have to access IT sites in our companies, we're stuck on FF 3 for a long time (NO company can keep up with major releases every 3-4 months, and FF 4 broke most web apps). See for more information.

    We also can't stay on old versions of 1Password because of security fixes that are put in place. This was a terrible decision by your company - I have [u]thousands[/u] of Mac users in my organization, and many of us use 1Password - or they did until you made this decision. Most of us will have to find another solution.

    Please reverse this misguided decision immediately.
  • As a web-developer, I also would like to see a solution where I can still keep using 1Password in FireFox 3.6, while keeping up to date with the latest 1Password in other browsers.

    Firefox 3.6 still had a 15.7% penetration in May 2011, which is almost 4 times higher than all Safari versions combined (4% penetration).
  • stec
    stec Junior Member
    [b]Why have you remove Firefox 3.x support in 1Password 3.6, I really do not understand ?


    Almost half of Firefox users are still using version 3, it is far too early to drop support.

    I am myself a Web developer and I need to test my stuffs on FF3 and FF5. I used to use 1Password everywhere, on Mac, Windows, iPad, Android, ... the whole properly synched with Dropbox, and I am feeling really disappointed by your decision to remove Firefox 3 support while adding Firefox 5 support.

    [b]Please bring back FF3 support !!!![/b]
  • brenty
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='stec' timestamp='1308899547' post='30208']

    [b]Why have you remove Firefox 3.x support in 1Password 3.6, I really do not understand ?


    Almost half of Firefox users are still using version 3, it is far too early to drop support.

    I am myself a Web developer and I need to test my stuffs on FF3 and FF5. I used to use 1Password everywhere, on Mac, Windows, iPad, Android, ... the whole properly synched with Dropbox, and I am feeling really disappointed by your decision to remove Firefox 3 support while adding Firefox 5 support.

    [b]Please bring back FF3 support !!!![/b]


    Hey there, stec!

    Thanks for bringing this up. I think I have a solution for you!

    As you can imagine, we have to test a few versions concurrently on our own systems (1Password, browsers, etc.), especially when testing betas! I happen to have 1Password 2.12.1, 3.5.9 and 3.6.0 as well as Firefox 3.6.17 (yeah, I know I need to update that one), 4.0.1, and 5.0 all running beautifully on my machine. Mind you, you don't want to run them at the same time, but just rename them so there aren't any filename collisions, and you can install the extensions for each and use them as needed! Of course, Firefox will complain about the two versions that are incompatible, but once you click through they will be disabled and you can have them all peacefully coexisting on your system! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    I hope this helps. If there is anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. And, as always, thanks for using 1Password! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    P.S: Once the extension for FF3 is installed, you really won't need to run 1P3.5.9. Remember: your 1Password data is stored separately and compatible with both! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • brenty
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='peter8976' timestamp='1308870160' post='30184']

    Firefox 3.6 still had a 15.7% penetration in May 2011, which is almost 4 times higher than all Safari versions combined (4% penetration).


    Point taken, but please consider that as a percentage of Mac users, Safari is much higher. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    Please see my previous post for more info on getting all of your browsers, extensions, and 1Password to coexist for testing purposes. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    P.S: Sorry for killing your poll, stec. It was unfortunately a casualty of merging the topics. But if it is any consolation, I voted for Firefox 3 and 5 to live in harmony![img][/img]
  • lhotka
    lhotka Junior Member
    [quote name='brenty' timestamp='1308907374' post='30213']

    Hey there, stec!

    Thanks for bringing this up. I think I have a solution for you!

    As you can imagine, we have to test a few versions concurrently on our own systems (1Password, browsers, etc.), especially when testing betas! I happen to have 1Password 2.12.1, 3.5.9 and 3.6.0 as well as Firefox 3.6.17 (yeah, I know I need to update that one), 4.0.1, and 5.0 all running beautifully on my machine. Mind you, you don't want to run them at the same time, but just rename them so there aren't any filename collisions, and you can install the extensions for each and use them as needed! Of course, Firefox will complain about the two versions that are incompatible, but once you click through they will be disabled and you can have them all peacefully coexisting on your system! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    I hope this helps. If there is anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. And, as always, thanks for using 1Password! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    P.S: Once the extension for FF3 is installed, you really won't need to run 1P3.5.9. Remember: your 1Password data is stored separately and compatible with both! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />


    That's not a solution for the average corporate user. Many many websites (including a TON of governement ones) check browser versions and won't let you access them if you're on an unsupported browser. Just because Mozilla has made a VERY bad decision, doesn't mean that you guys have to do the same.

    And for the record, just installing the new version breaks the plugin - it simply disappears from FF 3.

    I have thousands of Mac users who CANNOT upgrade FireFox. Many of those used to use 1Password, and now will be looking for other solutions. Is the minor effort required to continue to support FF3 worth losing that many customers, or do you just not care because they've already paid?
  • lhotka
    lhotka Junior Member
    [quote name='brenty' timestamp='1308908531' post='30217']

    Point taken, but please consider that as a percentage of Mac users, Safari is much higher. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    Please see my previous post for more info on getting all of your browsers, extensions, and 1Password to coexist for testing purposes. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    P.S: Sorry for killing your poll, stec. It was unfortunately a casualty of merging the topics. But if it is any consolation, I voted for Firefox 3 and 5 to live in harmony![img][/img]


    Keep in mind that browsers used by business rarely trip those stats. FF3 is very heavily deployed in the corporate and government environments.
  • PaperQueen
    PaperQueen Junior Member
    [quote name='lhotka' timestamp='1308924513' post='30231']

    And for the record, just installing the new version breaks the plugin - it simply disappears from FF 3.

    I have thousands of Mac users who CANNOT upgrade FireFox. Many of those used to use 1Password, and now will be looking for other solutions.[/quote]

    As a hard core, long term, dyed-in-the-wool fan of 1Password, I have to agree with lhotka. Like the aforementioned throngs, FF doesn't allow me to update beyond 3.6.13, which means 1P disappeared from FF entirely when I updated. Didn't matter if I deselected or uninstalled the newer 1P add-ons from FF--it refused to recognize 1P entirely until I reversed course and went back to the older 1P version.

    As others have pointed out, this puts us in a risky and unfortunate position. We're trapped in the old FF, which means the old 1P, which means no security updates. Given what 1P is used for, that's a monumental risk--especially for those of us who travel heavily for work, relying on 1P to protect us in a multitude of environments and networks.

    Please bump 1P "up" one more time to include FF 3 options. The safety net isn't safe if there are holes in it.

    Still a fan...but worried (and looking for alternatives, out of necessity).
  • lhotka
    lhotka Junior Member

    More backup that this is a bad decision.
  • defilmj
    defilmj Junior Member
    edited June 2011
    I have to agree here. I run 1Password on my Mac's. Those of us that use Macbooks, MBP's

    on our corporate systems are using Firefox 3.6.18. We have SIM desktop support so we

    do not have a choice and can not upgrade Firefox to 4.0 and 5.0 because it has not been

    validated by security.

    At CCH Legal we all use Mac's. I complained about the problem and support sent a link back

    to this thread. They are actively seeking a replacement to 1Password. (Note Safari is not

    approved as it has more security flaws than IE according out our infosec team, besides IMHO

    it sucks)

    So for now we are told to open up 1password and use it MANUALLY!! Thanks Agile!! You are

    about to lose about 400 customers. Our support team is looking at KeePassX, which runs on

    Linux and Macosx, and it is free to boot for personal copies.

    I am a loyal customer, but I have to get my work done line the next guy.

    Bad Week... Dropbox security (or lack there-of, now banned by our company and many others and now we lose 1Password. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    Just informed all my mac followers on twitter.. which includes macrumors, etc. So they

    don't have to scratch their heads with a link right here...
  • why would you put out an update to a plugin that doesn't work on Firefox 3.6.16? It is totally idiotic to do so.

    I will be invoicing you $200 for my wasted time trying to correct this problem when the previous version worked without a problem.
  • [quote name='prairiedog' timestamp='1308949171' post='30257']

    I will be invoicing you $200 for my wasted time trying to correct this problem when the previous version worked without a problem.


    Hey there, prairiedog; welcome to the forums!

    I wish it had been under better circumstances, but it is good to see you guys here. Here's the thing, though: You can absolutely continue using 1Password version 3.5.9 as long as you wish. There is no need to spend [i]any[/i] time on this. It still works just fine.

    In case you missed it, I explained above that you can actually continue using the Firefox 3 extension with 1Password 3.6.0. The extension itself is just not included in the latest release, since it is for an outdated version of Firefox that is no longer supported by the Mozilla Foundation itself. I am really sorry if anyone feels like they are being left behind. We will absolutely continue to support you guys. I mentioned in another thread that I occasionally support folks running Tiger and 1Password 2.12.1!

    I realize that everyone has unique circumstances, but I hear both "We can't use other browsers because they have been deemed 'insecure' by corporate IT" and "Firefox 4 and older are no longer receiving updates from Mozilla and are therefore less secure". These two issues seem to be at odds with each other. And while I understand that this isn't your decision to make in a work environment in many cases, I would encourage you to make your voices heard there as well, since Firefox 5, 6, and 7 will be the only versions receiving fixes going forward (yes, Firefox 6 is due in less than 2 months, with Firefox 7 due this year as well!) To me, it just seems contradictory that you would be encouraged to use the latest version of 1Password but not up-to-date web browsers -- especially since the browser is the software being actively exposed to the internet. But enough editorializing.

    If you still need Firefox 3 support for work or development or because you just prefer it, just follow these steps:

    [list=1][*][url=""]Download 1Password 3.6.0[/url] from our site.[*]Install it by dragging it to your [b]Applications[/b] folder.[*][url=""]Download 1Password 3.5.9[/url] from our site.[*]Rename it to "1Password (old)" or "1Password 3.5.9" -- something unique -- and drag it to the [b]Applications[/b] folder.[*]Launch 1Password 3.5.9 and install the Firefox 3 extension.[*]Quit it, forget about it, and continue happily using 1Password 3.6.0 and Firefox 3! [img][/img][/list]

    I am really sorry if I am coming off harsh and unsympathetic. I appreciate your predicament. You guys -- many of you, anyway -- are stuck in the middle here: Between the cautious adoption rate of corporate IT, the climate of internet security, and the steady clip at which software like 1Password must move toward the future. The fact is that the pace of Firefox development is only getting faster, so this will not be the last time you are faced with a new version -- this year or even this summer! While it is inconvenient for all of us -- we here at AgileBits do our best to support every new release as soon as possible -- it is a necessity in this day and age. The Sony, Nintendo, and recent financial institutions' security troubles underline this and have made it harder to ignore than ever. And this affects everyone.

    We care about you guys a lot. But continuing to support browsers that will no longer have the benefit of security fixes going forward would only encourage their continued use and, in the end, does you good people a disservice. I appreciate you guys taking the time to share your feelings with us. I only wish that we could please all of our awesome customers all of the time.

    If you have any trouble getting this set up at all, give us a holler -- either via email ( or here in the forums. Your passion for our software means the world to us, and we are always happy to help! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • defilmj
    defilmj Junior Member
    edited June 2011
    You know... Come to think of it... Firefox was originally kicked off because "MS IE Virus Magnet" was deemed insecure. If I look at the history of Firefox, to be honest, it is not much better!! I think the folks at Mozilla shot their mouths off about how bad IE was, than while developing their browser found out that it isn't so easy.

    Then there is the concept of HTML5..

    Take in to consideration how we live now verses 5 years ago. In fact, Information Week had an interesting article "If the Web Dead"? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    I wake up

    I check the weather with my weather App on my Iphone or Tablet

    I check my email with a tablet or smartphone mail app

    I check twitter, facebook, and linked in... all with apps.

    Look for my train to work... using itrans app

    Listen to music on way to work... pandora, or watch a podcast, read a book on goodreader

    Send a few texts as needed. Look at the exchange email from work...and close it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Check some of my favorite sites by kicking off my RSS reader

    All this and I have not touched a browser. We get to work, and that is when the browser needs to be started. But, we are in fact using tablets at work, and that includes our development team providing VPN access via tablet, and our e-portal, they have now developed an ios based app for our internal portal which makes it easy to get to HR, and almost all of the information on our portal even systems status...

    Yea, with newer technologies, flash, middleware integration, H.264 video support, I think the web will eventually die. Even my supermarket has a Iphone/android app! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

    That will solve the browser problem, and your passwords are in the apps, so no more need for a password manager. In the interim, I pulled down the freeware opensource app, and to be honest , when I moved to MAC from PC, I wanted so badly for 1Password to be as good as Roboform. It was not even close. Well it has indeed caught up, but I still do find sites that 1Password will not or can not autofill, and Roboform can.. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

    Like TDBank, my mailorder pharmacy... largely any site that I click on login and they bring up a flash based login window. So I start VMWARE, run windows and log in to the bank via Quicken and IE. (Still have Roboform licenses...)

    So for now, Mozilla seems to change major versions and has updates that no corporate organization can keep up with. Yep, perhaps it is time to start looking at other browsers for a little while, until I can move to tablet completely. I can only say that I do hear from inside engineer friends like myself, the next tablet by some company that "ilike" often will have some cool functions, and we finally get a "Finder re-engineer", add a up and coming Intel optical CPU that uses 1/8th the power and is "optical" the first will be a quad core, followed by the first 8 core optical processor and it will use less power than your current dual core... Nice surprises like storage to 200GB, and not sure if it will make it, it was rumored, a new optical storage device that looks like a Chicklet piece of gum but is random access optical storage. Prototype I saw could store 1TB of data, but it is write once... The idea is the chip is cheap. You delete stuff the space is lost. If you do lots of reading/writing use the 200GB. When ready to save write to the chicklet. No more space on your chicklet, toss it and use a new one...

    Next few years are going to be so awesome. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Got off track and this technology all exists, so I am not saying it will be in the next Ipad or the competing tablets... but yea, much of it will be in a bunch of them...

    But what to do for a lousy browser in the interim?? All this good stuff and I just need a better antiquated mouse trap ... until we evolve.... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    Last point... Dropping Firefox 3.6 support without any red flags, notices, or emails that Agile USED to send out when they were smaller and more hungry. Now... like any other company. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited June 2011
    Thanks for the interesting read, defilmj! In some ways I think you are right.

    [quote]Dropping Firefox 3.6 support without any red flags, notices, or emails that Agile USED to send out when they were smaller and more hungry[/quote]

    While we included this information [url=""]in the release notes[/url] — at the very top, in fact, so it is presented before you even download the update — and we also had [url=""]a blog post[/url] about it, we could definitely send a newsletter as well in the future. Anecdotally, I had seen so much demand for [b]Firefox 5[/b] support that it didn't even seem like anyone was even still using [i]Firefox 4[/i] any more. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />


    [url=""]1Password 3.5.9 continues to be available from our website[/url] for all who require support for legacy browsers.
  • PaperQueen
    PaperQueen Junior Member
    edited June 2011
    To [b]brenty[/b] and [b]bswins[/b]--Guess I have one question, as someone who can't (for business reasons) move away from FF 3.6.13:

    My understanding has been that 1P updates also include security updates. Is that correct? If yes, continuing to develop new (more secure) 1P versions that won't work for hundreds of thousands of FF + 1P users does create a problem. We're tied to FF 3.6, which leaves us vulnerable as we continue using an old version of 1P.

    True, the root of this problem is Mozilla and their rush-rush-rush FF development issue. Can't help but think all the push back will get them to slow down and properly develop upcoming iterations. In the meantime, wouldn't it be prudent for 1P to [b]temporarily[/b] continue support of FF 3.6 (even for one year), giving Mozilla time to clean up the mess without leaving us loyal 1P fans with outdated security coverage?

    Just a thought. My opinion has always been that if another vendor screws up, and my company has the ability to ease the pain for our common customers, doing so makes us look like superheros (while reinforcing long term loyalty and phenomenal word of mouth). Definitely worth the hassle factor.

    You know I love you guys....and don't want to leave....... :::hope:::hope:::hope:::
  • defilmj
    defilmj Junior Member
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1308980686' post='30310']

    While we included this information [url=""]in the release notes[/url] — at the very top, in fact, so it is presented before you even download the update — and we also had [url=""]a blog post[/url] about it, we could definitely send a newsletter as well in the future. Anecdotally, I had seen so much demand for [b]Firefox 5[/b] support that it didn't even seem like anyone was even still using [i]Firefox 4[/i] any more. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />


    You ever see that "South Park" Episode where Steve Jobs tries to build a new Ipad with humans? Funny as hell. (I don't watch south park, but I found it the other day and some of it is pretty funny.) Anyway, in the agreement the new tablet is made of a keyboard on the first persons face, the agreement allows Apple to surgically connect the second persons mouth to the Arshe of the first. Same with the Third person to the second, but connected the the third person's arshe is the new tablet. So they feed the first person, exits the first in to the second.... and you get the idea.... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

    The funny part was that no matter what situation they were in Jobs gets totally frustrated as no matter what he does he can not get anyone to read the "terms of agreement". It really is so true. Who reads the 28 pages when downloading an app for an Iphone? Indeed it could state they have the right to make a connection out to a central system that hacks at department of defense computers, and likely most would never know... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

    So I am guilty. I think I read your first release notes and stuff to make sure the encryption was adequate, etc, but any update that came out I figured Agile has a darn good reason to put it out there, and there were many! And they all installed perfectly, data was fine. There was indeed a level of trust that I could never have for Apple. Then again the trust was there for Dropbox and they took advantage of customers. I paid for a 50GB subscription and their agreement clearly implied no one could access your files because the AES256 key was generated using your password. (Turns out they encrypt all accounts with the same key! Security blunder 101. I dropped them like a hot potato, and it is the current trend. They are losing lots of customers.... even the ones that were using the 2GB Free accounts... While giving "Public Cloud" a bad name. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    I think [b]PAPERQUEEEN's [/b] point is reasonable. Just how much trouble is it for you to add back in the support until Mozilla can get their act together?? I don't want to go near Chrome. I have zero trust for Google, which kind of reminds me of the movie TRON and the Master Control Program (MCP). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> We need just a bit of time for Mozilla to get their act together.

    My alternative is to grab my programmers cap (I have written Ticker plants for Wall Street firms, and programmed FPGA's in Unix and Linux environments. Although a managing director now, it is like riding a bike.. I could make it work... I would certainly prefer the interim support however. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> Version 1 of something like a browser, (Firefox 5) is not helpful yet, and version 4 is akin to moving from Windows XP to Vista! Yikes!! Firefox has the potential to be Win 7 which they got right from a Windows perspective. But we have Mac's! We put up with a lot of junk from Apple.

    WHY WHY WHY do we put up with less powerful processors, and Apples oversight, etc. WHY???? Because just like the dozen's of past 1password installs and usage over the years....

    [b]IT JUST WORKS......Period.[/b] <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

    Please consider. You follow Mozilla... When 5 is a bit more mature... It just isn't "Ready for prime time yet". It will be...

    Humble thanks!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited June 2011
    There are not any critical security fixes in 1Password 3.6.0. It is much more of a [i]functional[/i] release which adds support for Lion, Firefox 5, Fluid 1.0 and more. The [url=""]full 3.6.0 release notes[/url] are available on our website.

    I think that is where the confusion is for a lot of folks. If you don't need the features 1Password 3.6.0 adds, there is no reason to upgrade. We have made the release available ahead of Lion's release in order to preempt the question of "Does 1Password support Lion?" The answer is a resounding, "Yes! And we love you!" If you require support for Firefox 3, please please please stick with [url=""]1Password 3.5.9[/url].

    If there was a security problem with it, it would definitely not be the latest stable release for Mac OS X 10.5 users. We would never do that to our users.

    In the same manner, we have made 1Password 2.12.1 available for years to users of Mac OS X 10.4. It continues to be a great option for some customers who require it. It has not been updated in a while, so it does not support the latest and greatest browsers, but the [i]latest[/i] version of 1Password will always support the [i]latest[/i] browsers. The old versions remain just as secure as they were upon their initial release.

    I hope that helps explain the situation a bit more clearly. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns!
  • Rebel
    Rebel Junior Member
    edited June 2011
    Forum Admins: Why was my first post deleted without cause or notification???

    Notice that the release notes say FF 3 users are ENCOURAGED to stick with 1P 3.5.9. That doesn't tell me that the new update WON'T WORK AT ALL with FF 3!

    Knowing that most users don't read release notes, don't you think it would have been prudent to put in [color="#ff0000"][b][size="5"]BIG, BOLD, RED FONT[/size][/b][/color] right at the top of the window that FF 3 users [size="5"][color="#ff0000"][b]MUST[/b][/color][/size] continue using 1P 3.5.9? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wacko.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wacko:' />
  • [Deleted User]
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='Rebel' timestamp='1309092531' post='30410']

    [color="#4169e1"][b]Read this this post [u]QUICK[/u], before it's deleted![/b][/color]

    Forum Admins: Why was my first post deleted without cause or notification??? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' /> Afraid others will ask for their money back, too?



    Your previous post was [b]not[/b] deleted. Since your recent issue involves a problem with FF 3 and 1P 3.5.9, which supports FF 3, your question was no longer relevant to this particular thread: [b]Firefox 3 not supported in 1Password 3.6.0[/b]

    Consequently, your question was split off into a new topic: [url=""]Troubleshooting Firefox 3 with 1Password 3.5.9[/url]

    I'm sorry that there doesn't appear to be an automatic notification mechanism in place for when topics are merged with other topics, or when specific posts are split off into new topics, as is the case with your last question. However, you are not the first member to believe that if it's not where you left it, it must have been deleted or censored.

    For all those coming across this thread, you can find the location of your posts by visiting your [b]Profile[/b] page and clicking on the [b]Find My Content [/b]button underneath your Avatar.

    Once again, I'm sorry for the confusion.

  • Rebel
    Rebel Junior Member
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='bswins' timestamp='1309094898' post='30416']

    Your previous post was [b]not[/b] deleted... you can find the location of your posts by visiting your [b]Profile[/b] page and clicking on the [b]Find My Content [/b]button underneath your Avatar.


    OK, thanks. It does appear in my profile>Find My Content.

    I did look in my profile, in the Posts tab, and it isn't there. Aren't all my posts supposed to be listed there, as well? After all, the header in that tab is "[b]Posts I've Made[/b]."

    Yes, there definitely needs to be some sort of notification when a post is moved, edited or deleted by a mod.
  • PaperQueen
    PaperQueen Junior Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1309056253' post='30384']

    There are not any critical security fixes in 1Password 3.6.0. It is much more of a [i]functional[/i] release which adds support for Lion, Firefox 5, Fluid 1.0 and more.

    I think that is where the confusion is for a lot of folks.[/quote]

    Thanks for the clarification--that does help. So, to be clear (since "critical" begs the question), there were [b]no[/b] security updates at all, or just some that weren't deemed "critical?"

    This update aside, I do hope Agile will consider continued support of FF3 until Mozilla gets their act together--as suggested above, even for one year. A lot of us out here adore what you do, and would love to remain current during our forced tenure with the FF3 browser.
  • dmilton
    dmilton Junior Member
    Agile is following the FF team over the cliff. Every 6-12 weeks a new version and only supporting the last two versions means complete upgrades every 12 to 24 weeks? Do you guys realize that some of us out here have work to do besides mess around updating our computers and fixing broken stuff every time we update? I spent several hours earlier this week figuring out that I had to go back to FF 3.6.18 so that I could access essential sites and plugins for my work. But, now I should I waste more time getting 1Password to work again (rather than manually) with the browser? I suppose its the FF team that started this mess. But, now I'm looking for new browser and password solutions that will be stable and easy to maintain so I can get back to something productive.

This discussion has been closed.