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Folders - unassigned



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Deb,

    As Marty mentioned, even if you are running the latest version of 1Password [i]for the version of OS X that you are using on your machine [/i]the Unfiled folder is not removable. This option was added in later versions of 1Password that are only available for folks who are running [b]Snow Leopard[/b] or [b]Lion.[/b] You, however, are running the older [b]Leopard[/b] operating system. (Note that "Snow Leopard" is different from "Leopard". Snow Leopard is newer than Leopard, but Lion is the most recent version of OS X.) If your system is capable of running a newer version of OS X, an upgrade to Snow Leopard or, ideally, Lion may be something to consider for other improvements even beyond any connection to 1Password. You can talk to a Genius at your local Apple Store for more information on the upgrade. We can try to help, but it would be best to have face-to-face assistance with an operating system upgrade.

    [quote]I got your email, too, and I will tell you that I'm so very impressed with 1Password's customer service! [/quote]

    Thanks so much! It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. Awesome users like yourself make providing excellent customer service a breeze. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
  • The unfiled issue is resolved, since I bought a new Mac and it has Lion. I didn’t realize it until now, though.

    I still have the issue as I stated above that all my financial accounts are missing from my ‘Financial’ folder, but they are present in Tags. It is the only folder like that.

    Frankly, I’m not sure why I even have ‘Accounts’ and ’Tags’ when they are exactly alike (except for my financial folder).
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The VAULT section is where [b]all[/b] your items begin their lives and they will [b]always[/b] exist in the VAULT until you delete them. (This is like the "Library" section in iTunes.)

    Each item exists in one and only one VAULT (Logins, Accounts, Identities, Secure Notes, Software, or Wallet).

    Each item can also be placed in a folder for organization. In addition to [i]actually[/i] existing in the VAULT, each item can be represented in [b]one and only one[/b] folder.

    Each item can also be tagged for organization. In addition to actually existing in the VAULT, each item can be organized with [b]multiple[/b] tags.

    You can choose to forego using folders and tags completely if you wish and just use the search function to find your items. You can use [b]only folders[/b] and no tags, [b]only tags[/b] and no folders, or place everything into a folder [b]and[/b] tag it. It is completely a personal preference just like the way you organize your kitchen cupboards and pantry. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />