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Feature Request: Support for Opera 11



  • I'me also using Opera and now I'me testing 1Password. If it will become the PW-manager of my choice I've to think about switching to Firefox.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    [quote name='heinetz' timestamp='1302111813' post='24074']

    I'me also using Opera and now I'me testing 1Password. If it will become the PW-manager of my choice I've to think about switching to Firefox.

    [/quote]Hi Heinetz,

    I wish we didn’t have to force you to switch to another browser to use 1Password with. We do hope to have something for Opera in the future. You can also try out Safari and Chrome on Macs, which are other browsers that we support. Many Opera users liked Chrome better than Firefox. I just thought you’d like to know the other options.
  • JBB
    JBB Junior Member
    Actually OmniWeb is a better option, in my opinion, than Safari or Chrome, if you like Opera. And, 1Password is integrated. Sadly it is no longer supported by the Omni Group, so I am looking forward to Agile finalizing their Opera integration.
  • [quote name='JBB' timestamp='1302219006' post='24188']

    Sadly it is no longer supported by the Omni Group[/quote]

    Depends on how you define "supported". I think they're still [i]developing[/i] OmniWeb, but now only at a leisurely glacial pace.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited April 2011
    This is getting off topic, but I am actually quite surprised at the continued development of OmniWeb. It certainly is nowhere near the pace of Chrome — those folks are insane! — but the latest "[url=""]Sneaky Peeks[/url]" are at least up to the Safari 5 version of WebKit. Much better than the Safari 4 version included in the current stable version!

    If they ever switch to WebKit2 (available in Lion), I may switch back to OmniWeb. Always loved that browser.
  • nite1010
    nite1010 Junior Member
    +1 for Opera!
  • +2 for Opera 11!

    The dev guys at Opera are very helpful, and I'm sure they'd assist in anyway they could.
  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member
    There's a LastPass browser extension for Opera 11. When the Opera extension for 1P/Mac makes its debut, I'll probably uninstall the LastPass extension because I prefer 1P/Mac to LastPass for pretty much anything that 1P/Mac is capable of doing. But I'm not willing to forgo the convenience of a good browser-integrated password manager for Opera while I await that happy day. LastPass complements 1P by meeting needs of mine that 1P doesn't (yet).

    It's not particularly convenient to run the 1P extension and the LastPass extension in the same browser at the same time, but I have both extensions installed in Safari. Even in Safari, LastPass is dormant unless and until I log into one of my LastPass vaults (LastPass, being cloud-based, juggles multiple vaults gracefully). When I want to "teach" LastPass one of my passwords, I log into the appropriate vault, let 1P log me on at the target website, accept LastPass's offer to remember the password, and then log out of the LastPass vault. From that point onward, I can easily access the site from Opera on my Mac, or from Firefox or Chrome in the Linux VM that I sometimes run under VirtualBox, or from a friend's Windows box via Portable Chrome running on a USB stick.
  • Another vote for Opera support, please! You've got all the other major browsers covered, and a bunch more most people have never heard of. While Opera may not dominate, it maintains a solid and consistent 3%-4% of the global browser market. It's been around longer than Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, and is clearly not going anywhere anytime soon. It now supports extensions. It's time.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the encouragement, Polydactyl!

    We are learning a lot about cross-browser implementation from latest Chrome extension and the experimental Safari 5.1 extension we just released in the beta channel for Mac OS X Lion. We are focusing the majority of developer resources at this time, but I think everything we are doing to create a Safari extension that uses the native Safari extension APIs is only bringing us closer to — not further from — an Opera extension.

    So, while I can't offer any promises, everything we are currently working will greatly help us develop an Opera extension when and if that happens. For a very long time, Opera did not have what it takes in order for us to implement an extension there. Since it has added this functionality, we have been very hard at work working on a Chrome extension (with an objectively larger market share) and support for the upcoming release of Lion (which I hope is clear that we can't ignore <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' /> ). It is possible that an Opera extension will one day be constructed, but these building blocks — JavaScript extensions, Lion support — will be the foundation on which we would build it.

    I can't guarantee we will build the house, but we need to make these bricks before it will be more than just a dream. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

    Thanks for your passion and support for this!
  • At first sry for my bad english. Its not my native language. I wanted to say that I LOVE 1Password. I can't surf without it anymore... But I am waiting for an Opera Extension for a long time, too. I hate Chrome and actual I'm using Firefox. But the only reason why I use Firefox is that there isn't a 1Password Extension for Opera. I think the most of us would be satisfied if AgileBits would release a "lite" version for Opera at least. It haven't to be so functional like the Fx/Chrome Version. Only the most important functions like filling in with the Shortcuts (for the beginning). When I'm not wrong then you released even an extension for Windows Phone so why not for Opera? I don't want to be impolite but you have to unterstand. So don't get me wrong but after waiting so long time I'm getting very impatient. Because I guess " day" means a few years and 1Password isn't exactly cheap... :/

    Anyway I wish you all a nice day hehe
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Cloudy!

    Thank you for adding your vote for this. I don't have anything to add right now, but with the unified extension codebase that I believe we are eventually moving toward, this is only becoming easier to implement. I'm sorry I don't have any additional information right now, but I have passed your feedback along to the developers.
  • Please add my vote for the opera extension.
  • Opera 11.5 was just released.

    I can't wait to use 1Password with it.
  • lefechka
    lefechka Junior Member
    edited June 2011

    Good day. If I'm not mistaken, for writing extensions in Opera did not have it?

    If so, can we hope to extension?
  • Carl
    Carl Just Me

    1Password will *never* support the Opera browser (feel free to prove me wrong)

    +1-ing won't change that

    It's a jungle out there - you should be using Safari - besides, Steve Jobs wants you to use Safari and you wouldn't want to piss him off

  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='Carl' timestamp='1309479840' post='30786']

    you should be using Safari - besides, Steve Jobs wants you to use Safari and you wouldn't want to piss him off


    I love it Carl can I use this once or twice ? not here but it may be a funny tweet sometime.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    Thanks for your votes, folks. Opera doesn't have quite the rich extension APIs that Safari, Chrome, and Firefox do, but we continue to evaluate how 1Password can work with it. I can say with some certainty that it will definitely not be before Lion is released. Otherwise, I don't have any kind of a time frame.

    Carl, I prefer Chrome — it does much better on [url=""]some browser benchmarks[/url] than any other stable-release browser at the moment — but everyone has their preference. But it's not just about raw numbers for most folks as much as it is the whole experience. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Opera is a great fit for a lot of users. I think it is much more popular in Europe than in North America, but Europeans are often trendsetters. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

  • lefechka
    lefechka Junior Member
    edited July 2011
    Chrome faster is empty. As soon as it filled with features, it tends to be slow and dull. And at 10.7 Safari ahead of Chrome on all counts.

    Only Opera boasts a comparable rate
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Like I said above, "it's not just about raw [performance] for most folks as much as it is the whole experience." <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Thanks for the vote, lefechka. I will pass this along to the developers!
  • I've found that overall Opera is faster and appears to work better than all the other browsers at this point and especially Safari. Even OperaNext (the alpha/beta) works better?
  • Volt
    Volt Junior Member
    I agree. I've been using Opera for a few months now and it is faster than the other browsers I've tried. Would love to see support for it.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I have added your votes for this. Thanks for the feedback, folks! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!
  • Oh yes, Opera support would be great! One of the very best browsers which receives far too little attention.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the vote, Aranaman! Opera is pretty great. The extension framework is not necessarily as rich as that in the other major browsers, but we never say "never".
  • Hi! One more vote for Opera support here. I have all the major browsers for development but for research and personal browsing I use Opera almost exclusively. Opera has been a great browser for years and it's not going away.

    1Password is great but without Opera support it's just not a complete password solution for me. Please add one more vote.
  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member
    [quote name='kamidev' timestamp='1324634797' post='56115']

    1Password is great but without Opera support it's just not a complete password solution for me. Please add one more vote.


    I'm not sure that 1Password will ever be a complete password solution for me. I love it for the things that it excels at, and resort to other (less beloved, but equally invaluable) tools for those things that 1Password does not excel at. I'll be very pleased when 1Password starts supporting Opera, but if I lived in Opera the way that you do I probably wouldn't be quite so blasé about the wait.

    My use of Camino has fallen off precipitously now that both Agile and LastPass have dropped their support for that browser.
  • Daenney
    edited January 2012
    Opera 11 was released December 12th, 2010 and early alpha builds since mid-October of that same year, currently the alpha builds of 12 have started to roll out.

    It's been quite a while now that Opera 11 is out and I know the extension framework might not be as capable as you'd like but a simple version for Opera to begin with (one that allows to just pull up login information) should be well within the capabilities of Opera's extensions. I understand every company has a limited amount of resources but still, Opera is the one "major" cross-platform browser missing.

    There are also a few cross-browser extensions frameworks such as Kangoo, which could be used to provide a minimalistic extension, including IE. Since Kangoo requires you to write JavaScript and there's already a bunch of that for both the web interface and the different browser plugins it should be possible to reuse quite a bit of code to speed up the process.

    I was wondering if there are any plans, in the pipeline, to support Opera sometime, even if it is with limited functionality at first?

    [quote name='benfdc' timestamp='1324671349' post='56129']

    I'm not sure that 1Password will ever be a complete password solution for me. I love it for the things that it excels at, and resort to other (less beloved, but equally invaluable) tools for those things that 1Password does not excel at. owser.


    Would you mind elaborating on that one? I'm rather curious about what you mean exactly, in which scenario's 1Pwd doesn't fulfill your needs and what you use to get around that.
  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member
    edited January 2012
    [quote name='Daenney' timestamp='1326369987' post='57096']

    Would you mind elaborating on that one? I'm rather curious about what you mean exactly, in which scenario's 1Pwd doesn't fulfill your needs and what you use to get around that.


    I use LastPass in places where I can’t use 1Password—Opera, Linux, TenFourFox, my wife’s iPad (where 1Password HD syncs to [b][i]her[/i][/b] keychain), other people’s computers, admin and guest accounts on my own computers—and when I need to do things that 1Password can’t [yet] do (juggle multiple keychains) or isn’t [yet] great at (securely sharing or transmitting passwords). Kind of like the way I use Windows to do things I can’t do in OS X, such as syncing my Trēo and accessing web pages that require Internet Explorer.

    I also use 1Password 3.5 to do things that newer versions don’t (export my keychain to Palm/Trēo format, export selected items to an encrypted web page), and I sometimes fire up 1P/Mac in an OS X guest account when I need to add large numbers of wallet items to the keychain of a 1P/Win user because I find some of 1P/Win's current keychain management limitations (inability to import non-login items from 1PIFs, no Edit > Duplicate command) to be extremely irksome.