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1Password and Safari 5.0

stevieg3 Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
So i jumped the gun and did a software update on the macbook pro and it put the new safari 5.0 on my machine. And now, no signs of 1P? Thoughts?


  • reece
    reece Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same here. Totally broken.
  • philosopoherdog
    philosopoherdog Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    I was just going to say the same thing. No 1P support! Help!!
  • wlmorin
    wlmorin Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same here
  • michaelnoble
    michaelnoble Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same here! I hope they have a fix ready to go! I use 1Password for everything.
  • mozart11
    mozart11 Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Me too. Even clicking on the site link in the 1PW app takes me to the site - but does not fill in the login info

    I guess some 1PW code writers will be up tonight. :) Thanks 1PW. :)

    Had to login here "manually" LOL Not used to that anymore.
  • woodenbrain
    woodenbrain Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Safari 5 has a new plugin architecture so hopefully extensions like 1P can finally be made that don't break with every release. Still I imagine that will require some pretty big rewriting, so I'd expect it to be a while. That is, unless the fine folks at Agile have had access to developer previews of Safari 5, may just be waiting in the wings.

    I'm not updating Safari before it (and Glims) are compatible.
  • Jamacal
    Jamacal Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Looks like we are all in the same boat
  • eanwhite
    eanwhite Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    This is to be expected. Developers need a little time to figure out everything that has changed and tweak their wares. Agile is fairly, well, agile and quick about compatibility with new Apple software. Personally, I won't be updating Safari until 1Password, Glims, and SafariCookies are all compatible. Well, I can live without the latter two, but am completely twisted around the finger of 1Password.
  • stevieg3
    stevieg3 Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    does anyone know how to go back to safari 4.0.5 if 5.0 has already been installed?
  • jbhannah
    jbhannah Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    There was no public beta of any sort for Safari 5 to my knowledge, so AWS is literally on the same page as we are right now as far as knowledge of the new extension framework. The Safari dev center is still down for updates, so until that's up with the extension API there's nothing they can do. :(
  • briansanderson
    briansanderson Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same boat here. Should have checked on capability before I upgraded to safari 5.0. I'm sure the update for 1password will be out soon though. It's funny how much I just rely on this program though.
  • blue_fireball_eater
    blue_fireball_eater Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Check your updates guys, 1Password v3.2 includes Safari 5 support!
  • al3x
    al3x Junior Member
    edited June 2010
    1Password 3.2.0 was just released. I checked for updates, and the release notes mention Safari 5 support. However...

    I upgraded, uninstalled the extensions, re-installed them, and found that 1Password 3.2.0 still doesn't work in Safari. It just doesn't seem to load at all.
  • stevieg3
    stevieg3 Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    ah, had it set to not download betas - will try that now...
  • stevieg3
    stevieg3 Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    just did the latest update to 3.2 and still can't seem to get 1P to work...
  • donebylee
    donebylee Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Sorry, but I have not had a problem with 1P before this but the new version for Safari 5 does not work. It is not a beta and this is a real problem that I hope they fix ASAP.
  • coneybeare
    coneybeare Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Ditto, latest safari and first 5.0 supported 1password not working
  • xcoded
    xcoded Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    I'm on the same boat, downloaded the update, but no Safari 5 / 1 Password goodness (n)
  • hotsoda
    hotsoda Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='al3x']1Password 3.2.0 was just released. I checked for updates, and the release notes mention Safari 5 support. However...

    I upgraded, uninstalled the extensions, re-installed them, and found that 1Password 3.2.0 still doesn't work in Safari. It just doesn't seem to load at all.[/QUOTE]

    Same problem here. I tried uninstalling everything and starting from scratch, doesn't seem to help.

    I also have problems searching with the new version. I get an NSInvalidArgumentException when I try to use the search box.
  • dabido
    dabido Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    I also just updated 1Password to 3.2.0, and Safari 5 does not load the extension. I tried uninstalling the ext and re-installing, re-opening both Safari 5 and 1Password, and no luck.

    Thanks agile guys for working on this!
  • briansanderson
    briansanderson Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Yep just upgraded to 1password 3.2 and safari 5.0 still does not work yet. I tried to install the plugins again via the 1password preferences but did not work. Just letting you guys know.
  • flec65
    flec65 Member
    edited December 1969
    Same problem here. 1P 3.2.0 doesn't load extensions in Safari 5.
  • zutty
    zutty Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same here...Is there a way to go back to Safari 4.0.5??
  • mozart11
    mozart11 Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same here. No icon. Or right click either.
  • sifutommy
    sifutommy Member
    edited December 1969
    Yep, even the new version is broken.
  • al3x
    al3x Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    So, this might help the Agile guys. From Console:

    6/7/10 5:43:55 PM 1PasswordAgent[126] (Information) Safari extension disabled: unsupported browser bundle version '6533.16', only 412-6532.0 are supported.
  • ayjay
    ayjay Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Yeah, mine doesn't work either, but you guys are awesome for even [I]trying[/I] to be this responsive. I really appreciate it.
  • sifutommy
    sifutommy Member
    edited December 1969
    Looks like some sort of version mismatch. From the console:

    6/7/10 8:41:55 PM 1PasswordAgent[223] (Information) Safari extension disabled: unsupported browser bundle version '6533.16', only 412-6532.0 are supported.
  • reece
    reece Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Same here. New version not recognized by Safari 5 at all! Guess I'll be doing a lot of copying and pasting!
  • binaryeric
    binaryeric Senior Member
    edited December 1969
    C'mon people... You know that in order for 1Password to work with a browser that DIDN'T EXIST a few hours ago... they need some time. This isn't a hamburger... it's software and a major new release at that... and it takes some time to go through the details and upgrade 1P to work.

    On top of that, the AWS staff are at WWDC so give them a break... patience is a virtue.

    Safari 4.x was "awesome" this morning... Safari 5 will be awesome soon enough.