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Safari 5.1 Extension

blbennett43 Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Known issues and resolving common problems</div>Installed Lion this morning, and 1Password is pretty much broken. I'm reduced to looking up passwords in 1Password manually and pasting them in. Autofill does not seem to work at all, shortcut key does not work. I was not even able to log in to this blog except to manually put in my info.

Hope you can get a fix out soon, because right now 1Password just is not working on Lion.


  • Same for me. In Safari with Lion, clicking the 1P menu on some sites does nothing, for other sites it says "no logins saved" even though in Firefox with the old extension, clicking "fill" works fine. I also had the extension set up in Safari and all of a sudden it started saying "no data available" or something and had to uninstall and reinstall the extension. Just very very frustrating and it looks like I'll be using Firefox from now on until this all gets fixed.
  • Examinus
    Examinus Junior Member
    My 1Password popup is appearing on the left of my screen when I press the button. Isn't it supposed to be in the middle?
  • brenty
    edited July 2011
    Please [url=""]check out our blog post for more general information[/url], and then see our [url=""]new Safari 5.1 extension troubleshooting guide[/url] if you are having trouble.

    The new Safari extension is to support version 5.1 on both Snow Leopard and Lion, as the old method we were using (scripting additions) is no longer allowed by Apple. It is currently in beta, and we hope to add features and improve it over time.

    If you are having questions or issues not covered there (or that are not resolved by following the suggestions in the guide) just let us know. We are always here to help! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • petvas
    petvas Junior Member
    [quote name='stu' timestamp='1311198106' post='32477']

    Are they not filling at all, or are you seeing weird behaviour where the page refreshes instead of logging you in?


    Most time the page just refreshes.
  • I have found that the popup menu in 1Password (within Safari) still insists on displaying logins that I have deleted from within the actual 1Password application. How can I stop it from doing this?
  • brenty
    edited July 2011
    [quote name='Mr. Laser Beam' timestamp='1311227967' post='32561']

    I have found that the popup menu in 1Password (within Safari) still insists on displaying logins that I have deleted from within the actual 1Password application. How can I stop it from doing this?


    Hey there, Mr. Laser Beam! I hope you don't mind, but I have moved your post to the appropriate thread.

    I am sorry you are having trouble with this. Please try removing and reinstalling the extension. Just follow these steps:

    [color="#1c2837"][b]Remove the 1Password extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open Safari[*]Go to the Safari Menu > Preferences > Extensions[*]Select the 1Password extension[*]Click “Uninstall”[*]Close Safari[/list][color="#1c2837"][b]Reinstall the Safari extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open 1Password[*]Go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers[*]Click the “Install Safari Extension” button[*]When prompted, click “Install”[/list][color="#1c2837"]I hope this helps. Please let me know how it turns out! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/color]
  • The extension isn't working for me at the moment.

    I have to manually copy passwords. It is not detecting the current site that I am on, and selecting the login manually redirects me to a Safari cannot-load-this-page filler. The reason it states: The first character is invalid.

    After successfully logging in, I updated my login when prompted by the extension, but this created two logins in my login database.

    I was wondering if anyone is seeing similar problems?
  • [font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][quote name='petvas' timestamp='1311221819' post='32556']

    Most time the page just refreshes.

    [/quote][/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]

    [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Sorry about the move, but I am trying to get the feedback and troubleshooting threads separate so that people can find the information more easily. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Could you give specific examples? I have not seen this behaviour on any of the sites I have been frequenting. Please try removing and reinstalling the extension as described above and let me know if that helps.[/size][/font]
  • brenty
    edited July 2011
    Hey there, saamJB! Welcome to the forums!

    This is a known issue, I believe. If I understand you correctly, it sounds like the Login items do not have the protocol in the URL. Please try adding "http://" (without the quotes) at the beginning of the location field in one of these Login items to see if that helps. Safari doesn't like that at all, so we will probably have to have 1Password append this automatically in the future.

    If you are still having trouble, could you tell me which sites they are so I can test it myself?

    [quote name='saamJB' timestamp='1311233499' post='32574']

    The extension isn't working for me at the moment.

    I have to manually copy passwords. It is not detecting the current site that I am on, and selecting the login manually redirects me to a Safari cannot-load-this-page filler. The reason it states: The first character is invalid.

    After successfully logging in, I updated my login when prompted by the extension, but this created two logins in my login database.

    I was wondering if anyone is seeing similar problems?

  • Penelope Pitstop
    Penelope Pitstop Junior Member
    Apologies if this has already been reported before. Not sure if this is the right thread to report new things on or not.

    Anyway, if you open up a new tab in Safari 5.1 (7534.48.3) so that it shows all the top sites thumbnails, clicking on the 1P icon does not result in the extension window coming up. Nor does the keyboard shortcut for You seem to have to open a page first.

    Maybe my memory is unreliable me but on the old version I seem to recall being able to open a new tab and then get the Go and Fill dialog?
  • Hi,

    I have just installed Lion and also at the same time go the upgrade from Safari 5.0 to 5.1.

    When I launched Safari and pressed 1P button it initially asked me for my Master Password, but then said something about something not being accessible, and asked me to launch 1Password and enter my master password there.

    I did it.

    However now 1Password plugin does currently not do anything when I press the 1P button on top, also I cannot use the keyboard shortcut to launch it. It doesn't matter if I have 1Password running or not on the background.

    I've tried to uninstall (from safari) and reinstall (from 1Password) several times, but nothing still happens when I press the 1P button. There are no error messages or anything anywhere.

    What should I do?


  • I seem to be unable to use 1password with the following site:; it used to work before updating to Lion yesterday...

    Do I got that right: the context-menu is gone?

    Happy day,
  • I have the same issue. Over all 1PW is asking every time for my master PW. I disabled this fearure in settings....
  • [quote name='Penelope Pitstop' timestamp='1311234862' post='32581']

    Apologies if this has already been reported before. Not sure if this is the right thread to report new things on or not.

    Anyway, if you open up a new tab in Safari 5.1 (7534.48.3) so that it shows all the top sites thumbnails, clicking on the 1P icon does not result in the extension window coming up. Nor does the keyboard shortcut for You seem to have to open a page first.

    Maybe my memory is unreliable me but on the old version I seem to recall being able to open a new tab and then get the Go and Fill dialog?


    You are absolutely correct, Penelope! It used to be possible to call the 1Password Go & Fill menu pretty much anywhere, but [url="go__fill"]this is not possible with the Safari extension API[/url]. There has to be a web page loaded. [img][/img]
  • Eelke
    edited July 2011
    I seem to have this issue too (updated to Lion yesterday, I now have Safari 5.1, not sure what it was before updating to Lion), at least related.

    - I do see the 1P button in the toolbar, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all

    - I do not see the 1Password context menu entry

    - When logging into a website, 1Password will offer to save the password (both cases I tried for website it should already know about)

    - There is no entry for Safari in the list of browsers in the 1Password preferences (there is a button to install the extension, and when pressed Safari asks whether I'm sure to install the extension (it will do this eventhough the 1Password extension shows up in Safari's list of extensions).

    I'm just trying to give as many details as I can, not sure which are relevant.
  • [quote name='zikade' timestamp='1311235668' post='32585']

    I seem to be unable to use 1password with the following site:; it used to work before updating to Lion yesterday...

    Do I got that right: the context-menu is gone?


    Correct: The context menu is gone, but with any luck [url=""]it will rise again[/url]! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I tried that site and I too was baffled at first. Apparently the login form is within a nested frame, so the 1Password popup was actually obscured by it. If you click inside the frame (anywhere around the login form) it should fill. Let me know if that helps.
  • [quote name='brenty' timestamp='1311236674' post='32590']

    Correct: The context menu is gone, but with any luck [url=""]it will rise again[/url]! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I tried that site and I too was baffled at first. Apparently the login form is within a nested frame, so the 1Password popup was actually obscured by it. If you click inside the frame (anywhere around the login form) it should fill. Let me know if that helps.


    Thanks brenty; that's been fast. But didn't work with that site. So, until the context menu reappears I have to copy my password etc. manually... bugger. Well, could be worse....
  • Hi, in addition to my recent post I add a "slideshow" on what´s happening when logging in to the forums.

    In the former version of Safari I was used to have a "1click login"...

    [attachment=860:Screenshot 1.png]

    [attachment=861:Screenshot 2.png]

    [attachment=862:Screenshot 3.png]
  • [quote name='zikade' timestamp='1311237138' post='32591']

    Thanks brenty; that's been fast. But didn't work with that site. So, until the context menu reappears I have to copy my password etc. manually... bugger. Well, could be worse....


    Sorry about that. It appears as though it is filling the login credentials, but then the page inexplicably reloads. I am reporting this and we will see what we can do to get this working in the future for you. Thanks for your patience. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • I give up. Spent the entire evening trying to get it to work. I'm uninstalling it and will make do with keychain.
  • [font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]

    Welcome to the forums, Eelke and Jukka; and Thomas! I am sorry for the confusion. [/size][/font]

    [quote name='Jukka' timestamp='1311235459' post='32584']

    When I launched Safari and pressed 1P button it initially asked me for my Master Password, but then said something about something not being accessible, and asked me to launch 1Password and enter my master password there.

    I did it.

    However now 1Password plugin does currently not do anything when I press the 1P button on top, also I cannot use the keyboard shortcut to launch it. It doesn't matter if I have 1Password running or not on the background.

    I've tried to uninstall (from safari) and reinstall (from 1Password) several times, but nothing still happens when I press the 1P button. There are no error messages or anything anywhere.


    It sounds like the extension may not be installed correctly. Please follow these steps to reinstall it:

    [color=#1C2837][b]Remove the 1Password extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open Safari[*]Go to the Safari Menu > Preferences > Extensions[*]Select the 1Password extension[*]Click “Uninstall”[*]Close Safari[/list][color=#1C2837][b]Reinstall the Safari extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open 1Password[*]Go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers[*]Click the “Install Safari Extension” button[*]When prompted, click “Install”[/list][quote name='Eelke' timestamp='1311236551' post='32589']

    - There is no entry for Safari in the list of browsers in the 1Password preferences (there is a button to install the extension, and when pressed Safari asks whether I'm sure to install the extension (it will do this eventhough the 1Password extension shows up in Safari's list of extensions).


    This is normal with the new extension, since it can no longer be installed automatically without user input, as per the Safari extension framework.

    [quote name='Thomas of Austria' timestamp='1311237606' post='32593']

    In the former version of Safari I was used to have a "1click login"...


    While we want to streamline this going forward, right now step 3 is not necessary. The arrow you clicked is to show the details of the login item. If you just click on your "1Password-Forum" item in the list in step 2, it will fill it.
  • [quote name='brenty' timestamp='1311242119' post='32602']

    [font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]

    Welcome to the forums, Eelke and Jukka; and Thomas! I am sorry for the confusion. [/size][/font]

    It sounds like the extension may not be installed correctly. Please follow these steps to reinstall it:

    [color=#1C2837][b]Remove the 1Password extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open Safari[*]Go to the Safari Menu > Preferences > Extensions[*]Select the 1Password extension[*]Click “Uninstall”[*]Close Safari[/list][color=#1C2837][b]Reinstall the Safari extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open 1Password[*]Go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers[*]Click the “Install Safari Extension” button[*]When prompted, click “Install”[/list]

    This is normal with the new extension, since it can no longer be installed automatically without user input, as per the Safari extension framework.

    While we want to streamline this going forward, right now step 3 is not necessary. The arrow you clicked is to show the details of the login item. If you just click on your "1Password-Forum" item in the list in step 2, it will fill it.


    I've done the remove + reinstall several times, with no avail.

    When I open 1Password after removing the extension, 1Password informs me with "Install Safari Extension?"

    If I say yes, it launches Safari and asks to install the plugin. When I press Install, the button is added, but does not do anything when it is pressed.

    If I say cancel, and follow your original instructions and install it from 1Password Browsers/ "Install Safari Extension" it launches safari and asks to install the plugin. When I press Install, the button is added, but it does not do anything when it is pressed.

    So unfortunately this does not solve the problem.
  • [quote name='brenty' timestamp='1311233757' post='32576']

    Hey there, saamJB! Welcome to the forums!

    This is a known issue, I believe. If I understand you correctly, it sounds like the Login items do not have the protocol in the URL. Please try adding "http://" (without the quotes) at the beginning of the location field in one of these Login items to see if that helps. Safari doesn't like that at all, so we will probably have to have 1Password append this automatically in the future.

    If you are still having trouble, could you tell me which sites they are so I can test it myself?


    Appending "http://www." to the beginning of all my website URL strings did the trick in Safari. Everything works as intended now. Thanks.
  • [quote name='saamJB' timestamp='1311245036' post='32612']

    Appending "http://www." to the beginning of all my website URL strings did the trick in Safari. Everything works as intended now. Thanks.


    Any time! Thanks for the update. Hopefully we can make this extra step unnecessary in the future, both for your sake and Safari's. [img][/img]
  • [quote name='Examinus' timestamp='1311198380' post='32481']

    My 1Password popup is appearing on the left of my screen when I press the button. Isn't it supposed to be in the middle?


    Hey there! I hope you don't mind, but I merged your post with the appropriate thread.

    This is actually completely normal in our brand new (beta) Safari 5.1 extension. Please [url=""]check our our blog post[/url], and let me know if you have any further questions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • [quote name='Jukka' timestamp='1311242813' post='32604']

    I've done the remove + reinstall several times, with no avail.

    When I open 1Password after removing the extension, 1Password informs me with "Install Safari Extension?"

    If I say yes, it launches Safari and asks to install the plugin. When I press Install, the button is added, but does not do anything when it is pressed.

    If I say cancel, and follow your original instructions and install it from 1Password Browsers/ "Install Safari Extension" it launches safari and asks to install the plugin. When I press Install, the button is added, but it does not do anything when it is pressed.

    So unfortunately this does not solve the problem.


    [b]Same here:[/b]

    Try to Start Extension -> Enter Master Password

    After entering -> "Dta not available. Please open and unlock 1Password to update extension data.

    Tried to uninstall and reinstall several times. I entered the correct PW. The Extension works on my iMac Core i5, 27" with Safari. I does [b]NOT[/b] work on my iMac Core 2.
  • Luminous
    edited July 2011
    Hi there!

    First I want to apologize for my bad English.

    So, that's my problem:


    After hitting the Return-Key, nothing happens. If I reinstall the plugin via 1Password-App, it works until I restart Safari 5.1. Anybody else with this problem or a solution? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    No problems with Chrome, Firefox, etc.

    Thanks in advance!
  • [quote name='Tarn' timestamp='1311245766' post='32617']

    [b]Same here:[/b]

    Try to Start Extension -> Enter Master Password

    After entering -> "Dta not available. Please open and unlock 1Password to update extension data.

    Tried to uninstall and reinstall several times. I entered the correct PW. The Extension works on my iMac Core i5, 27" with Safari. I does [b]NOT[/b] work on my iMac Core 2.



    After restarting Little Snitch (and doing nothing more) it works. No sense if that was the reason.
  • djlist
    djlist Junior Member
    I have similar problems-- I have followed the advice, having uninstalled and then reinstalled the extension. Mostly it just doesn't work, although on one site it provides the user id but not the password (which is still correctly recorded. Just shows all of us early adopters are a tiny bit mad, thinking different or not!
  • brenty
    edited July 2011
    Hey, blbennett43 and A User!

    I am sorry for the trouble. Our new Safari 5.1 extension is currently in beta, and while it is coming right along, it is not feature-complete. We are not finished yet! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Please [url=""]check out our blog post[/url] for most information, and [url=""]try our troubleshooting guide[/url] if you are experiencing issues.

    [quote name='blbennett43' timestamp='1311197189' post='32470']

    Autofill does not seem to work at all, shortcut key does not work. I was not even able to log in to this blog except to manually put in my info.


    [quote name='A User' timestamp='1311197899' post='32475']

    Same for me. In Safari with Lion, clicking the 1P menu on some sites does nothing, for other sites it says "no logins saved" even though in Firefox with the old extension, clicking "fill" works fine.


    It sounds like the extension was not installed properly. Please try reinstalling it, like so:

    [color="#1c2837"][b]Remove the 1Password extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open Safari[*]Go to the Safari Menu > Preferences > Extensions[*]Select the 1Password extension[*]Click “Uninstall”[*]Close Safari[/list][color="#1c2837"][b]Reinstall the Safari extension[/b][/color]

    [list=1][*]Open 1Password[*]Go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers[*]Click the “Install Safari Extension” button[*]When prompted, click “Install”[/list][font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"][size="2"]

    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"] [/font]I apologize for the inconvenience. Since it is so new and since installing and using it works a bit differently, it may take some adjustment. We are hard at work adding other features and making it less intrusive. And since it automatically updates in the background, you won't have to do a thing![/size][/font]

    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"] [/font]

    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"][size="2"]Please let me know if this helps. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/size][/font]
This discussion has been closed.