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Firefox 3.6 crashes on Startup when 1Password extension is activated



  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='Franzi72']Hi everyone

    after installing Firefox 3.6.3 1st password started working again.[/QUOTE]

    That's great to hear!

    Anyone else get 1Password working agin with the Firefox 3.6.3 upgrade?
  • onepablo
    onepablo Junior Member
    edited 2010 06
    First upgrade: Mac OS 10.6.3 ---> everything works fine

    Second upgrade: Firefox 3.6.3 ---> 1password stopped to work

    Third upgrade: 1Password 3.1.0 (build 30621) ---> nothing changed

    Thanks for your help
  • kitebuggy
    kitebuggy Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Ok, now we're getting somewhere. This is looking increasingly like a memory mismanagement error from the FireFox team. [B]There may be a temporary work around - see below.[/B]

    By rebuilding parts of my system I had managed to make FF & 1P play nicely together again, but lo and behold, the recent FF & 1P upgrades broke it again and I had FF crashing on start-up all over again.

    I saw the previous poster's (vknwgsm's) suggestion regarding secure virtual memory and fair enough, this does the trick. [B]It is not a fix, but a workaround.[/B]

    Just to confirm, the workaround is as follows:

    Open Systems Preferences (e.g. click the Apple icon top left of the screen, then 'Systems Preferences...', then click 'Security' and under the 'General' tab, uncheck the 'Use secure virtual memory' tickbox. [B]Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.[/B]

    This implies that the exact combination of FF, FF Add-Ons and other FF data must occasionally break the SVM model - either poor memory management, incorrect/corrupted addressing or some such error then occasionally will surface with the right (or wrong?) combination of variables. When it does, the error stops FF from launching (the whole point of SVM is to prevent attacks based on abusing memory stacks).

    This should be logged with the FF team so they may investigate this further.

    Thanks for your help thus far,

  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    Thanks for your helpful post, Jason.
  • Andrea82
    Andrea82 Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Same problem occurs to me. I have the most updated versions of 1Password Firefox and Snow Leopard. Maybe it can be useful to know that the problem is quite spread to different users.

    Thank you. Bye bye,

  • geoffb
    geoffb Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    1P 3.0.9 Firefox 3.6.3 - had the crash on start. The disabling secure VM pages fixed that. I updated to 1P 3.1.0 last night and was back to the crash. I then created a new FF profile, made no difference. Then went in to ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox and noticed that even a new install of FF does not overwrite or clean out {Cache.Trash, browserstate.logs, extensions.cache} so I deleted all those. Then went to ~/Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/{newprofileID/Cache and removed all those cache files. Works perfectly now. It was the combination of creating a new profile, ie a new directory AND manually removing all caches. What's even more stinky is that Mozilla has renamed the 3.5 Profile/Cache dir to Profiles/Cache (why do they do this !) What makes NO sense is that I had to delete the cache files in the OLD profiles or blow away those dirs manually before things started to work.

    By the way, using dtrace on FF shows an immediate exception being thrown, but it's a red herring, as the FF profile is not being loaded. I can't seem force the profile to load under dtrace, btw

    2010-04-10 08:35:42.040 firefox-bin[761:207] Incompatible applications: app=org.mozilla.firefox,

    2010-04-10 08:35:43.283 firefox-bin[761:207] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary. << red herring

    I have no idea why various voodoo combinations of tricks sometimes work and sometimes not.

    rgds - 1P is a great product

  • lausK
    lausK Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Mine firefox+p1 blow up agen...

    no clue about what happend will try to research later on.
  • Design
    Design Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    1. uncheck the 'Use secure virtual memory' tickbox

    2. reboot

    3. install and setting Firefox3.6.3 and 1Password 3.1.1

    4. Firefox crashes on starup

    It is sad...
  • macpug
    macpug Agile Customer Care
    edited 1969 31
    Design, did you see the posts by Jason (aka kitebuggy) and Geoff (aka geoffb) above? One of those might possibly help you. Please give it a go and let us know. Good luck.
  • mifolame
    mifolame Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    It seems that no Mac, in Agile Web, has this problem. May be I offer a way to produce it.

    My system was ok: Snow Leopard 10.6.3, Firefox and 1Password was all updated to the last version.

    I used SuperDuper! for a bootable backup. This app, before backuping, reapirs permissions and, when finished backuping, restore spotlight state.

    When I run Firefox after backup, it stopped running and there were no way to avoid the problem we are talking about.

    Simply making a backup (no intalling new versions, no upagrading anything at all).

    Why don't you try a backup with SuperDuper? May be you encounter the problem...


  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='mifolame']It seems that no Mac, in Agile Web, has this problem. May be I offer a way to produce it.

    My system was ok: Snow Leopard 10.6.3, Firefox and 1Password was all updated to the last version.

    I used SuperDuper! for a bootable backup. This app, before backuping, reapirs permissions and, when finished backuping, restore spotlight state.

    When I run Firefox after backup, it stopped running and there were no way to avoid the problem we are talking about.

    Simply making a backup (no intalling new versions, no upagrading anything at all).

    Why don't you try a backup with SuperDuper? May be you encounter the problem...



    So are you saying that if you boot off the original disk or partition that 1Password and Firefox 3.6.3 will work, but after booting from the new disk that it fails?
  • kitebuggy
    kitebuggy Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Perhaps you could make a debug version of both FF & the 1P extension available to those with difficulties? Speaking for myself, I'd be delighted to help identify and resolve this problem once and for all.

    Best regards,

  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    Jason, from everything we've read and heard so far, this problem is not specific to 1Password.
  • geoffb
    geoffb Junior Member
    edited 2010 26
    So I went and built a debug version of FF 3.6.3 with --dtrace-enabled. Check this out,it doesn't even give me a complete user stack frame dump, only this miserable tidbit. I explicitly told dtrace to give me 3.. I am going to hit it with the errinfo DTrace toolkit scripts and see what gives next. It's crazy that docshell is involved (you or someone else checking URI composition or something really, really early?) it doesn't it seem correct, there's something underlying here. This has got to be memory alloc/free related.

    The clue here is that the other extensions that croak, such as Xmarks, crash in exactly the same place. Ah SO ! Since --debug is enabled and nothing is stripped, it's off to gdb land next to see what gives.. but hey, this sure looks like it's not you guys.

    As usual, best rgds. Geoff

    ++DOCSHELL 0x10682fe30 == 1

    --DOCSHELL 0x10682fe30 == 0


    => mAllocCount: 3560

    => mReallocCount: 60

    => mFreeCount: 3560

    => mShareCount: 618

    => mAdoptCount: 315

    => mAdoptFreeCount: 315

    Here's my dtrace script

    dtrace -n 'objc_runtime$target:::objc_exception_throw { ustack( 3); stack (3)}' -c "/Users/xxx/mozilla/obj-ff-dbg/dist/" > /tmp/firefox-output.txt

    I dtraced the syscalls and so on, lemme know if you want them, lots of file I/O etc. The last couple before it croaked were these, timestamp is rightmost column).

    1 18541 sigprocmask:entry 5481140569240

    1 18551 sigaltstack:entry 5481140572773

    1 18987 sem_wait:entry 5481140625318

    1 18991 sem_post:entry 5481140636458

    1 19113 __semwait_signal:entry 5481140778849

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481140820259

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481140836277

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481140843682

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481140884650

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481141740692

    1 19113 __semwait_signal:entry 5481141993952

    1 18457 close:entry 5481142473116

    1 18457 close:entry 5481142514990

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481142950717

    1 18453 write:entry 5481143887318

    1 19113 __semwait_signal:entry 5481143916726

    1 18495 geteuid:entry 5481144633730

    1 18495 geteuid:entry 5481144864488

    1 18457 close:entry 5481145042455

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145215000

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145240470

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145249878

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145255745

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145260633

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145266233

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145271968

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145276813

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145281439

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481145285595

    1 18447 exit:entry 5481145361384

    1 18541 sigprocmask:entry 5481146210386

    1 18551 sigaltstack:entry 5481146212879

    1 19171 kevent:entry 5481146444924

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481146458600

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481146502534

    1 19181 workq_kernreturn:entry 5481146538582

    1 18493 getuid:entry 5481146641102

    1 18493 getuid:entry 5481146661700

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481146692723

    1 19239 write_nocancel:entry 5481146708413

    1 18553 ioctl:entry 5481146717938
  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    edited 1969 31
    Thanks for the additional troubleshooting, Geoff. In my experience, since DTrace runs as root, it doesn't pick up the user's extensions. Is that consistent with your experience? I think that's what the exception throw logging didn't work for me. Then again, it's possible that it's not an [i]Objective-[/i]C exception that's thrown, but that's another story. If you have any other information, feel free to let us know.
  • antonio71
    antonio71 Junior Member
    edited 1969 31

    at the moment with the last 1Password update (3.1.2) everything is working fine for me.
  • DBrown
    edited 1969 31
    That's good news, anotonio71! Thanks for the follow-up.
  • Lewys
    Lewys Junior Member
    edited 2010 05
    Sadly it doesn't seem to be working for me.

    FF 3.6.3

    1P 3.1.2

    OS X 10.6.3

    I'm having the same issue described by other members in this thread. 1P is the only extension I've ever run on FF.

    Really wish it worked. I've tried everything I can find, but only rebuilding my Mac seems to solve the issue, and even that only does it for a few days.

    Hope a fix is found soon.

  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    Me too, Lewys. Right now it's looking like the fix is going to have to come from the Mozilla team. I'm sorry you're having this trouble! Welcome to the forums, in any case; we're thrilled you've joined us.
  • Lewys
    Lewys Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Glad to be here!

    I've downloaded and tried out 3.6.4 which is still in beta, but it's not fixed the issue. ;(

    I created a new user on OS X, and copied the new FF profile from that, over to my actual account, with the 1Password extension already added to Firefox (So I installed the 1Password extension on the new account, and then copied the complete profile over.) That seems to have forced it to work for now, but it's weird, as deleting the Firefox profile on my actual account, and then having FF recreate it didn't make any difference, it still refused to play.

    But at least for now I have found a workaround that is alot less effort than rebuilding my Mac.

    Remember to set all the permissions up, so your actual account and read and write to the copied over FF profile.

    Hope that makes sense and helps someone else out.
  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    Thanks for the tip, Lewys!
  • erep
    erep Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Just want to tell that i got the problem with the following extensions:



    pdf plugin

    After updating to Version 3.1.3 (build 30645). The problem occured before but was solved (unfortunately a cannot say how). But now FF will not start even if 1pw is disabled and one of the other mentioned ext are installed. :-(
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='erep']Just want to tell that i got the problem with the following extensions:



    pdf plugin

    After updating to Version 3.1.3 (build 30645). The problem occured before but was solved (unfortunately a cannot say how). But now FF will not start even if 1pw is disabled and one of the other mentioned ext are installed. :-([/QUOTE]

    We know it doesn't help our customers, but it's obvious that a number of Firefox add-ons are impacted by this problem. It's something that's "above" 1Password and all the others that brings Firefox down. Here's to hoping that the Mozilla team(s) truly understand how widespread this issue is and can do something about it.
  • erep
    erep Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    yes, but why did the 1pw update trigger this problem also for stylish and pdf plugin?
  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    erep, from what we have learned so far (mostly from the other posts in this thread), it is not clear that 1Password has triggered this issue. It is our understanding that this this is a higher-level issue than related to a specific extension. Of course, if we learn that there is something we can do to help prevent this from happening, we certainly will.
  • erep
    erep Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    Hi again.

    I know and I did not want to say that 1Password is the reason of this problem but actually the update of 1pw triggered it on my system. Today I installed the update to Version 3.2.0.BETA-3 (build 30649) and everything is fine again. 1PW and stylish are working! (did not test the pdf plugin yet). I will not touch any of this extensions again until I will read in this thread that Mozilla or somebody fixed the problem.
  • Nik
    edited 1969 31
    Thank you for the update, erep. I think it is as much a coincidence that the 1Password update fixed the problem as it was that a 1Password update caused it. I will bring this info to our developers' attention just in case there is something we can learn from this. In any case, I'm glad that things are working well for you again.
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='erep']Hi again.

    I know and I did not want to say that 1Password is the reason of this problem but actually the update of 1pw triggered it on my system. Today I installed the update to Version 3.2.0.BETA-3 (build 30649) and everything is fine again[/QUOTE]

    It sounds to me like there is a race condition or something similar that triggers this problem whenever Firefox is restarted. That would certainly explain why it is not consistent. Under this theory restarting Firefox a few times should eventually cause the problem to resurface albeit race conditions are notoriously difficult to recreate.

    As for the 3.2.0.BETA-3 update itself I don't see anything in this release that could possibly be related to this. The changes in the 3.2 release have mainly focused on enhanced DropBox integration and the Firefox extension setup has not been modified. AFAICT the update to beta 3 is a red herring caused by the need to restart Firefox.

    Unfortunately I don't see what we can do on our side to workaround this issue.
  • kiks
    kiks Junior Member
    edited 1969 31
    I was able to solve the problem by following this



    Firefox user

    i had the same problem. what fixed it for me was i re installed OS 10.6, did not format the hard disk but just re installed the system so i kept all programs. i then downloaded all the Mac updates and after that restarted FF 3.6. worked perfectly after that.

    Seems like there is something that was left behind somewhere in the system. Cos I had this issue several times with several updates, first with FF to 3.6, then with 1PW. But all seems to be well now.

    Sat 24 of Apr, 2010 22:04 PST #[/quote]

    source: [url][/url]

    It took me about 2 and a half hours to download all the software updates but after that, firefox 3.6.3 with 1password browser extension works flawlessly.

    I'm running Mac OS X (10.6.3) Snow Leopard and fired up my Snow Leopard Installer DVD.
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited 1969 31
    [quote name='kiks']I was able to solve the problem by following this

    source: [url][/url]

    It took me about 2 and a half hours to download all the software updates but after that, firefox 3.6.3 with 1password browser extension works flawlessly.

    I'm running Mac OS X (10.6.3) Snow Leopard and fired up my Snow Leopard Installer DVD.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the information and your own confirmations. And welcome to the forums, kiks!