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  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='NovaScotian' timestamp='1315507596' post='45525']

    Wow -- are we to infer that those of us who use Leopard or Snow Leopard will not get any further updates? That's a serious question, because although I bought Lion, I have never installed it and the more I read about it, the less likely I am to do so. Should I be planning on storing my passwords some other way?


    MAS editions of 1Password will be Lion only. I don't have any news yet as to if there will be more updates for the 3.8 line of the product.
  • I have to say that I'm also extremely disappointed. I bought 1Password family license + iOS pro version less than week ago. I looked at several password managers several months, compared features and looked how I can adapt these to my workflow. I finally decided that although 1Password is the most expensive one and still has many shortcomings and missing little pieces, I can work with it and I'll buy it. I spent most of my evenings in this week with switching and now you are saying basically that I wasted my time and money because:[list]

    [*]I'll not receive any more updates because I'll stay with Snow Leopard. No, I will not switch to Lion at least in 2011 and probably not even in 2012. Some hardware pieces I use (I'm working with professional audio) will not get a stable drivers before second half of 2012. Dropping support for OS version supported by Apple and forcing users to upgrade to the version out some months only is insane IMHO.

    [*]Dumbing a new version down is even worse. The possibility to use several keychains was one of vital features - the possibility to attach keychain only if really needed with USB key is very important part of my workflow.


    I don't have any more to say that "Please tell me that you are not serious?!".
  • Macworld posted an article but it has very little information about the differences 3.9 brings, nor that paying again for it (for current users) will include the 4.0 upgrade. Trying to help out the angry comments in the forum, but the writer sure needs to update his article.
  • Is one of the limitations also that I cannot use my custom shortcut anymore? I'm very much used to using cmd-§ (using only one hand) in stead of the default. And I'd like to be able to change it back again.
  • JanuschM
    edited 2011 08
    I understand nothing....

    I run 3.8.4 .... So i become not a free Update to 4 ??

    And when i buy the 1Password 3.9 from MAS now.... i will become free update to 4?

    And when i don't buy from Mac Appstore the 3.8 become Updates when something is change or new bugs comes ? Or it will end the Support when 4 is coming ?

    Please Answer
  • JOeMTC
    edited 2011 08
    It seems a lot of the comments here on this thread are customers who are unhappy with the MAS integration. Are there those who are happy with it? Why are you happy to use the MAS version over the AgileBits Store (ABS?) version? Not even sure if this is the proper place for a such a discussion. I apologize if it is not.

    Just trying to figure out my options and make an educated decision.


  • There is not even a 4.0 version I could evaluate.. (aka buy)... Sorry... that is marketing nothing else!

    If you want to make something good: Make the AppStore Version free for some days. That way I may be tricked into giving the crippled version a try... Multiple keychains may work with moving files around.

    BTW... you had promos going on in the past... Selling it to bundle buyers... With the AppStore version that is gone too I guess? Or will there be some day.. magically a Version 4.0 appear outside of the AppStore for the NEXT marketing campaing?

    I am really disappointed in how your company act... I thought that 1Password is a kind of software which gives me less headaches and freedom... now it feels like getting put into a cage without having an opportunity. It was such a great product...
  • om3ga777
    om3ga777 Junior Member
    Personally I don't have a problem with with the MAS in general and as already mentioned by Agile staff members major 1Password upgrades always have been 50% off for owners of the previous version. So the current price in the MAS is exactly that: The price for a major update, which every 3.x owner, who wants to upgrade, would have to pay anyway. The beneficiaries of this whole situation are new users - owners of a 3.x license are not penalised in any way (in terms of pricing, of course). This message should be made a lot clearer.

    Definitely a disadvantage is the fact, that a certain timeframe (as long as the -50% offer stands) is enforced upon us 3.x users. If we do not buy in that timeframe we are out of luck and will have to pay the full price again. And of course the fact, that (for some users) critical features are missing in hat version. Personally I don't miss those features, but that's just me ...

    However, what I am REALLY interested in is how upgrade pricing will work after 4.0? As far as I know Apple doesn't offer upgrade pricing yet and considering the iOS App Store its probably sure to say, that it is NOT sure, if Apple will implement methods for upgrade pricing at all. So how is Agile going to handle this situation? Just hope, that there will be upgrade pricing? Creating a new app for every major upgrade like Loren Brichter did with Tweetie? Not afraid of name squatters? Is the better visibility on the MAS really worth the 30% cut and all those feature limitations? After all this could seriously hinder innovation in the future, which may lead to competitive disadvantages.

    Of course consumers are only partially affected by those questions, but for me (as non-developer) the App Store still doesn't seem like the perfect place for _real software_ and therefore I'd be very interested in hearing Agile's stance on the matter, as you seem so very convinced, that the future of 1Password lies in MAS exclusiveness. What are your reasons for this to believe?
  • JoeMTC, I don't necessarily think the posts are UNHAPPY people....I think most posts are just posing a lot of questions in the face of uncertainty. If there is a common theme to posts of unhappiness, it seems to surround losing the feature to have multiple keychains.
  • I'm not unhappy. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I am a bit silly though, found the option the set the shortcut.
  • I am only one user, so I can't speak to the dilemma of those trying to use multiple accounts or family packs, but I can say that after using the MAS version all afternoon, I've had no change in functionality. It is the still the 1P I know and love.
  • leicaman
    leicaman Junior Member
    edited 2011 08
    [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315507454' post='45521']

    Unlock the app and then see File > Export All. We have two options: 1Password Interchange File (JSON) and Text File (csv). Note that neither of these files is encrypted, so please be careful where you store it!


    Okay, that sounds good. Not an ideal way to keep in sync, but that's what one has to do. If only my work Mac is going to be the issue, it won't be too big of a deal for me.

    My biggest issue with your going exclusive with the MAS (now that my main fear is assuaged) is that I really can't legally use 1Password at work because the Mac App Store prohibits using it in an enterprise environment. I am an admin of my computer, so I am free to install it. But the Mac App Store precludes doing it legally. Not that it has stopped most people from violating corporate policy or MAS policy. But it would be nice to be able to do it legally.

    I can see the support complexity going down for you not having to support two different versions of 1Password. But then I also, from experience, know that your updates are sometimes buggy and that you all have been very fast at fixing issues. But now that it has to go through App Store approval to get an update out, we could go days or even weeks without a needed update.

    And saints preserve us if at some point Apple decides not too approve 1Password at all. Then what? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wondering.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':^)' />
  • nev
    nev Junior Member
    So those who purchased 1Password outside of the MAS and who don't want Apple's new walled garden will get left behind in the upgrade process?

    That just sucks.

    As other people have said above, there are many reasons not to use the MAS. Apps become emasculated; their functionality becomes limited. And who knows what restrictions lie in the future?

    Once again profit triumphs over creative coding. What other possible reason could you have for NOT providing the software outside of the MAS, since obviously people WANT it that way? It's not like you can't do it.

    And this vague tempting over some apparently fabulous version 4 is just naff.

    I can see the complaints coming thick and fast about this on this forum, and the posts disappearing due to embarrassment, like they have before ( [url=""][/url] )
  • Does this mean the beta program is officially over then? I liked getting regular updates as they were needed, rather than waiting days (weeks) for Apple to approve them. Apple's approval process is ok for apps that irregularly have updates, but does not work well for programs that need to be constantly updated. I am all for supporting Agile and 1Password, but am disappointed about this part the most...

    I guess it is over, seeing as how we beta testers never saw/tested the Lion features before it went live.
  • toddlambert
    toddlambert Junior Member
    I have been a faithful supporter of this software from way back when it was called 1paswd not 1password. I own several copies (having picked up a few in bundles, etc). I've beta tested new versions including the iOS version before it was released.

    I have had nothing but admiration for the Agile team and highly respect them as company and hold their product at very lofty levels.

    However, now...

    NOT A DAMN THING HAS CHANGED! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/emoticon-0136-giggle.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(giggle)' />

    I am happy that Agile has decided to make it's way to the MAS. Agile has always been on the cutting edge of things and has been a trendsetting software company forever. Nothing has changed.

    For those bitching about this version 4 issue, this is a good business move for them. The exposure on the store has been a huge part of sales for many small software companies and the costs involved with licensing, distribution, marketing, etc... have hamstrung many small development companies. Most developers that have moved to the MAS have nothing but praise for it and are more than happy to provide Apple with their 30% cut because of the overhead costs that Apple absorbs in return.

    This doesn't work for all developers of course, but if it works for Agile, then it IS a smart business move for them. Even if there's a few restrictions, I am sure that those small hiccups are worth the price for being on the MAS.

    Congrats to the Agile team and thanks again for all that you do. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_beer.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(beer)' />
  • Hello there,

    for how long will 1P be available for the reduced price?

    I haven't switched to Lion yet, is it possible to purchase 1P from the MAS now and use it once i have switched?
  • Actually I was right about not being able to use a custom shortcut. On my MacBook Air I can, but on my iMac I cannot, the option is missing:
  • The MAS's licensing is great for those with multiple Macs. Now you only need to go to one place to download all your apps. I am going to miss the beta process but consider that with the growth of Mac usage, new users may not venture out and find great apps like 1password. Their future purchases help us receive free updates as they fund the company after we have long since purchased our copies. Keep in mind that while the transition to the MAS ads extra costs, that is not Agiles doing. It is a flaw of the app store that does not allow current users to make the migration at a cheaper price than new users.
  • My biggest concern with the App Store is the slow review process by Apple. You can't release many updates in a short period of time (like in the past weeks) via the App Store.
  • r4nd0m_user
    edited 2011 08
    still waiting for a statement ...
  • petvas
    petvas Junior Member
    I made the switch to the MAS version, despite the fact that I already owned a license for 1Password. The introductory price along with the fact that we are getting a free upgrade to 1Password 4 were enough reasons for me to change. The only thing I don't like is that I had to move my Dropbox folder to my home folder in order to continue to be able to sync. The other missing features don't interest me that much. The ability to open multiple data files could become handy at some point in the future, but the MAS version doesn't support it anyway....
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='petvas' timestamp='1315515745' post='45647']

    I made the switch to the MAS version, despite the fact that I already owned a license for 1Password. The introductory price along with the fact that we are getting a free upgrade to 1Password 4 were enough reasons for me to change. The only thing I don't like is that I had to move my Dropbox folder to my home folder in order to continue to be able to sync. The other missing features don't interest me that much. The ability to open multiple data files could become handy at some point in the future, but the MAS version doesn't support it anyway....


    We are evaluating a fully supported feature for multiple data files / sharing keychain items, etc. If we find a good way to implement this, it'll be much better than the partially broken way that folks were doing it before.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='r4nd0m_user' timestamp='1315515063' post='45636']

    still waiting for a statement ...


    We appreciate your input on the issue. MAS is the way that Apple is pushing developers and it offers a lot of advantages.
  • bepeacock
    edited 2011 08
    Hey, bwoodruff, question. When I got home and installed on my iMac, I noticed that a new file has been created in my Dropbox folder. Before, it had created a 1Password folder, in which the file was kept and a Backup folder was made. Is this the new location for the file? Do I need to move my iOS devices to point to this new location? Safe to delete the one in the 1P folder? Where will backups go now?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='bepeacock' timestamp='1315516924' post='45670']

    Hey, bwoodruff, question. When I got home and installed on my iMac, I noticed that a new file has been created in my Dropbox folder. Before, it had created a 1Password folder, in which the file was kept and a Backup folder was made. Is this the new location for the file? Do I need to move my iOS devices to point to this new location? Safe to delete the one in the 1P folder? Where will backups go now?


    What is the name of the file?

    Backups are addressed in the FAQ: [url=""]1Password, the Mac App Store, and you![/url]
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    We're working to address everyone's concerns. We appreciate your patience while we do so. I'm not ignoring anyone, I'm just trying to gather all the information I can to answer your questions.

    Please don't take offense if my replies are a bit more brief than normal. It's not personal. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • the 1password.agilekeychain file.
  • Examinus
    Examinus Junior Member
    If version 4 will be MAS only, doesn't that put an end to us beta testing new releases after that?
  • mmgm
    edited 2011 08
    Honestly this is very frustrating. I've been using 1Password for a while now and I love it, but I feel like your latest policy is dishonest and frankly it's a bad feeling when my password manager is made by a company that just lost a bit of my trust and respect.

    It's been mentioned that the new $20 price tag for the MAS versions gets you an upgrade to 4.0 as well as a free copy of 3.9, buy now at this bargain price, no rain checks - that's absolute rubbish!

    Not only has 4.0 not been released yet, but we don't even have the vaguest clue when it will be and with what features. Version 3.9 makes it seem like 1Password is losing features faster than it's gaining them, so I can't say I'm excited for version 4.

    Calling version 3.9 free is also dishonest - it is not free. I paid for 1Password 3.x and I'm entitled to version 3.9 regardless of whether or not I pay another $20 to get it from the app store. At least I'm currently not very interested in version 3.9.

    I sincerely hope you can regain my trust after this debacle. 1Password is a great piece of software and I'd hate to replace it with a competing product because of your policy.
  • pl_svn
    pl_svn Member
    [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1315490725' post='45339']The important thing to keep in mind is that the Mac App Store version is sandboxed and has very limited access to your file system. It can only store data in its Container folder (~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Documents/1Password.agilekeychain) or in Dropbox.[/quote]

    Hi roustem

    as my keychain is stored in Dropbox (inside a folder) I searched for "1password" and for agile" and deleted everything but the agilekeychain, then installed the MAS version

    all seems fine except... the Chrome extension (see other thread) that doesn't work in Chrome 14 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_sadsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-(' />


This discussion has been closed.