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  • MacClaus
    MacClaus Junior Member
    [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1315490725' post='45339']

    2. Move old copy of to Trash.


    Deleting all old 1Password files (I use AppDelete) or only the App itself?

    ....and please translate that for the german localization (menu bar).

    1. Install Browser Extensions... = Installiere Browser Erweiterungen...

    2. Fill Login in Browser = Anmeldung im Browser ausfüllen

    3. Restore... = Wiederherstellen

    4. Add sample items = Beispieldaten hinzufügen


    The preferences window.... is a mix of german and english!!!!
  • MacClaus
    MacClaus Junior Member
    Can I delete the oldest folders home/library/application support/1Password/extensions/ a few folders (numbered)?
  • om3ga777
    om3ga777 Junior Member
    [quote name='Sander' timestamp='1315513666' post='45616']

    Actually I was right about not being able to use a custom shortcut. On my MacBook Air I can, but on my iMac I cannot, the option is missing: [url=""][/url]


    I'd really like some clarification on that matter! Is it correct, that there are no custom shortcuts in the 1P MAS version? Some folks here already own the MAS version, can you make a statement regarding this?
  • zeitgeist
    edited September 2011
    I bought 1password <1 week ago... I'm confused, from reading this thread it seems like a new version is coming out very soon that we will have to pay again for to get updates?

    I see if you bought it < 30 days ago you get a refund/update, who do I contact for this?
  • [quote name='MacClaus' timestamp='1315556425' post='46204']

    Can I delete the oldest folders home/library/application support/1Password/extensions/ a few folders (numbered)?[/quote]

    Hi Claus,

    Absolutely, if you're running 1Password 3.9 you no longer need the old extensions within the Application Support folder.

    [quote name='MacClaus' timestamp='1315556137' post='46199']

    Deleting all old 1Password files (I use AppDelete) or only the App itself?[/quote]

    Just the app itself, we generally don't recommend using AppDelete with 1Password as it can remove too many other files, mainly your data.

    [quote]The preferences window.... is a mix of german and english!!!![/quote]

    I'll pass this on, I think there's some localisation work going on as we speak.

    [quote name='om3ga777' timestamp='1315560321' post='46222']

    I'd really like some clarification on that matter! Is it correct, that there are no custom shortcuts in the 1P MAS version? Some folks here already own the MAS version, can you make a statement regarding this?[/quote]

    Sorry for any confusion here, om3ga777

    Custom keyboard shortcuts are very much still possible, or at least they are for me. Do you have the 1Password Helper running at the moment, I can't think of any reason they wouldn't show up in the preferences window, I see them here:


    [quote name='zeitgeist' timestamp='1315766834' post='47844']

    I'm confused, from reading this thread it seems like a new version is coming out very soon[/quote]

    Hi zeitgeist,

    We don't have a timeframe for 1Password 4's release, but since we couldn't migrate everyone to the Mac App Store (believe me, that would have been so much easier, but it's out of our hands) we decided to make 1Password 4 a free upgrade for people who switch to the Mac App Store, so really you're getting early-bird pricing for 1Password 4.

    [quote]I see if you bought it < 30 days ago you get a refund/update, who do I contact for this?[/quote]

    You don't... because I've already located your details on the system and refunded your order for you, the funds should be in your account within the next few days.
  • I just got a refund in PayPal - Should I now just buy the copy from the Mac store? Since that's where the new releases will be?
  • Yup, if you're running Lion then grab a copy from the Mac App Store and not only will you get updates for 1Password 3.9.x you'll get 1Password 4.x free too.
  • For whatever it's worth, I have been happily using 1P and, like all other users, experienced various difficulties that came with the installation of Lion. Being the LEAST computer literate forum member here, I struggled and experimented, added FF and Chrome to my repertoire (since logins did not consistently work with Safari) and kept updating as AgileBits kept making updates. I almost gave up, but the most recent version (3.8.5) seemed to work almost as well as the pre-Lion days and I decided to stick with 1P. Now came the 3.9 and MAS issue, and fear gripped my cyberchallenged mind when I read of various installation difficulties and glitches. Not being averse to MAS, and having seen the efforts of AgileBits staff to make 1P Lion compatible, I decided to take the plunge and upgraded to 3.9 today. I have to say that it was easy and it seems to be working at least as well as 3.8.5 if not a little better. I haven't played with 3.9 very much yet, and I expect a few glitches that will be addressed in updates. But the take-home point is that my initial frustration with 1P post-Lion has turned into confidence and made me stick with it for now. Just thought that the AgileBits staff might enjoy seeing a positive experience amongst all the concerns posted.

  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member

    I too had issues with the updated Safari and it was frustrating. I guess at that point it was eye opening about just how much i use 1PW.

    Now I'm happy to report that 3.8.5 and the latest Safari extension is working great on my Snow Leopard Mac mini and on Lion running on

    a Macbook Air. Peace has been restored.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for your comments docbombay! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Hi,

    I sent a support request last week asking for a refund for my recent 1password purchase so I could switch to the App Store version (already purchased), but have not yet heard back. Any chance of expediting this request? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />.
  • Absolutely, ppy, just located your details on the system and issued you a full refund. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I'm sure you can imagine how many messages we've received over the last few days.
  • No worries. Thanks for the quick response!
  • jkratz
    jkratz Junior Member
    Have to say that I'm not surprised by the complaints about moving to the Mac App Store but on the other hand the "threats" to move to a competing product are ridiculous.

    Listen folks...the AgileBits guys have to make decisions sometimes you aren't going to like. This is one of them. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that its better for their business. There certainly are disadvantages for users but I suspect the complaints being lobbied here are from users who are in the minority of use cases (like multiple keychains). There are huge advantages for them to being in the app store. Someone earlier in this thread couldnt believe AgileBits would take the 30% hit from Apple. Why? At the end of the day given that AgileBits won't have to worry about the payment/download infrastructure I could easily see this being a huge win for them. Not to mention the visibility for the app.

    Nothing is keeping 3.8 from working. If you have such strong feelings about the move or the app store in general then use a different product. Vote with your wallet but don't make ridiculous threats about leaving in a forum.

    To the AgileBits guys: I for one am pretty happy with the move and I haven't seen any issues at all. I use dropbox to keep my file synced between mac/win/ipad/iphone and its worked fantastically. Keep up the good work.

    I would like to see the issue of betas addressed though. I've been participating in the beta program because i tend to update my browsers right after an update happens and that seems to be the only way to insure the 1password plugin works.
  • danco
    danco Senior Member
    [quote name='jkratz' timestamp='1315833223' post='48139']

    I would like to see the issue of betas addressed though. I've been participating in the beta program because i tend to update my browsers right after an update happens and that seems to be the only way to insure the 1password plugin works.


    From what I have read, plugin updates are separate from browser updates and do not go through the App Store. So hopefully you will have no issues.
  • [quote name='jkratz' timestamp='1315833223' post='48139']

    Have to say that I'm not surprised by the complaints about moving to the Mac App Store but on the other hand the "threats" to move to a competing product are ridiculous.[/quote]

    Thanks for your post, jkratz, we can understand people are passionate about this, but we believe this is the right move to make sure 1Password can be around for the long haul.

    [quote]At the end of the day given that AgileBits won't have to worry about the payment/download infrastructure I could easily see this being a huge win for them. Not to mention the visibility for the app.[/quote]

    This is a big deal for us, not having to deal with license keys, server problems and all the fun and games that come with running an online store mean that the developers can get back to dreaming up new features for 1Password, and then coding them as well as fixing issues, rather than having to get up at 2am because a server has gone down.

    For folks like myself in our customer care team, it means that we can start answering questions other than 'I've lost my license info' and start helping our wonderful users and doing things like working on our documentation.

    [quote]Nothing is keeping 3.8 from working.[/quote]

    We're by no means abandoning our Snow Leopard users on 1Password 3.8.x, we'll continue to offer support, fix issues where we can and as I'll come to in a moment, you'll still get updates to the browser extensions.

    [quote]To the AgileBits guys: I for one am pretty happy with the move and I haven't seen any issues at all. I use dropbox to keep my file synced between mac/win/ipad/iphone and its worked fantastically. Keep up the good work.[/quote]

    That's always encouraging to hear, thanks for sharing <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]I would like to see the issue of betas addressed though. I've been participating in the beta program because i tend to update my browsers right after an update happens and that seems to be the only way to insure the 1password plugin works.[/quote]

    I think danco answers the browser part of this very well:

    [quote name='danco' timestamp='1315836533' post='48155']

    From what I have read, plugin updates are separate from browser updates and do not go through the App Store. So hopefully you will have no issues.[/quote]

    Because we can now update the browser extensions, in both stable and Beta channels, outside of 1Password itself we can update these to support new browser updates as we need to. The new frameworks we're using really help us here, for example while we do still have some outstanding issues with Firefox, which we're working to fix of course, the new add-on already supports Firefox 7 and is very close to working in Firefox 8 and 9 too.

    In the past we had to update 1Password itself to support each new version of Firefox, with Mozilla's 6 week release cycle that would have been a challenge even if we didn't move to the Mac App Store.

    Thanks again for the feedback,
This discussion has been closed.