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1Password ONLY from App Store?



  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    [quote name='bepeacock' timestamp='1315521540' post='45775']

    Been a long, polarizing day for the Agile guys. I, for one, am a grateful 1P user.


    Thank you!
  • As a new customer I appreciate the quick, thoughtful support! Love the product!
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='nhpace' timestamp='1315522405' post='45795']

    As a new customer I appreciate the quick, thoughtful support! Love the product!


    Thank you!
  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Not like you didn't think I wouldn't support you guys but i just purchased my MAS version I am collecting 1P licenses. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

    I still have my old 1P2 license card which is stored safely inside 1P <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
  • [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315521934' post='45783']

    It stings, a lot, when someone says that they think I don't care. I'm not still here because I'm getting paid overtime for it (I'm not). I'm still here because I have a genuine interest in helping out.[/quote]

    I'm sorry I said that, but how do you expect me to feel when you are telling users "Sorry to see you go" (which is patronizing IMO) when that isn't their goal, they are simply trying to get an actual concerned response from you? Frankly, just responding isn't enough to demonstrate that you care. Responding with something along the lines of "We are hearing your concerns and currently re-evaluating making 1Password MAS only" would demonstrate that you care.

    Saying "Sorry to see you go" just implies that you are in damage control mode and have no intentions of revisiting the current plan, which makes people feel angry and frustrated, because it seems like you don't care from that perspective. It's a rash response, but this was a rashly made decision that involved zero solicitation of user feedback (I follow 1Password very closely and if you had mentioned this anywhere I would have voiced my concerns earlier).
  • beirne
    beirne Junior Member
    [quote name='hmurchison' timestamp='1315520347' post='45750']

    Off topic rant. This isn't about Apple control it's about letting Agile make software and not have to worry about the distribution, payment processing and more. I think they've made a brilliant decision because Microsoft will be delivering a similar store which means they'll be able to deliver 1PW there as well and that will comprise 90% of their installations. I do note the irony in your post though. You obviously care about security so it's no wonder you jumped from Apple products to Google products. Google has absolutely NO interest in data mining or knowing what you're doing. Thank the heavens for that! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wink:' />


    It may not be about Apple control for you but it is for me. I understand why Agile wants to use the MAS, and I am just explaining why I won't buy anything from it. They can then decide what they want to do. I was a Linux users for years, and while do not believe that software has to be free (as in speech), I do not want someone controlling what I can run on my computer. I don't know what irony you are talking about, and I didn't bring up security, so I'm not going to take the bait about Google.
  • io_burn
    io_burn Junior Member
    edited 2011 08
    First off, keep up the good work dudes. I love 1Password and have not only been a devoted user for years, but have also converted countless friends and colleagues over to it through the years.

    I feel like a lot of this misplaced outrage comes from the way you guys handled this initial announcement. It seems like this would have been a perfect opportunity for some serious marketing for the future of 1Password, and instead, it's just been kind of confusing. I found out about the Mac App Store version from TUAW this morning, and found myself wondering what was the future of my version of 1Password. I don't really care where I get it from, or what it costs (within reason), I just want to keep using it and keep getting all the updates you guys put out.

    The news this morning read like, "Oh hey, 1Password is now available on the Mac App Store too, and it's on sale." I had to actually come to these forums to find out what was going to happen with existing owners of the software, which it seems like what most people here are doing. I guess the confusing part to me is why you guys squandered this opportunity for some serious marketing and instead just fostered all this confusion.

    The post from Roustem earlier in this thread totally hit home with me. I get it, you guys just want to make 1Password great. You don't want to administer server, deal with licensing, negotiate payment gateways, and all the other annoying things that go into software development. Everyone can appreciate that. ...So why weren't you more forward with that message? Where was the blog post last month about your intentions to transition to the Mac App Store, all the reasons, and a clear explanation of the fact that 3.x will still continue to function, existing users will see all the benefits of the extension being updated, and when the Mac App Store version launches it'll essentially be a "preorder" for 1Password 4.0?

    It's just so confusing to me why such an awesome software company decided today to be like "Oh hey, Mac App Store version, btw we're not supporting the old version anymore peace out" when there could have been such an fantastic marketing strategy behind all this that would have satisfied existing customers, excited people to upgrade, and potentially lured in new users as well.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='shinratdr' timestamp='1315523328' post='45814']

    I'm sorry I said that, but how do you expect me to feel when you are telling users "Sorry to see you go" (which is patronizing IMO) when that isn't their goal, they are simply trying to get an actual concerned response from you? Frankly, just responding isn't enough to demonstrate that you care. Responding with something along the lines of "We are hearing your concerns and currently re-evaluating making 1Password MAS only" would demonstrate that you care.

    Saying "Sorry to see you go" just implies that you are in damage control mode and have no intentions of revisiting the current plan, which makes people feel angry and frustrated, because it seems like you don't care from that perspective. It's a rash response, but this was a rashly made decision that involved zero solicitation of user feedback (I follow 1Password very closely and if you had mentioned this anywhere I would have voiced my concerns earlier).


    Apology accepted and I will watch what I say more closely as well.

    Anyone who has been watching us for any length of time knows that we take user feedback seriously. That doesn't mean that we can implement every feature request, but it does mean that we consider every one. And it does mean that we try to do the right thing for our users whenever that option is on the table.
  • TheJesusFish
    TheJesusFish Junior Member
    edited 2011 08
    As someone who was gifted a copy of 1Password 1.0, I can say that this is still the most important application on my Mac. Seeing as we were on version 3.8, I think the writing was on the wall that a 4.0 upgrade (and associated fee) was coming. The fact its in the MAS now just makes it 100 times more convenient for me.

    I can see being outraged if you bought 1P 2-6 months ago, but after that, I guess I am lost.

    I think Agile botched the marketing a little bit, but the fact remains that nothing has changed for current 1P users. I don't think that can be stressed enough, and I imagine most of the Agile dudes want to scream that as loud as they can whenever anyone posts an anger-ridden reply to a thread.

    [b]If you had no intention of upgrading to 4.0, nothing has changed for you.[/b]

    Your 1Password will function today as it did yesterday. It will continue to function as long as you don't make major upgrades to your system in the next 2-3 years. And even then, they haven't officially announced what support for 3.x will look like. Visual Hub, a program that was abandoned in 2008, got a Lion update by the developer a few weeks ago. Stop pretending AgileBits has a killswitch for your copy of 1Password; you needn't mourn it, it isn't dead.

    [b]This is what would have happened had they decided to go with the MAS or not.[/b]

    If you are angry that you have to pay for software that you already paid for, what's wrong with you? The 40 dollars you paid a year ago for 1Password isn't paying the bills anymore, and if you want your software to continue to be updated, you have to pay for that. That's how the world works.

    If you are worried about a dumbed down version of 1Password from the MAS, keep 3.x. Seriously, why is this such a big deal? [b]IT STILL WORKS.[/b]

    If you bought 1Password in the last 2-6 months, I kind of get you. If you are reacting to this surprise announcement with caution, I kind of get you. But if you don't fall into either of those categories, you need to re-evaluate those anger tears. Nothing is different for you. Pretend you didn't know about the MAS version.

    Go about your life.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='beirne' timestamp='1315523456' post='45818']

    It may not be about Apple control for you but it is for me. I understand why Agile wants to use the MAS, and I am just explaining why I won't buy anything from it. They can then decide what they want to do. I was a Linux users for years, and while do not believe that software has to be free (as in speech), I do not want someone controlling what I can run on my computer. I don't know what irony you are talking about, and I didn't bring up security, so I'm not going to take the bait about Google.


    The MAS isn't the only way to run code on your Mac though. I can understand you not wanting to buy an Apple mobile device, where iTunes is the only way to go, but on the Mac it is up to developers how they want to distribute their software.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='io_burn' timestamp='1315523476' post='45819']

    The post from Roustem earlier in this thread totally hit home with me. I get it, you guys just want to make 1Password great. You don't want to administer server, deal with licensing, negotiate payment gateways, and all the other annoying things that go into software development. Everyone can appreciate that. ...So why weren't you more forward with that message? Where was the blog post last month about your intentions to transition to the Mac App Store, all the reasons, and a clear explanation of the fact that 3.x will still continue to function, existing users will see all the benefits of the extension being updated, and when the Mac App Store version launches it'll essentially be a "preorder" for 1Password 4.0?


    Honestly, this was a bit of a surprise to us as well. We just submitted the app to Apple recently and thought it would be weeks before it would be approved. We had planned having more time to prep for the initial MAS release.
  • binarynomad
    binarynomad Junior Member
    [quote name='hmurchison' timestamp='1315521884' post='45780']

    I don't really get the anger over the Mac App Store. It does come with limitations but primarily centered around areas where apps can

    be compromised via Malware.

    One thing I love about the MAS is the delta updates which means downloads are a small fraction of what they were on prior OS X version to Lion.

    Hopefully iCloud will make synchronization easy to the point where you just input your Apple ID and the need for using Dropbox for the Agile Keychain

    end. I'd rather use my Dropbox for other stuff.

    Apple has been running the App Store for iOS devices for a while and I haven't found them to be too draconian about what they let in.


    It's funny, I think the very reason this has become such a heated debate is because we all share a love of 1Password! People don't get riled up over things they don't deeply care about on some level.

    1Password is an amazing program!

    - It was my first experience at a unified password store across all my browsers.

    - It allowed me collect and submit credentials automatically without manual creation or copy/paste.

    - It allowed me to have full access (not just read) to my private information via my iPhone

    - It started branching into other OS's, which then meant I could start sharing it with my clients/friends/family.

    - It allows me to synchronize between multiple computers Mac, iPhone, AND Windows with Dropbox.

    I care about the program and the direction it is going because I want to keep using it in the future, but I have to be practical, for it to be useful, it has to address my (including my clients) needs.
  • beirne
    beirne Junior Member
    [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315523602' post='45822']

    The MAS isn't the only way to run code on your Mac though. I can understand you not wanting to buy an Apple mobile device, where iTunes is the only way to go, but on the Mac it is up to developers how they want to distribute their software.


    Understood. I'll reiterate what I said in my original post, which got lost in my reply to hmurchison: "I understand that the MAS is not a monopoly the way the iOS app store is, but I do not want to encourage Apple to control what people run on their Macs by patronizing the store. Plus, I have seen with one of my other favorite apps (Evernote) that app store distribution can mean a loss of features. It does not look like I would lose anything I care about with 1Password, but I should not have to worry about Apple's controls to begin with."
  • As a long time user (although newbie to the forums), let me say that I am extremely excited about seeing 1Password in the App Store. It is a great move for the future of the company. Reading through all the messages, it is obvious that most folks are expressing unrealistic concerns mostly I assume out of ignorance of the App Store.

    The fact that the MAS versions run only on Lion or later is not the fault of Apple or the App Store. It is a choice that Agile made. They could have decided to continue making updates through their own servers with only Lion support (no difference).

    The reality is that Agile will get a lot more exposure (and sales) being on MAS. This will allow them to continue to improve the product and probably innovate at a faster/better rate than not making this move.

    Thanks and looking forward to v4.0. 1Password rocks!!!
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    We love that you folks are so passionate about this! Seriously, it's a great thing. New posts are literally coming in faster than I can post replies to the previous ones. That's great. We really appreciate your support and input.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='shinratdr' timestamp='1315523328' post='45814']

    I'm sorry I said that, but how do you expect me to feel when you are telling users "Sorry to see you go" (which is patronizing IMO) when that isn't their goal, they are simply trying to get an actual concerned response from you? Frankly, just responding isn't enough to demonstrate that you care. Responding with something along the lines of "We are hearing your concerns and currently re-evaluating making 1Password MAS only" would demonstrate that you care.

    Saying "Sorry to see you go" just implies that you are in damage control mode and have no intentions of revisiting the current plan, which makes people feel angry and frustrated, because it seems like you don't care from that perspective. It's a rash response, but this was a rashly made decision that involved zero solicitation of user feedback (I follow 1Password very closely and if you had mentioned this anywhere I would have voiced my concerns earlier).


    F451 is an old friend and I will be sad to see him go as well.
  • Hi I was holding off... and off then couldn't wait and purchased in weekend... would prefer the via AppStore which I cannot right?... discounted too on Appstore oh great! So purchased the iPad and Mac versions. Will I be applicable for the free 4.0 upgrade?


  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='rudygr' timestamp='1315523877' post='45829']

    As a long time user (although newbie to the forums), let me say that I am extremely excited about seeing 1Password in the App Store. It is a great move for the future of the company. Reading through all the messages, it is obvious that most folks are expressing unrealistic concerns mostly I assume out of ignorance of the App Store.

    The fact that the MAS versions run only on Lion or later is not the fault of Apple or the App Store. It is a choice that Agile made. They could have decided to continue making updates through their own servers with only Lion support (no difference).

    The reality is that Agile will get a lot more exposure (and sales) being on MAS. This will allow them to continue to improve the product and probably innovate at a faster/better rate than not making this move.

    Thanks and looking forward to v4.0. 1Password rocks!!!


    Thank you! Awesome 1Password 4 (and browser extension improvements) is the main thing I want to focus in near future.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='concrete' timestamp='1315524134' post='45834']

    Hi I was holding off... and off then couldn't wait and purchased in weekend... would prefer the via AppStore which I cannot right?... discounted too on Appstore oh great! So purchased the iPad and Mac versions. Will I be applicable for the free 4.0 upgrade?




    Thank you, Paul! I refunded the purchase you made a few days ago.

    The Mac App Store version will automatically upgrade to version 4 when it is available.
  • [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315504548' post='45463']

    I can't comment too much on the future -- a lot of those decisions simply haven't been made yet. We always recommend using the most up to date versions if at all possible.

    I will say that it is possible that in the future you will need a new desktop version to sync with a new mobile version.


    How about the converse? I have installed 1Password through a family license on three computers (Lion, Snow Leopard & Leopard (G5-based)) and an iPhone. So if I upgrade to 3.9 on the Lion machine, what are the implications for the other instances of the program? Specifically, those program versions running on computers not Lion compatible. Now? In the future with 4.0?

    Thank you for your transparency.
  • lhotka
    lhotka Junior Member
    This is a huge problem for anyone who buys software via their business instead of as individuals. App store accounts are tied to a specific apple ID, not to the business. I have both a small business and work for a large company - neither one can purchase MAS software for that reason (and no, we can't create a 'business apple ID' - Apple's TOS has them tied to a specific name. We're having to purchase Lion (at the company) via the USB keys because of this very reason.

    Completely different is that I've had nothing but trouble with the store. It fails to reinstall software that I've purchased when migrating to a new machine manually (i.e. without using the migration wizard), fails to deliver timely updates, and does not allow for offline installation of software. The first thing I did with Lion (on my personal machine) was to hack open the DMG and burn an install disk. Things that work well on mobile devices, fail miserably in the computer world (something Apple has forgotten in general with Lion).

    1Password has been going downhill for a while. The browser extensions are badly broken, with basic functionality not working. It still doesn't seem to be able to populate new passwords in the fields or copy a credit card number to the clipboard, and the darn toolbar icon keeps disappearing. The team seems to focus more on catchy UI (all the unlocking stuff) that does nothing but suck battery power because it uses core animation, than the core product itself. The ongoing quality issues have now raised questions in my mind about how secure the database is.

    This is probably the last straw to make me look for an alternative. I represent a community of thousands of Mac users at my company, many of whom use 1Password, and will have the same inability to use the new version (and are voicing the same frustration with the plugins on our internal forums).
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='earhere' timestamp='1315524498' post='45846']

    How about the converse? I have installed 1Password through a family license on three computers (Lion, Snow Leopard & Leopard (G5-based)) and an iPhone. So if I upgrade to 3.9 on the Lion machine, what are the implications for the other instances of the program? Specifically, those program versions running on computers not Lion compatible. Now? In the future with 4.0?

    Thank you for your transparency.


    Do you share the same 1Password data on all these computers? If you use Dropbox, you will still be able to share data between 1Password 3.8 and 1Password 3.9.
  • While I must say that I very much enjoy your product and use it on a daily basis I'm feeling disappointed in the obligation of spending $19.99 on top of the $45.99USD I originally invested in this product. Apparently I've reached the limit of my original money and am being forced to pay more if I want to continue to receive updates. I had no idea this was a subscription based application. What will be our fee next year?
  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member
    [quote name='lhotka' timestamp='1315524533' post='45847']

    This is a huge problem for anyone who buys software via their business instead of as individuals. App store accounts are tied to a specific apple ID, not to the business. I have both a small business and work for a large company - neither one can purchase MAS software for that reason (and no, we can't create a 'business apple ID' - Apple's TOS has them tied to a specific name. We're having to purchase Lion (at the company) via the USB keys because of this very reason.

    Completely different is that I've had nothing but trouble with the store. It fails to reinstall software that I've purchased when migrating to a new machine manually (i.e. without using the migration wizard), fails to deliver timely updates, and does not allow for offline installation of software. The first thing I did with Lion (on my personal machine) was to hack open the DMG and burn an install disk. Things that work well on mobile devices, fail miserably in the computer world (something Apple has forgotten in general with Lion).

    1Password has been going downhill for a while. The browser extensions are badly broken, with basic functionality not working. It still doesn't seem to be able to populate new passwords in the fields or copy a credit card number to the clipboard, and the darn toolbar icon keeps disappearing. The team seems to focus more on catchy UI (all the unlocking stuff) that does nothing but suck battery power because it uses core animation, than the core product itself. The ongoing quality issues have now raised questions in my mind about how secure the database is.

    This is probably the last straw to make me look for an alternative. I represent a community of thousands of Mac users at my company, many of whom use 1Password, and will have the same inability to use the new version (and are voicing the same frustration with the plugins on our internal forums).


    Tell me how did you miss out on this link?

    It's been there far longer than the Lion on a USB has been available.

    So you represent thousands of Mac users at your company but haven't mastered the simplistic

    task of using Volume Licensing. Makes me question how your company is run far more than how Agile is run.

    You let me know when you find a way to break AES 128 bit encryption. Good luck trying.
  • [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1315524122' post='45832']

    F451 is an old friend and I will be sad to see him go as well.


    But he doesn't want to go. He wants you to listen to your users and offer a non-MAS version. If you are really sorry about it, then try and fix it.
  • I went through a similar issue with Pixelmator when they switched. The cold hard truth of it is that for every 1 of us that leaves 1Password, there will be 10 more that buy it. Agile Bits will continue to be successful even if each and every one of us leaves and becomes a detractor. I switched to Photoshop Elements when Pixelmator made the switch. Given the immense problems with browser integration using the new "plugin framework" that we have all been beta testing, I am definitely in the market for a new password app. Before I pay another $20 bux, I want to know that what I am buying is going to work. Given the current state of 1Password, it's not worth $20 to me. This is a hard thing for me to say because I have been a loyal 1Password user for so long, and a big promoter. I wish I earned a commission for all the licenses I have helped sell to friends and family for the Mac, Windows, and iOS apps. I keep over 1000+ unique passwords in 1Password, and I know it will be painful to switch. At this point though, the pain of not switching seems greater.

    For my $20, I am going to let everyone else beta test 1Password until the browser integration issues are sorted out. If whatever I switch to doesn't measure up, I might come back, but only when the issues have been fixed.

    Just my $.02
  • Wow! you are legends. Very impressed with the support of AgileBits. cheers

  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member
    [quote name='Deals' timestamp='1315524997' post='45859']

    While I must say that I very much enjoy your product and use it on a daily basis I'm feeling disappointed in the obligation of spending $19.99 on top of the $45.99USD I originally invested in this product. Apparently I've reached the limit of my original money and am being forced to pay more if I want to continue to receive updates. I had no idea this was a subscription based application. What will be our fee next year?


    There's no obligation at all. Your existing 1PW will continue to work and I've not read where development has stopped on 3.x.x versions.

    Some of us are just front loading the upgrade to 1PW 4.0 when that comes out and moving to MAS which is flexible in many ways. I just bought an Air

    and because I had migrated a bunch of apps over to MAS the software installation went more smoothly than ever. No serial activations just

    syncing my data files up and I was done.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='shinratdr' timestamp='1315525198' post='45865']

    But he doesn't want to go. He wants you to listen to your users and offer a non-MAS version. If you are really sorry about it, then try and fix it.


    We'll do our best. I personally worked for 12+ hours a day without weekends since June. I am not sure how long I can last like this though, this is the main reason we are trying to reduce the complexity where we can.
  • lhotka
    lhotka Junior Member
    [quote name='hmurchison' timestamp='1315525189' post='45863']

    Tell me how did you miss out on this link?


    It's been there far longer than the Lion on a USB has been available.

    So you represent thousands of Mac users at your company but haven't mastered the simplistic

    task of using Volume Licensing. Makes me question how your company is run far more than how Agile is run.

    You let me know when you find a way to break AES 128 bit encryption. Good luck trying.


    If you're going to make a snide comment, you should read the link you post.

    "Business customers can purchase volume licenses for [u][b][i]Apple[/i][/b][/u] software". Last I looked, software like 1Password isn't owned by Apple.

    The encryption is only as secure as the implementation. Great example is the current Lion/LDAP authentication issue. The protocol is secure. Apple's implementation apparently isn't.

    At the moment, the ongoing series of problems with the software raise legitimate questions about its quality, which in turn, raises questions about its security.
This discussion has been closed.