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1Password ONLY from App Store?



  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='Carl' timestamp='1315712305' post='47598']


    Just because something is possible doesn't mean you should do it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />


    I was skeptical about full screen for 1Password as well. "Why the heck would you want your password manager to be full screen?!" Now that we have it though, customers have found they like it.
  • Carl
    Carl Just Me
    edited 2011 10
    [quote name='hmurchison' timestamp='1315676646' post='47267'] The MAS is only a software distribution system. These forums will continue to be an excellent way of communicating with Agile and requesting new features or support. The MAS doesn't fundamentally change anything but the mechanism for handling the financial transaction and delivery of the app. Everything else remains the same save for a few features that needed to be culled or modified.[/quote]

    Not technically true.

    CDs are a software distribution system

    DVDs are a software distribution system

    The internet is a a software distribution system

    Floppy disks WERE a a software distribution system

    When Apple inspects the code, puts restrictions on what can or cannot be done with the application, dictates terms of design to developers then you cannot say that it is "ONLY" a software distribution system. Apple is serving as a gatekeeper and developers can choose whether or not they want to accept what Apple does or not.

    BTW, you had 17 posts the other day when I looked and you're up to 50 now so I am scratching my head and wondering what makes you an expert on how Agile operates. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_thinking.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(think)' />
  • [quote name='caesar113' timestamp='1315711816' post='47589']

    And one of you have also said that while syncing currently works between 3.8 and 3.9, you can't guarantee syncing compatibility between 3.8 and future versions (including iOS updates), so take that with a grain of salt folks. Why don't you wait to talk to us until you have a solid development plan?


    Right, they were being scrupulously honest. Someone asked for that guarantee, but they didn't give it. in point of fact, they "didn't talk"... Why would they? Who can guarantee that the next iOS update won't when linked to your car's music system, highjack your vehicle and drive it straight to the as yet unbuilt mothership Apple headquarters in Cupertino... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    What ought to be taken with a grain of salt are the passive-agressive posts in this thread which read like the script of Fatal Attraction... [url=""]"I'm not going to be ignored, Dan!"[/url] - all that's missing is the pet rabbit cooking on the stove. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />
  • Well I'm glad the two of you can make conflicting statements within hours of each other and feel as though your message is crystal clear.

    [quote name='dteare' timestamp='1315689594' post='47447']

    No decision is final and nothing is written in stone. We believe that making 1P4 MAS-only is the best thing for us and our customers going forward. If that turns out not to be the case, we can revisit this decision.


    [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315712966' post='47601']

    The plan is to be MAS only. That is the plan. Period.


    Like I said... Manipulating the existing user base for free advertising in the MAS. No better than the developers that game the iOS charts. It's genius.

    Feel free to take my information on the installed Lion base back to the "founders." Maybe it will change their minds on a few things. It's amazing what 2 minutes of research will find.

    Maybe you can guarantee that the discounted price will last for at least 30 days past the date you finally decide to make up your minds on discontinuing the product outside of the MAS? Just a thought that might ease a few customers' minds.

    I just can't imagine how any of your developers see MAS as a good idea when they release updates on a weekly basis. Sometimes multiple times a week. I realize the extensions will update on their own outside the MAS, but if the extensions were the only thing to worry about, then we wouldn't see such frequent updates of the main application. And how often do users even open the MAS application to see if there are updates? It's not like it does [i]anything[/i] automatically. Talk to the developer of GrowlVoice and ask him how well Apple handles his "expedited review requests." His product breaks every time Google changes the slightest thing in the Google Voice API and then his users have to wait 7-10 days for the product they paid for to work again. It's a great end-user experience. He ends up ignoring support emails and tweets until the updates come out because it's too much to deal with. Welcome to amazing experience of the MAS. The MAS is well suited for many applications, but 1Password is certainly not one of them.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='caesar113' timestamp='1315714739' post='47608']

    Well I'm glad the two of you can make conflicting statements within hours of each other and feel as though your message is crystal clear.


    These messages are not mutually exclusive. I think you need to read Dave's message again.

    [b]We are going to be MAS only.[/b]

    That doesn't mean that things can't change in the future.
  • [quote name='kallemia' timestamp='1315714628' post='47607']

    Right, they were being scrupulously honest.


    You can't claim that you support an OS when you can't guarantee that the feature set you sold it with will work anymore. I paid for 1Password 3 for Mac and 1Password Pro for iOS. If I don't update to 1P 3.9 or 4 and they release a 1Password Pro iOS update that breaks WiFi syncing, this product is now useless to me. Features that I was sold and paid for are no longer working. The product is effectively useless to me. I wasted money. While I appreciate your brand of sarcasm and trolling, you're missing the point entirely.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Unless I missed something, syncing still works great in 1Password between Mac and iOS. If you're having trouble, I'd love to get it resolved for you. Perhaps starting another thread for that would be best.

    1Password 4 has not been released yet. Any speculation about its feature set or alleged limitations is pure conjecture at this point.
  • [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315714907' post='47609']

    These messages are not mutually exclusive. I think you need to read Dave's message again.

    [b]We are going to be MAS only.[/b]

    That doesn't mean that things can't change in the future.


    Yes. He said he the company is experiencing indecision on this topic, but is leaning strongly in a certain direction and he reserves the right not to make a decision at this time (this is not an amazing business model btw--this is how CEOs of public companies get ousted overnight.) You said that MAS is the way it is. "Period." Those messages aren't exactly completely congruent. Unless you meant to add, "until further notice..which might be tomorrow...or a month from now...or a year from now...who really knows?" after "Period."

    Do you care to respond to the other points I made? Do you think this is the kind of customer support that wins over customers or loses customers?
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1315715682' post='47613']

    Unless I missed something, syncing still works great in 1Password between Mac and iOS. If you're having trouble, I'd love to get it resolved for you. Perhaps starting another thread for that would be best.

    1Password 4 has not been released yet. Any speculation about its feature set or alleged limitations is pure conjecture at this point.


    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't say it currently didn't work. I was speaking hypothetically in response to a forum admin stating earlier that they couldn't guarantee future compatibility of the iOS application with outdated versions of the Mac OS application (again suggesting that it would be wise to update).

    It would be really helpful for AgileBits to release a development roadmap for its customers.
  • h00ligan
    h00ligan Junior Member
    edited 2011 11
    I have to add, without reading the entire thread, I am pretty annoyed tbh. Not only at the app store exclusive but that I also specifically emailed discussing version 4.

    Anyway, It's not like the copy I bought will be unable to function but the really annoying part is I bought recently and had I known the 3-4 upgrade would be included from the app store - at less of a charge, obviously I would have gone that way for many reasons (including convenience of upgrades).

    I love the product and agile has been good to me in the past, so it's not like I'll leave over it.. I think this app store move sort of leaves the customers out a bit - specifically those who don't wish to support apple's ideas of what is 'right' and allow them to control the users.. as well as some who may have purchased recently.

    Again, I love 1password and I don't object to you guys getting paid.. but I'm on a limited budget too so it would have been nice to hear the 'facts' when I specifically questioned about the upcoming version. Had this been another company or product, I'd probably find an alternate solution and I'd guess you may be upsetting some of your core faithful.

    For me personally. $40/ 2 months ago vs $20 + a free upgrade to 4.0 is a pretty significant difference.. especially when you factor in it is the equivalent of a family pack on the app store.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    We appreciate your feedback, h00ligan! I just looked up your account in our system to refund your purchase in order that you could buy it from the App Store at the lower price, but our records indicate that you received 1Password as part of a bundle. Unfortunately, I cannot refund a bundle purchase. If I was looking at the wrong record, please shoot me a PM. I'd love to see what I can do for you if you paid $40 only a couple months ago.

    Regarding the Family Licenses:

    The licensing terms of the App Store are very similar to our previous Family License. From Macworld's [url=""]Mac App Store FAQ[/url] (emphasis mine):

    "You can install apps bought from the Mac App Store on [b]any and every Mac[/b] that you personally own and use."

    "Apps don't check to see if you've using an iTunes-authorized Mac. They can ask you to verify your Apple ID and password, but that's a single check and it's just to verify you are who you say you are. Once your identity is verified, that's it. [b]There's no authorizing or deauthorizing or counting of different Macs[/b]."

    "Apps are purchased for and owned by a user linked to a single Apple ID. But if you log in with that ID on all the Macs in your household, [b]you can download and install your apps on each one[/b]."

    In short, the upgrade path we have carved out in the Mac App Store is (1) less expensive than it has ever been previously and (2) still has quite nonrestrictive licensing terms.

    I can't think of any circumstances offhand in which a MAS license would be any more restrictive than our Family license.

    I hope that helps. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • [quote name='hmurchison' timestamp='1315676646' post='47267']

    In Lion apps in the Mac App Store can provide notifications about updates, or whatever the developer wants to say without the app needing to be open. Also the OS periodically polls the store for updates even if you haven't opened the app and if something is new you'll see a red badge denoting the amount of apps that need updates on the MAS icon.


    Yeah? Good to know.
  • [quote name='justinrjett' timestamp='1315679046' post='47297']I see the MAS only version as a problem for those that do not want to, as you say, "legally" use the software.


    Right! Yes! Of course. You found us out. We're dirty dirty pirates. That's the ONLY reason we could ever have for not wanting 1P to be MAS only. Yup. Good job finding us out.

    [quote name='bwoodruff']We do plan on bringing full screen mode to 3.8.x[/quote]

    But why? Why not just provide a non-MAS 3.9? It seems extremely silly and a waste of time to have two separate versions to maintain. Just make Lion a requirement for updating to 3.9, if User is still running Leopard/Snow Leopard, then 3.9 doesn't show up as a new update in their 1P. If User is running Lion, then 3.9 shows up and updates their software as it would be expected.

    [quote name='reefwalker']The fact that the founders have been so responsive to even the most dismissive customers tells me that they really do care and I fully expect that the product will continue to improve.[/quote]

    I don't think anyone is concerned whether the 1P will continue to improve. I don't personally have any philosophical objections to the MAS. I've bought several apps through it, though any cross-platform apps (such as Autodesk Sketchbook Pro) I buy the boxed version or when available, buy directly from the publisher's online store which often gets me a dual license that allows me to use the software in OS X, and Windows for the times I need to use VMs or Boot Camp. For the typical Mac-only software, however, I have no problem going through the MAS and will in most cases prefer to use the MAS even if the publisher offers a non-MAS build from their own online store because I don't have to worry about keeping track of the license codes. The key word there however, is "most." In cases such as this, I know the limitations inherent to only providing software through the MAS, and for something like 1Password, those limitations are devastating.

    I, myself, am personally concerned with the loss of being able to switch on the beta channel and getting updates within an hour or so of a problem being discovered.

    It's about to get long, so here's the TL/DR version:

    Non-MAS updates happen within hours.

    MAS updates happen in 1-2 weeks, and much longer when several updates have to be made to squash an elusive bug.

    Here's the scenario as it is with the non-MAS version:

    Problem is found in 3.8.5.

    Beta and Non-Beta Users report problem.

    Team works on a fix.

    Team releases 3.8.6b1 within hours, and that gets immediately pushed out to Beta Channel Users.

    BCU uses their pool of tens of thousands (or more) of computers to test. Problem is found.

    Team works on a fix.

    Team release 3.8.6b2 within hours, probably even on the same day as b1. This is pushed immediately to BCU.

    BCU uses their pool of tens of thousands (or more) of computers to test. Problem is found.

    Team works on a fix.

    Team releases 3.8.6b3 within hours, likely the next day after b1/b2. This is pushed immediately to BCU.

    BCU uses their pool of tens of thousands (or more) of computers to test. No problem is found.

    Team releases 3.8.6 within hours, likely the same day as b3. This is pushed immediately to all Users.

    Total time: 1-2 days, maximum.

    Here's the scenario you get with going MAS only:

    Problem is found, let's say in 3.9.

    There's no beta channel, so people come here and report the problem. Hopefully the team sees it in a reasonable amount of time.

    Team works on fix.

    There's no beta channel, so the fix cannot be pushed out immediately for users to test and make sure it's working.

    There's no beta channel, so no subsequent fixes can be pushed out until they are confident in the fixes made and ready to release a stable 3.9.1.

    So basically they have their small pool of computers with which to test 3.9.1, and just hope that some subset of Users out there don't have mitigating factors that interfere with 1P that they cannot thoroughly test for with their small pool of computers.

    1P3.9.1 is submitted to Apple for approval.


    Wait some more....

    Still waiting....

    1-2 weeks later Apple gives their stamp of approval, and 1P3.9.1 gets pushed to the MAS

    Now at this point we have three things that can happen:

    1: User has been waiting for this update, and checking daily, or several times a day for the past 1-2 weeks and gets the update basically as soon as it goes live on the MAS.

    2: User is aware there is an update coming, but the bug doesn't appear to be affecting them directly, so they are not obsessively checking the MAS for the update. Perhaps once a week. They could get it basically as soon as it goes live on the MAS if they're lucky and happen to check, or they could get it a week or so later when they get around to checking again.

    3: User is not even aware of a problem or that there's supposed to be an update coming. If this User did not pull the MAS icon off their dock, maybe the OS will poll the MAS for updates a week or two after the update hits, so they see the little red badge. If, however, they did pull the icon off, User may actually never know an update is available until they just happen to decide to look for some program on the MAS and "oh, hey! There's a dozen updates available. Oops!"

    So let's say best case scenario, 1-2 weeks. Everyone updates to 3.9.1 and begins going about their business. Oops! Bug found again.

    Team works on a fix.

    There's no beta channel, so the fix cannot be pushed out immediately for users to test and make sure it's working.

    There's no beta channel, so no subsequent fixes can be pushed out until they are confident in the fixes made and ready to release a stable 3.9.2.

    So basically they have their small pool of computers with which to test 3.9.2, and just hope that some subset of Users out there don't have mitigating factors that interfere with 1P that they cannot thoroughly test for with their small pool of computers.

    1P3.9.2 is submitted to Apple for approval.


    Wait some more....

    Still waiting....

    1-2 weeks later Apple gives their stamp of approval, and 1P3.9.2 gets pushed to the MAS

    So let's say best case scenario, 1-2 weeks. Everyone updates to 3.9.2 and begins going about their business. Oops! Bug found again.

    Team works on a fix.

    There's no beta channel, so the fix cannot be pushed out immediately for users to test and make sure it's working.

    There's no beta channel, so no subsequent fixes can be pushed out until they are confident in the fixes made and ready to release a stable 3.9.3.

    So basically they have their small pool of computers with which to test 3.9.3, and just hope that some subset of Users out there don't have mitigating factors that interfere with 1P that they cannot thoroughly test for with their small pool of computers.

    1P3.9.3 is submitted to Apple for approval.


    Wait some more....

    Still waiting....

    1-2 weeks later Apple gives their stamp of approval, and 1P3.9.3 gets pushed to the MAS

    So let's say best case scenario, 1-2 weeks. Everyone updates to 3.9.3 and begins going about their business. Yay! No bugs found, yet. Everyone's finally happy.

    Total time for update: Minimum 1-2 weeks. Likely much longer.
  • Your own [url=""]site[/url] says: Historically, we have been very generous with upgrades: Since we released 1Password, we have given away over 100 free updates and upgrades. We will continue this tradition of generosity and paid license holders will always get all point updates for free. (Going from version 3.5 to version 3.6 is called a “point update” and will be free if you have a 1Password 3 license.)

    Yet, my license for 1Password 3 is no good for 3.9.

    I understand MAS does not allow you to do this.

    However, I don't understand why you're going MAS exclusive right now when all the benefits you have stated for going exclusive are negated by the fact that you will still be running your web store for 3.8.x (at least as of now) and the Windows version.

    Why not make 3.9 available for your pre MAS users through your existing updating mechanism? According to your own website, we already have a license for it. I'm not asking for a free upgrade to v 4. I'm asking we be able to get software we already have paid for. I hope you reconsider this MAS exclusive decision.

    I feel the "free upgrade to v 4 for existing customers" carrot is unfair since you have yet to even announce v 4. I have no idea what its feature set will be.

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1315718484' post='47627']

    We appreciate your feedback, h00ligan! I just looked up your account in our system to refund your purchase in order that you could buy it from the App Store at the lower price, but our records indicate that you received 1Password as part of a bundle. Unfortunately, I cannot refund a bundle purchase. If I was looking at the wrong record, please shoot me a PM. I'd love to see what I can do for you if you paid $40 only a couple months ago.[/quote]

    I emailed support last week since my v 3 license is 2 months old. I was told there was nothing that can be done.
  • Going MAS only with 3.9, that have the same or even less functionality than the free available 3.8 version is somehow strange.

    It becomes even more confusing that Agile doesn't even seem to have a clue what will be in 4 but advertises to buy it as 3.9.

    Don't get me wrong. I am more than willing to pay an upgrade price from 3 to 4. But not like this and not in the MAS.

    And when I read posts of "bwoodruff", I can not help myself to have the impression that we as customers are the enemy. Once we're gone, we're gone? Period?
  • @dr3do
    edited 2011 11
    Sorry, I'm not a native english-speaker…

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1315718484' post='47627']

    "Apps don't check to see if you've using an iTunes-authorized Mac. They can ask you to verify your Apple ID and password, but that's a single check and it's just to verify you are who you say you are. Once your identity is verified, that's it.


    For Macs which are "enterprise administered", this is a real issue. We (admins) are used to deploy software via e.g. Apple Remote Desktop with a "single click" and without beeing forced to login remotely (e.g. in order to activate an app). The concept of MAS is [b]not[/b] really compatible with it - and Apple hasn't communicated an enterprise friendly plan (till now).

    Have you (AgileBits) thought about, how we (admins) should install and keep up to date Apps (like 1Pwd) from MAS?

    I really love 1Pwd, but your descision to go "MAS [b]only[/b]"… I really really hate it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/emoticon-0132-envy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(envy)' />
  • [quote name='kallemia' timestamp='1315711495' post='47584']

    But they aren't dropping Snow Leopard support now. They've said countless times that you can stay on 3.8.x and they will support you.


    I was talking about support for Snow Leopard in 3.9 and 4.0 (remember Lion is only 8 weeks old). I have no problem paying an upgrade fee but as I am stuck on SL for the foreseeable future all I can do is sit by and watch this deal slip by. By all rights as a 3.8.x user I should be able to upgrade to 3.9. However as Agilebits has taken a somewhat premature step into the MAS with 3.9 instead of 4.0 everything is rather confused.
  • This has to be some of the worst customer service ever.

    So whats the deal, how much is Apple paying you guys to go MAS exclusive?
  • You know, I don't have a problem with going MAS-exclusive. I don't have a problem with a paid upgrade for 4.0.

    What I have a problem with is feeling like pressure is being put on me to commit to an upgrade now, via the $20 discounted price for 3.9, with no clarity on when that price will end, before I know what features in 4.0 I will be buying with that $20.

    In other words, I'm being asked to make an up-front commitment for benefits that are NOT being enumerated to me. While I like the product and the company, I'm NOT going to give you $20 based on something as loosely defined as loyalty. I'll give you the $20 if you tell me what features that's going to get me.

    Can Agile at least commit that a discounted upgrade will be available until such time a 4.0 feature set or roadmap is announced?
  • Highterrain
    Highterrain Junior Member
    I'm still trying to figure out why Agile decided to go exclusive with MAS and not host it on both their servers and MAS, since Apple wants 30% and what happens to the beta testing element that we have enjoyed in the past, is this to be discontinued once version 4.0 hits the metal?
  • Forget about getting any concrete answers, they are up to something and don't want us to know.

    We are being pressured (forced even) to pay up front for something we or even them have no clue about. I would like to know what I'm getting in version 4 before i cough up the $$.

    This has to be a joke right ? Expecting someone to pay for something that doesn't even exist.

    If i buy 3.9 now and i don't like version 4 am i entitled to a refund ?
  • SLF
    SLF Junior Member
    Part of the rationale proposed is 'Buy it from the MAS and all will be OK'.

    Another program I use was recently added to the MAS and the developer still sells it because many refused to use the MAS. I bought it at the MAS and now I can't get the latest update because Apple is holding it up or something of the sort. The program is URL Manager Pro and there is already problems for those that bought from the MAS. Those that bought direct have the latest update and those that bought from the MAS are still waiting.

    As often as 1Password has been revised in the past to respond quickly to problems that exist now (like Today) leads me to see the slower releases through the MAS as a problem going forward for Agile. If Apple drops a new update to Safari tomorrow (Lion is more likely to get updates early in its life cycle), but doesn't release an updated program through the MAS for two weeks, many customers are dead in the water for an extended period. No right minded client will put up with that for a program used all day every day.

    IF 1Password did not change often, I would not be concerned, but with the firestorm of updates over the last couple months, I think that Agile should realize that it is not a good candidate for the MAS, at least until it is rock solid and not changing so often.

    PLEASE reconsider the MAS only direction! The nature of the way that 1Password has always been responsive and often updated means that responsiveness won't even be seen by users waiting for Apple reviewing a change that took 1 hour by Agile but may not be reviewed and released by Apple for days or weeks. I already regret not having paid more to get URL Manager Pro direct from the author for exactly that reason. I am unlikely to go that direction again for 1Password because the nature of the product and its history of frequent changes. PLEASE! This is a different kind of product and not a good candidate for best representation by the MAS!
  • Im pretty sure they do realise everything you have mentioned.

    They just been paid big $$$$ to go MAS only by Apple. IMO

    "Forget our customers now we are rolling in the money"
  • tgt
    tgt Junior Member
    I believe many of the changes Agile have been making recently to the Extensions will allow for updates to be made without needing to update the application itself. This should allow for bugs to be fixed without the need for Apple to approve the application. Obviously this won't help if the bug is in the application itself, but a major reason for the rapid release schedule used to be pushing changes to the extension.

    Whilst there are some concerns with the App Store, especially with regards to Enterprise I believe the change will allow the Agile team to focus more time and attention on making a wonderful application even more fantastic. They've recently had to respond to some major changes from browser manufacturers and I think a lack of clear communication about some of the issues they're facing may be to blame for many users concerns.

    They're aware of the issues but believe that this is the best way to provide for their users. The Agile team has always been fantastic with responding to issues, the team never seems to sleep! To suggest that they've been bribed or have spent no time thinking about this change is greatly underestimating them.

    I'd like to see Agile release some information about 1Password 4.0 as the Pixelmator team did about Pixelmator 2.0 when Pixelmator went Mac App Store only.

    To Agile, please provide users with a more clear vision of your future. The blog post didn't really clarify many concerns, and rather than forcing users to trawl through the hundreds of forum posts created over the last few days some solid information from you would be much appreciated.
  • Blacky
    edited 2011 11
    Ok, since some are being very unreasonable while most have legitimate criticism, my two cents:

    I purchased 1password under 6 months ago, which is not too long. It was part of a bundle, but I basically needed only 1password. Quite a lot of money for under 6 months of use, considering that I have to buy again now in MAS if I don't want to pay a hefty premium for 4.0 once it comes. Well, bundle = no refund AFAIK so I guess I'm out of luck. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    Moving to MAS only is a reasonable business decision. I just wish, like many here said already, that you would have communicated this better and a lot earlier to your loyal customer base! No, "Apple was faster than we thought" is no real argument: you submitted it!

    Paying about $20 for the update to 4.x is actually ok. New users are extremely lucky and that hurts a bit, but I can deal with that. BUT, it's NOT ok that we are forced to buy again in the MAS within an indefinite timeframe, and it's also NOT ok that we don't even know what the update to 4.x means. Maybe you guys screw up, maybe I won't be interested at all in your new major version? You are forcing us to update now (or pay twice as much, not really a choice) without providing any info about changes. I'm not happy about that, and I still have to think about what I'm going to do.

    That said, I do think that you guys developed an awesome piece of software. You make it convenient and beautiful to have safe passwords which leaves a lot less to worry about when it comes to security. And your support here is good, you are trying to answer questions, I do not have the feeling that you don't take our concerns seriously.

    Two side-notes:

    1. In the German MAS, 1password is multi-language. [s]In reality, it is English only. Some users are already pretty pissed (excuse my language) about that, you should change it to English only so people know what they are buying. Also, why not translate the application? It will cost money if you do it good, but I can almost guarantee you you'll have a lot more buyers in Germany. I think it will pay off for you (no guarantee though [/s] <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> [b]EDIT[/b]: Sorry about that, the application is multi-language of course. I guess the user in the German MAS was referring to the browser extensions, those are in English.

    2. Your iOS apps are.. well, quite expensive I think. I own an iPad, and iPhone very soon, so that's also not going to be cheap. Is there a possibility that you do a promotion on those apps, too? Or lower the price a little, permanently? Or give coupon-codes to your existing customers that have to buy again and cannot get refunds?

    Anyway, keep up the good work please, thanks from a German user. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member
    [quote name='caesar113' timestamp='1315711580' post='47585]

    Are you seriously citing OmniGroup as the standard for developers? OmniGroup creates overpriced products for themselves. They've never cared about customers or supporting "legacy" machines or compatibility. That's great that 90% of computers that run SL can run Lion. Now what about the 5/6 Mac OS X computers that aren't running Lion?


    The Omnigroup data shows factual evidence from their standpoint about the adoption rate of Lion as compared to Snow Leopard. You've chosen a classic logical fallacy called "poisoning the well" in efforts to to discredit Omnigroup. If Omnigroup is seeing a such a fast adoption of Lion with expensive software then by proportion other popular Mac developers such as Agile should expect to see the same if not faster adoption. Since the 3.x branch of 1PW is in active development and 4.0 is not due for some time anyways we should be able to calculate Lion's install base with a safe degree of accuracy. iCloud alone is going to make many Snow Leopard users upgrade. Once you experience good sync you don't want to go back.

    [quote name='Carl' timestamp='1315713164' post='47603']

    When Apple inspects the code, puts restrictions on what can or cannot be done with the application, dictates terms of design to developers then you cannot say that it is "ONLY" a software distribution system. Apple is serving as a gatekeeper and developers can choose whether or not they want to accept what Apple does or not.

    BTW, you had 17 posts the other day when I looked and you're up to 50 now so I am scratching my head and wondering what makes you an expert on how Agile operates. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_thinking.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(think)' />


    With Virus and Malware become more and more prevalent consumers want to know their computers are safe. I read somewhere that the #1 reason why PC users where switching to Macintosh was because they had been inundated with Malware and Virus and were tired to their computers being compromised or rendered non-functional. A move towards a curated store as an "option" for consumers ensures that applications are vetted against containing malware or not functioning. I"m certainly not representing Agile in any other way than an enthusiastic customer. However I've read many distortions of what the Mac App Store is and isn't and those point need to be clarified because I've used the MAS and have had very little issues with it's inherent limitations. Your mileage may vary however.

    [quote name='makeintosh' timestamp='1315718147' post='47626']

    Dear HMURCHISON...please. Your Fanboy arrogance shows in each of your comments. Thank you for your helpful technical support but based on your posts, I am certain that my system is configured with more experience and thought than you have years. Grow up and broaden your reading. Try practicing objective thought.


    Conventional wisdom states that when you begin to attack the messenger and not the message you've pretty much lost or are losing the argument. I don't discredit the needs of those of us 1PW users who push the boundaries of the application. Their needs are as important as any at face value. What's most important to me is what the masses need and how Agile deals with that simply today's business is basically democratic rule. If the MAS supports 80% of customers fine then Agile will likely make it the standard. If the MAS only supports 50% then there's a case for having two distribution methods. It's pretty simple really ..provided the statistics are there and only Agile really is going to be able to make that assessment prior to version 4.0 launching.
  • charlie98
    charlie98 Member
    [quote name='Mangoes' timestamp='1315753214' post='47746']

    This has to be some of the worst customer service ever.

    So whats the deal, how much is Apple paying you guys to go MAS exclusive?


    AgileBits has indicated in any number of posts that while MAS seems to be the direction now it is not in concrete and could change anytime they see fit. I'm reminded of the adventure with GetSatisfaction.
  • Kampf Katze
    Kampf Katze Junior Member
    Around the translation I'm a bit confused now. I have running 3.8.5 on my Mac (with an real old school standard license) and it's in german. Or did you mean only the version in the MAS?

    [Quote="bwoodruff"]The plan is to offer the discount for a limited time. The promotion does not have a set deadline. We are saying for sure though, once it is gone, its gone. [/Quote]

    Sorry guys but you are going to be more and more unsympathetic for me. I'm a customer since the start of version 2 of 1PW and I love the way how you support us in the past. Tons of updates and fixes who I never seen before from another developer.

    BUT... and you can read it again and again here (and you ignore the requests)... Why you can't say anything around the deadline for the upgrade price? What is the reason that you can't say it? Did Apple block developers from the store if they wrote how long a offer can be online? Did you love to play mysterious stuff with the old customers? Is it so hard to wrote a simple "Our offer ends at the end of September" (for example)?

    And some other thing, and I "fight" around that with another developer too, is the decision to switch completely to Lion very soon with 1PW and kick out the old users until the unknowing relase of 1PW4. I can't understand what's so amazing with Lion at this moment. Sure... New customers can be happy with this OS but a lot of the "old fashion" users often stay a bit longer under the old OS until the first fixes are out of the box from Apple. At this point, the OS Lion is a disaster (some wrote, it's like Vista and they are right). I used it for around two month's and I see more the spinning ball as under 10.6. I can't work under Lion, but again.. I'm looking forward...

    Anyway... Let me show you as developer your history of your own Application and how you support customers in the past.


    Version 3.6.0 (build #31043) [color=#595959][size=3]Released 2011-06-20[/size][/color]

    1Password 3.6 adds support for OS X 10.7 (Lion) and Firefox 5, replacing OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Firefox 3 support. Users wishing to use Leopard, Firefox 3, Camino 2, or Flock are encouraged to stick with 1Password 3.5.9.

    With that release you decide to drop the support of Mac OS 10.5 [b]after[/b] [b]10 months [/b]from the official release date of Mac OS 10.5 (Snow Leo was released on 28. August 2009).

    Now you announce to release 1PW4 and you say: "It's Lion only". You say this after around [b]1 month after the relase of Lion [/b](Relase date of Lion was 20. Juli 2011).

    Did you see the facts? Did you see how much time a developer can spend for a user to switch to a stable new system with some fixes. Common guys... You show in the past that you can be better. I think you MUST switch to Lion, because it's a rule of the MAS... right?

    Why you would made our community still so angry? It's near the same after I noticed that you dropped the support of Camino. You wrote some arguments around that, but I still can understand it really. A few days ago I read, that an Update of Camino rolls out. It's still alive...

    It's sad to see how you made the rules for us.

    It's sad to see that you will not be longer more open to old customers.

    It's sad that you can't wrote any information about a clear deadline for the low price.

    Much thanks for the last years, but I didn't like your new way who you taken.

    Greetings from another german customer...
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    edited 2011 11
    We can't say when the deadline for purchasing at a discount is because we don't know. The decision has not been made yet. When the decision has been made, I promise we will post a tweet to our twitter account 24 hours before the discount is discontinued. [url="!/1password"]!/1password[/url]

    That's the best I can offer at the moment.

    The reason to go Lion only, for one, is that we are planning on taking advantage of some Lion only features such as sandboxing, iCloud, etc. It adds a lot of strain to development and customer support resources to support both a Snow Leopard version and a Lion version.
  • [quote name='Kampf Katze' timestamp='1315771219' post='47873']

    Around the translation I'm a bit confused now. I have running 3.8.5 on my Mac (with an real old school standard license) and it's in german. Or did you mean only the version in the MAS?[/quote]

    Em.. you are right. I didn't open the application in a long time, which is indeed translated. I'm usually using the Chrome extension only, which is in English. I guess that's what the 1-star rating in the German MAS is referring to.
This discussion has been closed.